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次は合成ガスの精製だ。合成ガスを水蒸気と混合し、水素濃度を上昇させる。水蒸気と混合すると、合成ガスは水素と二酸化炭素が半々のガスに変化する。最後にこのガスを、二酸化炭素を吸収する吸収剤で満たした商用のPSAシステム(Pressure Swing Adsorption:圧力スイング吸着)のタンクに入れて二酸化炭素を取り除けば、水素だけが抽出できる仕組みだ。











だが、この事業を興そうとしているのはもちろんキンドラーだけではない。同じくカリフォルニア州では、SGH2という企業が同様のガス化システムを用いて、廃棄物から超高純度のグリーンな水素を製造する施設を建設中だ。ほかにもフロリダ拠点のスタートアップであるスタンダード・ハイドロジェン(Standard Hydrogen)など、化学反応を使ってクリーンな水素をつくる手法を模索している企業もある。




























Posted by Morning lark
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アマゾンは新興EVメーカーに 10万台を発注  米国カリフォルニア州は6月末、「2045年に州内で走行するトラック、バンをすべてゼロ・エミッション(ZEV)、つまり電気自動車(EV)や水素(燃料電池車、FCV)など排気ガスを出さない車両に変更する」方針を打ち出した。 【この記事の画像を見る】  条例としては2024年から施行され、まずデリバリーバンや大型トラックなどの商用車が対象となる。現在でもカリフォルニア州大気資源局(CARB)はメーカーに対しライト・デューティ・セグメントと呼ばれる中型バンなどにEV、水素を使用するモデルを追加するよう求めている。それが徐々に強制となり、最終的には州内の道路が走行できなくなる。  企業側の努力はすでに始まっている。アマゾンは新興EVメーカー、リビアンに10万台のEVデリバリーバンを発注している。納車されれば世界最大級のEV流通ネットワークが構築される展開になる。テスラはセミという中型トラックのEVを発表しているが、この他にもニコラ・モーターズなどEVバン、ピックアップトラックに特化した企業が次々に生まれている。こうした企業と既存の自動車メーカーのEVバンが、競い合う図式になる。

 条例発表について、カリフォルニア州のニューサム知事は「カリフォルニアは化石燃料の追放という面で全米をリードする州となる。州内では有色人種の子どもたちが最も汚染された空気にさらされており、今回の決定は州内の子どもたちに明るい未来をもたらす」と語った。 ● 最終目標は2045年に州内で ガソリン、ディーゼル車の販売を禁止  米国はカリフォルニア州に限らず、住んでいる地域によって治安その他に大きな差がある。トラックが走るフリーウェイ沿いの騒音や大気汚染が激しい地域には貧しい人々が住むが、その割合は圧倒的に黒人やヒスパニックなどが多い。今回のニューサム知事の発言は、アメリカ中を揺るがせた人種差別への抗議デモにも触れたもので、毎日吸う空気からも差別をなくそう、という意味合いがある。  カリフォルニア州のEV化の展開は、2024年に中型トラック(車両総重量8500~1万4000ポンド、3855~6350kg)の販売台数の5%、大型トラック(車両総重量1万4001ポンド以上、6350kg以上)は9%、大型牽引車(車両総重量2万6001ポンド以上、1万1793kg)は5%をZEVにする。  そして2035年までに中型トラックは55%、大型トラックは75%、大型牽引車は40%をZEVにする。その他、デリバリー用のトラック、バンなどの75%もZEVにする。そして政府が使用する商用車、ラストマイルデリバリーと呼ばれる住宅地などを走るトラックは35年に100%がZEVにする。  最終目標は2045年に州内でガソリン、ディーゼル車の販売を禁止がすることだ。  トラクター・トレーラーなどのヘビー・デューティから規制を始めるのは、こうした大型トラックと中型トラックがクルマによる大気汚染全体の実に80%を占める、といわれるためだ。カリフォルニアにはロサンゼルス港というアジア貿易の中心地があり、そこからコンテナ車などで物資が州内、そして米国内全体に運ばれる。その大型トラックをEVや水素にすれば、かなり大気汚染が防げる。

ZEV化の推進に対し、業界団体からの反発は強い。長距離走行、バッテリーの重量などを考えると、大型トラックのEV化というのは技術的に難しい面がある。水素(FCV)に関してはトヨタが協力するプロトタイプがロサンゼルス港で試験的に導入されているが、水素ステーションの国内展開などを考えると急速に普及するとは思えない。 ● カリフォルニア州の方針が EV化に追い風に  EVやFCVは既存の内燃機関モデル比で割高になり、輸送会社のコスト負担が大きくなる点が問題だ。トラックの価格が上がれば、輸送費用に反映され、物価全体が高くなるかもしれない。一方で州がZEV化の条例を定めた効果として、インフラ整備やメーカーのEV開発の活発化と、価格競争にによる販売価格の低下が期待できる。  カリフォルニアが導入する大気汚染防止策は北東部の州にすぐに広がり、同様の条例が生まれて政府や自動車メーカーとの訴訟になる、というのがこれまでの流れだ。しかし今回は新型コロナウイルス、人種差別撤廃、という要素が絡み、反対しづらい状況が生まれているのも確かだ。カリフォルニア州の方針が、EV化に追い風になることは間違いない。  (報告/土方細秩子、まとめ/CAR and DRIVER編集部)



Posted by Morning lark
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Sugar Power

New Energy / 2020. 8. 10. 08:49

Preface. No, you object, sugar in the gas tank will destroy the engine. Not true. Snopes.com says that won’t happen because sugar doesn’t dissolve in automotive fuel or caramelize, and so it does not turn into the debilitating gunk this well-known revenge calls for. Also, the sugar can’t reach the engine because of protective filters, though it can clog the fuel filter or fuel injector, which would stop the car. The “breakthrough” below is for a sugar fuel cell, so no worries at all.

Alice Friedemann www.energyskeptic.com author of “When Trucks Stop Running: Energy and the Future of Transportation”, 2015, Springer, Barriers to Making Algal Biofuels, and “Crunch! Whole Grain Artisan Chips and Crackers”. Podcasts: Collapse Chronicles, Derrick Jensen, Practical Prepping, KunstlerCast 253, KunstlerCast278, Peak Prosperity , XX2 report


Riordan, T. June 21, 2004. A Sweet Way to Fuel Cars. For a group of researchers at Sandia National Labs, sugar in the gas tank isn’t such a bad idea. New York Times.

You may not be able to refuel your car with corn syrup or charge your computer by plugging it into a bottle of Coca-Cola anytime soon. But to Stanley H. Kravitz and a group of researchers at Sandia National Laboratories, sugar looks like the new oil.

Dr. Kravitz and his colleagues have begun to apply for patents covering ways to convert glucose, a basic form of sugar, into energy.

Glucose seems an obvious potential source for fuel. Unlike hydrogen, for example, it is renewable, cheap and abundant.

”The problem with hydrogen is that it isn’t just found in the air or lying around,” Dr. Kravitz said. ”You have to do something quite energy-intensive to break apart some molecule in order to get hydrogen.” So why aren’t other researchers trying to power their fuel cells with glucose rather than hydrogen? Glucose molecules, it turns out, are not easily persuaded to give up their energy.

Over time, naturally occurring enzymes have turned mammals into glucose-burning machines. The human body, for example, metabolizes glucose in a delicately choreographed dance. Twelve different enzymes partner in succession with the glucose molecule, each enzyme sending two electrons spinning offstage into cellular power sources and thereby fueling the body. (If the body does not need this energy when it is made, the body stores it as fat.)

One approach that Sandia researchers are taking is to genetically engineer enzymes that mimic those in the human body. ”If evolution figured it out, we should be able to figure it out,” Dr. Kravitz said.

Another approach is nonbiological, using metals like platinum to liberate electrons.

Early potential applications of glucose fuel cells would require only small amounts of energy. For example, security systems to detect movement or the presence of chemicals could use sensors that would be plugged into trees, siphoning glucose from sap for energy.

Sandia researchers are ”making electricity for electricity’s sake — as a power source.”

Dr. Kravitz and fellow Sandia researchers are developing an array of tiny glass needles, as slim and sharp as a mosquito’s proboscis, that could, for example, be imperceptibly ”plugged in” to a soldier’s arm and used to convert glucose from the human body into energy.

”Suppose you could make a patch that went on the arm and had little micro needles that didn’t hurt,” Dr. Kravitz said. ”Now the soldier just needs to eat an Oreo cookie to keep his radio going.”

So this research could solve both the world’s energy problem and the obesity epidemic simultaneously? ”That’s sort of a wild and crazy idea,” Dr. Kravitz said. ”But then again, maybe not.”

”The efficiency stinks right now,” Dr. Kravitz acknowledged, noting that so far Sandia researchers were able to produce power in the milliwatt range, enough to power a tiny light-emitting diode — while a car would require kilowatts of power.

”We’ve increased the efficiency by a factor of a thousand in a period of three years,” he said. ”But we need to go up by a factor of a million.”


Yet another researcher proposes to hydrogen from a water sugar mixture at 86 Degrees F with a mix of natural enzymes in just 5 to 10 years, which was said back in 2008, so like most promised breakthroughs, don’t hold your breath (Velasquez-Manoff 2008).


Velasquez-Manoff. 2008. Sugar-powered cars. Christian Science Monitor





Far out #3: Sugar power

Preface. No, you object, sugar in the gas tank will destroy the engine. Not true. Snopes.com says that won’t happen because sugar doesn’t dissolve in automotive fuel or caramelize, and so it does n…



Posted by Morning lark
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 住友商事は、2018年5月に「水素関連ビジネスワーキンググループ」を立ち上げ、水素関連ビジネスの可能性を追求している。住友商事グループは、H2Pro社への出資および今後の協業を通じ、さらなる水素社会の実現に向けた取り組みを加速させていく。また、今後も、IN VentureをはじめとするCVCによるスタートアップへの投資を通じ、住友商事グループのデジタルトランスフォーメーションを推進し、事業の強化および高度化、新規事業の創出を目指す。


注1 E-TAC:Electrochemical, Thermally Activated Chemicalの略
注2 隔離膜:酸素と水素が同時に発生する通常の水の電気分解において、 酸素と水素の混合を防ぐための仕切り





住友商事と欧州住友商事会社は、2019年6月にイスラエルに設立したコーポレート・ベンチャー・キャピタル(CVC)「IN Venture」を通じ、新たな水素製造技術を開発するH2Pro Ltdに出資した。




E-TAC (Electrochemical, Thermally Activated Chemical) is a revolutionary method for splitting water. Similar to electrolysis, E-TAC uses electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. However, unlike conventional electrolysis, hydrogen and oxygen are generated separately at different phases - an Electrochemical phase and a Thermally Activated Chemical phase.



Phase 1

In the Electrochemical Phase, electricity is consumed and hydrogen is generated. At the same time, the nickel-based anode, similar to the one found in Ni-MH batteries - is “charged”.


Phase 2

In the Thermally Activated phase, the anode is heated up - spontaneously “discharging” it, releasing oxygen.





The process is highly energy efficient.
E-TAC doesn’t require expensive rare-earth metals, and is relatively simple to manufacture, promising low capital costs. The solution’s architecture yields longer durability as well as an overall more robust system. As such, H2PRO’s solution is expected to become the most efficient and effective way to produce sustainable hydrogen at scale




Posted by Morning lark
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Industry attendees at a recent Riviera webinar on hybrid and electric propulsion uptake said they expect to see widespread adoption of hybrid electric power systems in shipping within the next five years


The poll result came from the ’Business Case for Hybrid and Electric Technology in Asia’ webinar, part of Riviera Maritime Media’s Maritime Hybrid, Electric and Fuel Cells Webinar Week. The webinar series was supported by Navtek Naval Technologies, maritime technology provider ABB Marine & Ports and class society ABS.

Panellists included ABB Marine & Ports research and development manager Ricky Chan, ABS senior principal engineer Lui Chih Wei, and Navtek Naval Technologies general manager Ferhat Acuner.

ABB Marine & Ports is at the forefront of developing this technology. In a statement of intent for the sector, Mr Chan said, “At ABB, we believe the next generation of vessels will be electric, digital and connected.”

He noted that the shortsea sector was particularly suited to using electric vessels powered via batteries, fuel cells or a combination of these technologies. The digital side of the technology uses sensors and cameras to update the digitalised information flow to the captain, crew and the operator ashore.


This near-term outlook of electric vessels includes a degree of automation. The connectivity will include the human element although the decision making will be supported by powerful computers running artificial intelligence and algorithms. “Humans will remain at the centre of the operations, to oversee and give commands when needed,” said Mr Chan.


A key point in the ABB Marine & Ports view of the near future is a dramatic reduction in emissions through using electric power via batteries storing electricity generated from renewable sources. Mr Chan noted, “A pure electric vessel is simpler compared to its diesel counterpart, it is more efficient, more flexible in terms of equipment layout and arrangements. For instance, electric ships do not need the lubrication and fuel tanks in the same magnitude as a diesel powered ship. Vessel designs will be more optimised towards the purpose they are serving.”


This was a point reflected in Mr Lui’s presentation. He illustrated the solutions available with two case studies: Seacor Maya and Harvey Energy. The retrofit installation of lithium batteries to the OSV Seacor Maya relied on ABS’ involvement. The conversion of Seacor Maya secured a nomination in the 2019 Hybrid Power & Propulsion Award. Dual-fuel engines and modular batteries are key features of Harvey Energy.

Mr Lui noted, “Using all-electric vessels for the shortsea sector is the ‘low-hanging fruit’. Firstly, it is technically feasible, secondly, being close to shore is close to its support network,” he said. The advantage of the switch to an all-electric vessel is immediately visible in a port in Asia from reduced pollution and better air quality.


Navtek Naval Technologies has developed a range of zero-emissions electric tugs, the Zeetug series. Mr Acuner said, “As far as I am aware, this is the most powerful all-electric tug boat with approximately 2,000 Kw of electric power with two electric motors on board.”

As a totally electric vessel, the Zeetug is estimated to save 210 tonnes of CO2 and 9 tonnes of NOx per year compared to the equivalent traditional tug boat, according to Navtek. The all-electric tug draws all its power from two 1,450-kW lithium-ion battery packs supplied by Corvus Energy. For safety, the tug has two redundant battery rooms, one fore and one aft, maintained at a constant temperature by a cooling system.

Navtek’s experience with all-electric tugs highlights one of the aspects touched on by Mr Chan: the all-electric vessel should be custom designed to optimise the operational benefit. “For this particular project, we (Navtek) studied five tugboats and their operations from five years of data to create an operational profile,” said Mr Acuner. The four key operational aspects were: How often does the tug operate? How long is each operational period? What is the typical distance sailed? What are the power requirements for each operational period?




Polls taken during the webinar clearly showed the high degree of interest among delegates in adopting hybrid or electric power. Some 65% of respondents said they agreed with the statement “the industry will see wide-spread adoption of hybrid electric power systems in the medium term (5 years from now).

But cost is the main issue. The main factor stopping embarking on hybrid-electric power systems was capital expenditure costs (75%) and doubts on the efficacy of the technology (18%) although crew training and safety concerns were also an issue.

The drivers behind a move to adopting hybrid electric systems were a reduction in emissions (32%) and operational cost savings (25%). There was also some interest (10%) in government incentives with the remaining delegate votes focused on the new technology aspect.

Key takeaways

Mr Chan: “One of my key takeaway points from the presentation is that to realise this vision of zero-emissions shipping is that we need to work together. We need to look at the ecosystem in a holistic manner. That means from a technology provider, infrastructure, regulation and class. This includes government bodies as well as people from the operational perspective.”

Mr Lui: “We know that certain operational efficiencies and technologies will get shipping past IMO 2030. To meet IMO 2050 will require alternative fuel and some kind of decarbonisation technology which does not exist yet. However, going forward hybrid and electric power will have a big part to play, regardless of the direction the industry might take.

Mr Acuner: “The near future is very strong on electric power systems. Many ships will be of a rechargeable electric nature sooner than many people expect. Vessel and port operators should give priority to considering rechargeable electric facilities, energy storage facilities and so on. Engineering companies will play a vital role in this process.”

You can view the webinar, in full, in our webinar library.

And you can sign up to attend our upcoming webinars on our events page.




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