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최근에 올라온 글

㈜자이언트드론(대표이사 이용우)은 올해 상반기 수소연료전지를 주동력원으로 하여 수직이착륙(VTOL : Vertical Take-Off and Landing) 기반의 고정익 드론을 비행하여 다음과 같은 성과를 입증했다고 밝혔다.

개발된 수직이착륙(VTOL) 드론 GD-HV1은 회전익과 고정익 방식의 장점을 결합한 것으로 기존 고정익 드론과는 다르게 회전익 프로펠러를 사용하여 좁은 공간에서도 수직 이착륙이 가능하며 수평비행시에는 고정익을 이용한 비행 방식이며 주동력을 수소연료전지로 하여 2시간 이상 비행이 가능한 것이 특징이다.

GD-HV1은 고정익 기체 특성을 활용하여 장시간 비행 및 높은 고도의 비행이 가능하며 넓은 지역을 촬영하고 빠른 속도로 비행하여 군사 목적의 감시정찰, 항공촬영 및 측량, 소방 업무 등에 활용되기에 적합하다.

㈜자이언트드론은 수직이착륙 기반 고정익 드론의 설계 및 제작 전 과정을 연구, 개발하여 이번 성능테스트를 진행하였으며, 최대 비행시간 2시간 21분, 최대 143.8KM의 비행거리 성능을 기록했다.

항공안전법 특별 비행 승인기준에서 비가시권거리 비행을 승인받기 위해서는 안전을 위해 원거리 장애물 탐지가 필수적으로 요구되는데 ㈜자이언트드론이 개발한 GD-HV1은 108M 전방 거리에서 장애물 탐지에 성공하여 비가시권 임무 수행에 적합한 기체 성능을 입증하였다.

㈜자이언트드론은 수직이착륙 고정익 드론 개발을 위하여 3D스캐닝 결과를 바탕으로 실제 비행환경 조건에서의 공력해석 진행 과정을 연구하고 이를 통한 공기 저항 감소 설계를 제품에서 실현했다고 발표했다.

연구 결과를 통해 기체 전방에 유선형 용기를 위치하고, 기체 후방에 스택을 배치하여 고정익 비행시 생성되는 기체 저항 유발 및 스택 부하 감소를 설계에 반영했다.

GD-HV1 개발을 완료한 ㈜자이언트드론은 기존 고정익 드론들이 1시간대에 머물던 체공 시간을 2시간대로 향상시킨 점과 원거리 임무 수행의 장점을 활용한 산불 감시 및 시설물 점검, 측량, 순찰 감시 등에 해당 제품을 활용할 수 있을 것으로 보인다고 밝혔다.

이를 바탕으로 하반기에는 국산 FC 기반의 신뢰성높은 비행제어시스템을 출시할 예정이며 국내뿐만 아니라 해외에도 수출 계획을 가진 것으로 알려졌다.

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An experimental drone has managed to stay in the air for an impressive 3.5 hours thanks to a hydrogen fuel cell developed by a team at the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) in the Netherlands. The verticle take-off and landing (VTOL) drone uses a total of 12 motors.

The drone project is a collaboration between the team from the Delft University of Technology, the Royal Netherlands Navy, and the Netherlands Coastguard.

The drone weighs 29 pounds and has a wingspan of 9.8 feet, with six motors on each side of the fuselage. Due to a large number of motors, up to seven motors can stop working without affecting the drone.

As a result of the 3.5-hour flight time, the drone is perfect for providing support in reconnaissance and inspection tasks, especially in a maritime environment. The drone can be sent to a suspicious vessel and broadcast live feedback to the main ship. This allows people to stay away from potential danger and allows for better situational awareness.

Henri Werij, Dean of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at TU Delft said:

“One of the most important aspects of this research project is the hydrogen-powered flight. Worldwide, hydrogen is seen as one of the most important contenders for achieving green and sustainable aviation fuel.”

While on the ground, the drone is angled up slightly, which is more efficient for the motors to lift the drone as they work more like a helicopter than a plane.

To keep itself in the air, it uses a 300-bar 6.8-liter carbon composite hydrogen cylinder fed by an 800-watt fuel cell that converts it to electricity for the motors. As a result of the reaction, the drone emits oxygen and water, making it great for the environment compared to gas-powered drones.

Commander Pieter Blank added:

“The current generation of young people grow up in this way of learning and experimenting, and for us, they are our personnel of the future. As an innovator in the Royal Netherlands Navy and Netherlands Coastguard, I am proud of this cooperation with TU Delft. The development of the maritime, hydrogen-powered drone is a true technical breakthrough which has huge future potential.”

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수소연료전지 시스템 전문 기업 에스퓨얼셀이 2kW급 연료전지와 액화수소용기를 채용한 수소 드론을 개발하는데 성공했다.
27일 에스퓨얼셀은 2kW급 수소 드론을 개발했다며 수소 모빌리티 진출에 대한 본격적인 행보를 시작하게 됐다고 의미를 부여했다.
기존 배터리를 채용한 드론은 30분 이내의 짧은 비행시간으로 인해 장거리 및 장시간 임무수행 등에 한계가 있어 활용도가 떨어졌다.
사업 현장에서는 드론에 대한 해당 성능향상과 함께 드론의 범용적 활용 촉진에 걸림돌이 되고 있는 짧은 비행거리를 늘려달라는 내용을 주요골자로 획기적인 기술 개발을 요구하는 의견이 많았다.
이러한 현장의 목소리를 수렴한 에스퓨얼셀은 올해 2월부터 희망기업들을 대상으로 수요조사를 실시해 관련 DB를 구축하고 그 결과를 심층분석, 최종적으로 설계에 반영함으로 드론 이용자의 편의성과 범용성이 제고된 수소 드론을 개발하게 됐다고 강조했다.
에스퓨얼셀이 이번에 개발한 액화 수소연료전지 드론은 비행시간을 비약적으로 늘림으로 현재 배터리 드론으로 불가능 했던 수색, 정찰, 물류 운송, 농업 방재 등의 사업분야에 폭 넓게 활용이 가능할 것으로 기대된다.
이번 수소 드론에 주목되는 점은 수소연료전지 파워팩 개발에도 이용자의 편의성 및 범용성을 높였다는 점이다.
이용자가 상황에 맞게 고압기체수소와 액화수소 연료를 모두 사용할 수 있는 제품개발로 편의성 및 범용성을 높였으며, 수소드론 비행에 사용된 드론과 모터 또한 세계에서 가장 많이 이용되는 제품을 사용하여 시험 비행을 했다.

에스퓨얼셀은 2018년에는 연료전지 업계에서 처음으로 코스닥 상장을 한 수소연료전지 전문기업으로 건물용 연료전지의 기술력을 바탕으로 수소 모빌리티 시장에도 연료전지 파워팩 시스템 개발을 통해 진출을 하고 있다.
이번 수소 드론 개발 성공을 시작으로 지게차, 선박 등의 연료전지 파워팩 개발도 추진하고 있다고 에스퓨얼셀은 설명했다.
향후 수소 연료전지를 기반으로 다양한 응용 분야를 창출하고, 글로벌 시장에서 매출을 확대해 나갈 계획이다.
에스퓨얼셀 관계자는 "현재 진행중인 유상증자를 통해 유입되는 자금을 통해 수소 연료전지 파워팩 시스템의 개발과 원천기술 확보, 상품화에 적극적으로 투자해 시장에 빠르게 진입할 예정"이라고 밝혔다.

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Lightweight, Rugged 1kW System Delivers Extended Endurance in Demanding Operating Conditions


LATHAM, N.Y., Aug. 19, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Plug Power Inc. (NASDAQ: PLUG), a leading provider of hydrogen engines and fueling solutions enabling e-mobility, today announced a new 1kW ProGen fuel cell system intended for small scale robotics, automatic guided vehicles (AGVs), unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and other aerospace applications. The new ProGen system represents an expansion of the technology and product line acquired through the Company’s June 2019 acquisition of EnergyOr, a Montreal-based fuel cell systems company with extensive experience in aerospace fuel cell system design and application. Plug Power’s new fuel cell system combines a patented light-weight and rugged construction method with its proprietary air-cooled, closed-cathode technology, delivering several key advantages over market competitors.

“Plug Power builds cutting-edge technology from ideation to operation,” said Andy Marsh, CEO for Plug Power. “ProGen hydrogen fuel cells allow devices with electric motors to run cleanly and efficiently. The 1kW ProGen lets Plug Power power everything from electric vehicles to small robotics and UAVs, and everything in between. Yet another solution to support the global supply chain.”

Plug Power’s lightweight and rugged new 1kW fuel cell system is specially designed to deliver extended flight endurance and run times under the most demanding operating conditions. With a compressed hydrogen fuel source, the system outperforms the average lithium battery in terms of endurance by a factor of three to four. With liquid hydrogen fueling systems, this endurance advantage is extended to a factor of up to nine times.

Plug Power’s new 1kW fuel cell system is a larger and more powerful version of the ProGen 450W. Its sophisticated air-cooled and closed-cathode technology eliminates significant complexity, removing the weight of the liquid cooling loop and heat exchangers used in traditional liquid-cooled systems. This simplicity of design allows for an elegant, remarkably lightweight overall system architecture. At the same time, the closed-cathode allows the stack’s cathode loop to be pressurized for high altitude and high ambient temperature operation with minimal system performance loss, while also reducing cathode contamination—three areas where typical open-cathode systems face significant limitations.

Plug Power is now launching this new fuel cell system, the ProGen 1kW, into the market. “I’ve always believed that technology and talent are the most valuable assets that a company can secure in any acquisition,” says Andy Marsh, CEO of Plug Power. “That’s true in general, but it’s especially true for those of us who work in high-tech industries. In less than a year, the EnergyOr team has become a vital and closely integrated part of the Plug Power family. As a result, Plug Power is now able to take its first steps into the world of aerospace and UAV applications with an incredibly powerful new fuel cell system. This product has incredible potential. In fact, I’d say the sky really is the limit.”

The new ProGen 1kW fuel cell system is protected by five U.S. patents, and is one of five sub-2kW products offered by the company. Others include: the ProGen 450W for robotics and UAVs, the 1.5kW GenDrive for material handling, and the backup power models GenSure E-1100 (1.1kW) and GenSure E-200 (200W).

About Plug Power
Plug Power is building the hydrogen economy as the leading provider of comprehensive hydrogen fuel cell (HFC) turnkey solutions. The company’s innovative technology powers electric motors with hydrogen fuel cells amid an ongoing paradigm shift in the power, energy, and transportation industries to address climate change and energy security, while providing efficiency gains and meeting sustainability goals.

Plug Power created the first commercially viable market for hydrogen fuel cell (HFC) technology. As a result, the company has deployed over 35,000 fuel cell systems for e-mobility, more than anyone else in the world, and has become the largest buyer of liquid hydrogen, having built and operated a hydrogen highway across North America. Plug Power delivers a significant value proposition to end-customers, including meaningful environmental benefits, efficiency gains, fast fueling, and lower operational costs.

Plug Power’s vertically-integrated GenKey solution ties together all critical elements to power, fuel, and provide service to customers such as Amazon, BMW, The Southern Company, Carrefour, and Walmart. The company is now leveraging its know-how, modular product architecture and foundational customers to rapidly expand into other key markets including zero-emission on-road vehicles, robotics, and data centers.

Safe Harbor Statement
This communication contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 that involve significant risks and uncertainties about Plug Power Inc.("PLUG"), including but not limited to statements about PLUG's expectations regarding growth in Europe, revenue, growth with GenKey customers and its project financing platform. You are cautioned that such statements should not be read as a guarantee of future performance or results, and will not necessarily be accurate indications of the times that, or by which, such performance or results will have been achieved. Such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual performance or results to differ materially from those expressed in these statements. In particular, the risks and uncertainties include, among other things, the risk that we continue to incur losses and might never achieve or maintain profitability; the risk that we will need to raise additional capital to fund our operations and such capital may not be available to us; the risk that our lack of extensive experience in manufacturing and marketing products may impact our ability to manufacture and market products on a profitable and large-scale commercial basis; the risk that unit orders will not ship, be installed and/or converted to revenue, in whole or in part; the risk that pending orders may not convert to purchase orders, in whole or in part; the risk that a loss of one or more of our major customers could result in a material adverse effect on our financial condition; the risk that a sale of a significant number of shares of stock could depress the market price of our common stock; the risk that negative publicity related to our business or stock could result in a negative impact on our stock value and profitability; the risk of potential losses related to any product liability claims or contract disputes; the risk of loss related to an inability to maintain an effective system of internal controls or key personnel; the risks related to use of flammable fuels in our products; the cost and timing of developing, marketing and selling our products and our ability to raise the necessary capital to fund such costs; the ability to achieve the forecasted gross margin on the sale of our products; the risk that our actual net cash used for operating expenses may exceed the projected net cash for operating expenses; the cost and availability of fuel and fueling infrastructures for our products; market acceptance of our products, including GenDrive, GenSure and GenKey systems; the volatility of our stock price; our ability to establish and maintain relationships with third parties with respect to product development, manufacturing, distribution and servicing and the supply of key product components; the cost and availability of components and parts for our products; our ability to develop commercially viable products; our ability to reduce product and manufacturing costs; our ability to successfully expand our product lines; our ability to successfully expand internationally; our ability to improve system reliability for our GenDrive, GenSure and GenKey systems; competitive factors, such as price competition and competition from other traditional and alternative energy companies; our ability to protect our intellectual property; the cost of complying with current and future federal, state and international governmental regulations; risks associated with potential future acquisitions; and other risks and uncertainties referenced in our public filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”). For additional disclosure regarding these and other risks faced by PLUG, see disclosures contained in PLUG's public filings with the SEC including, the "Risk Factors" section of PLUG's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2019. You should consider these factors in evaluating the forward-looking statements included in this presentation and not place undue reliance on such statements. The forward-looking statements are made as of the date hereof, and PLUG undertakes no obligation to update such statements as a result of new information.

Media Contact
Ian Martorana
The Bulleit Group
‪(415) 237-3681





Plug Power Develops 1kW ProGen Fuel Cell System for Robotics and Drone Applications

Lightweight, Rugged 1kW System Delivers Extended Endurance in Demanding Operating Conditions



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イスラエル拠点のUrban Aeronauticsは、二酸化炭素排出量ゼロの水素電力をeVTOL CityHawkに実装する契約をHyPointと締結した。

CityHawkは、一見自動車のようなeVTOLだ。Urban Aeronauticsが開発するCityHawkは、6人乗りコンセプトでFancraftローター技術をベースに飛行する。Fancraft技術は、これまでに300回以上の飛行を行った軍事用無人航空機Cormorantにも採用されているダクトファン推進システムだ。Cormorantは、Urban Aeronautics傘下のTactical Roboticsが開発した軍事用eVTOLだ。

CityHawkのローターレス、翼のない設計は、機体のコンパクトさを提供し、Urban Aeronauticsは「どこへでも飛んで、どこへでも着陸する」ドア・ツー・ドアの輸送能力を売りにしている。

現在の設計では、CityHawkは電気と内燃機関のハイブリッド動力を検討していたが、今回の新たな契約により、Urban AeronauticsとHyPointは、HyPointの水素燃料電池スタック技術を搭載した先進的なバージョンの開発を検討することになった。


Urban Aeronauticsのラフィ・ヨエリ最高経営責任者(CEO)はコメントしている。HyPointによると、ターボ空冷式燃料電池は、水素パワートレインの寿命を5,000時間から20,000時間に延ばし、燃料補給にかかる時間もわずか数分で済むという。

Urban Aeronauticsが開発している次世代の空飛ぶ乗り物や、水素発電への取り組みに非常に感銘を受けました。このエキサイティングなプロジェクトに協力できることを楽しみにしています。





Urban Aeronautics、CityHawk水素駆動化のためにHyPointと提携




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