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최근에 올라온 글

グリーン水素や燃料電池システムを手掛ける米Plug Power(プラグパワー)は、産業用の大規模水素プラントの建設と無公害フォークリフトへの電力供給を目的に、米エネルギー省から16億6000万ドル(約2590億円)の融資保証を獲得した。 プラグパワーによると、同社はこの資金で水素を製造・液化する施設を米国内に6つ建設することが可能になるという。その第一号は、テキサス州グラハムに建設予定のグリーン水素プラントで、この施設は、近隣の風力発電所から電力供給を受け、1日あたり45トンの水素燃料を製造する。この施設は18カ月以内に稼働予定という。 同社のアンディ・マーシュCEOによると、製造される水素は、最近発表された水素1キログラム当たり最大3ドルが付与されるクリーン水素製造税額控除の対象になるという。 「エネルギー省からの融資は、顧客に費用対効果の高い燃料を供給することに役立つ。我々は、エネルギー省からの融資に加えてプライベート・エクイティ・ファンドを新工場の建設プロジェクトに呼び込み、全米に水素を供給する計画だ」とマーシュは語った。 バイデン政権は、超党派インフラ投資法とインフレ削減法に基づいて温室効果ガスの排出を削減するため、国内製造業と結びついた様々なエネルギー技術の開発を優先課題としてきた。今回のエネルギー省による融資保証は、バイデン大統領の退任間近の慌ただしさの中で実施された。トランプ次期大統領は、クリーン水素について具体的なコメントを出しておらず、風力発電や太陽光発電、バッテリー、水素の国内生産拡大に対する強力な支援が今後も続くかどうかは不透明だ。 プラグパワーは、アマゾンウォルマートが倉庫で用いる無公害フォークリフト向けに水素を供給するほか、マイクロソフトと共同でデータセンター向けのプロジェクトを模索している。また、アンモニアや環境にやさしい航空燃料の製造を行う企業も、今後のグリーン水素の主要な顧客になる見通しだ。 マーシュは、トランプ政権が国産エネルギーを増やす戦略の一環として、水素の生産を支持すると考えている。また、プラグパワーの初期プロジェクトの多くは、ジョージア州やテネシー州、ルイジアナ州、テキサス州といった共和党支持の州で行われている。 「当社の生産活動のほとんどは、共和党の支持者が多い州で行われている。トランプ政権はエネルギーの安全保障について検討しており、水素は将来的にエネルギー安全保障に貢献できる。新政権はまた、米国の雇用や中国との競争についても考慮するはずだ」と、マーシュは語った。

「グリーン水素」の米プラグパワー、エネルギー省から2600億円調達(Forbes JAPAN) - Yahoo!ニュース


「グリーン水素」の米プラグパワー、エネルギー省から2600億円調達(Forbes JAPAN) - Yahoo!ニュー

グリーン水素や燃料電池システムを手掛ける米Plug Power(プラグパワー)は、産業用の大規模水素プラントの建設と無公害フォークリフトへの電力供給を目的に、米エネルギー省から16億6000万



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Plug Power has announced a purchase agreement with Allied Green Ammonia (AGA) for the supply of 3 GW of electrolyzer capacity to AGA's green hydrogen-to-ammonia plant, currently under development in Australia.


AGA will install a 4.5-GW solar plant to power the Plug electrolyzers with zero-emission clean electricity. The green hydrogen produced will be used to make green ammonia.


With the agreement now signed and sealed, Plug will develop a Basic Engineering and Design Package (BEDP), providing crucial technical details and engineering specifications to attract investors and finalize financing.


Upon a positive Final Investment Decision (FID) expected by Q2 2025, Plug will kick off the manufacturing and delivery of PEM electrolyzers starting in Q1 2027.


AGA’s ambitious mega project, one of the largest green ammonia production facilities in the world, is set to produce approximately 2,700 metric tons per day of green ammonia. This venture is driven by a growing demand from AGA’s customers in Asia and Europe for ammonia used in a range of sectors, including agriculture, energy storage, transport, and industrial applications.


“Ammonia producers are recognizing the substantial advantages of cost and carbon reduction through electrolysis-based hydrogen,” said Andy Marsh, CEO of Plug. “We’re thrilled to partner with Allied Green Ammonia, a leader in global green ammonia production. Together, we’re not only advancing green ammonia production but actively supporting the global transition to a net-zero emissions future.”


Alfred Benedict, Chairman and Managing Director of AGA, expressed his enthusiasm for the partnership: “Taking on a project of this magnitude, deploying 3 GW of electrolyzers, is no small feat. From the moment we decided to embark on this journey, we knew we were looking at a long-term commitment to our partners of 4 to 5 years. That’s why our relationship with Plug is so pivotal. Strong, enduring partnerships are the bedrock of successful projects like this. Having the right allies by our side, like Plug, makes all the difference in turning ambitious, green energy visions into reality.”


Source:  Hydrogentechworld

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Plug Power, a provider of hydrogen engines and fueling solutions, is expanding its support of Walmart’s eCommerce network. Plug Power currently supports more than 9,500 GenDrive fuel cell-powered vehicles used by 37 Walmart distribution centers across North America.

Plug Power has provided GenKey hydrogen and fuel cells since 2010 for Walmart’s material handling fleet. The company began expanding into Walmart’s eCommerce network, with the first deployments in August 2020, and additional expansion planned in 2021.

Flexibility, scalability, and fast fueling make Plug Power products positioned for growth and the peak demands of eCommerce applications. Operating at 99 percent uptime with constant power performance in Walmart’s material handling fleet, Plug Power enabled Walmart to fulfill increased demand from customers during the pandemic.

ProGen and GenDrive fuel cell solutions power a variety of vehicles including material handling trucks, tuggers, automated guided vehicles, airport ground support equipment, and Class 3-8 commercial fleet vehicles for middle and last-mile delivery applications.

“This application expansion signifies the next step as we support Walmart’s eCommerce business while helping them meet the operational goals important to both Walmart and consumers,” said Andy Marsh, Plug Power CEO.

“The challenges this year have increased demand on leading brands providing necessary goods and services to customers. At our distribution facilities across the country, our decision to be an early adopter of hydrogen fuel cells has helped us manage and meet the increased demand for food and basic supplies,” said Jeff Smith, Senior Director Walmart Supply Chain. “This is why we’re excited to expand these solutions into our eCommerce network in 2021.”

Creating the first commercially viable market for hydrogen fuel cell (HFC) technology, Plug Power deployed over 38,000 fuel cell systems for e-mobility and has become the largest buyer of liquid hydrogen. A significant value proposition to end-customers, this includes environmental benefits, efficiency gains, fast fueling, and lower operational costs.

Leveraging its know-how, modular product architecture, and foundational customers the company is expanding into other markets including zero-emission on-road vehicles, robotics, and data centers.

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Lightweight, Rugged 1kW System Delivers Extended Endurance in Demanding Operating Conditions


LATHAM, N.Y., Aug. 19, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Plug Power Inc. (NASDAQ: PLUG), a leading provider of hydrogen engines and fueling solutions enabling e-mobility, today announced a new 1kW ProGen fuel cell system intended for small scale robotics, automatic guided vehicles (AGVs), unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and other aerospace applications. The new ProGen system represents an expansion of the technology and product line acquired through the Company’s June 2019 acquisition of EnergyOr, a Montreal-based fuel cell systems company with extensive experience in aerospace fuel cell system design and application. Plug Power’s new fuel cell system combines a patented light-weight and rugged construction method with its proprietary air-cooled, closed-cathode technology, delivering several key advantages over market competitors.

“Plug Power builds cutting-edge technology from ideation to operation,” said Andy Marsh, CEO for Plug Power. “ProGen hydrogen fuel cells allow devices with electric motors to run cleanly and efficiently. The 1kW ProGen lets Plug Power power everything from electric vehicles to small robotics and UAVs, and everything in between. Yet another solution to support the global supply chain.”

Plug Power’s lightweight and rugged new 1kW fuel cell system is specially designed to deliver extended flight endurance and run times under the most demanding operating conditions. With a compressed hydrogen fuel source, the system outperforms the average lithium battery in terms of endurance by a factor of three to four. With liquid hydrogen fueling systems, this endurance advantage is extended to a factor of up to nine times.

Plug Power’s new 1kW fuel cell system is a larger and more powerful version of the ProGen 450W. Its sophisticated air-cooled and closed-cathode technology eliminates significant complexity, removing the weight of the liquid cooling loop and heat exchangers used in traditional liquid-cooled systems. This simplicity of design allows for an elegant, remarkably lightweight overall system architecture. At the same time, the closed-cathode allows the stack’s cathode loop to be pressurized for high altitude and high ambient temperature operation with minimal system performance loss, while also reducing cathode contamination—three areas where typical open-cathode systems face significant limitations.

Plug Power is now launching this new fuel cell system, the ProGen 1kW, into the market. “I’ve always believed that technology and talent are the most valuable assets that a company can secure in any acquisition,” says Andy Marsh, CEO of Plug Power. “That’s true in general, but it’s especially true for those of us who work in high-tech industries. In less than a year, the EnergyOr team has become a vital and closely integrated part of the Plug Power family. As a result, Plug Power is now able to take its first steps into the world of aerospace and UAV applications with an incredibly powerful new fuel cell system. This product has incredible potential. In fact, I’d say the sky really is the limit.”

The new ProGen 1kW fuel cell system is protected by five U.S. patents, and is one of five sub-2kW products offered by the company. Others include: the ProGen 450W for robotics and UAVs, the 1.5kW GenDrive for material handling, and the backup power models GenSure E-1100 (1.1kW) and GenSure E-200 (200W).

About Plug Power
Plug Power is building the hydrogen economy as the leading provider of comprehensive hydrogen fuel cell (HFC) turnkey solutions. The company’s innovative technology powers electric motors with hydrogen fuel cells amid an ongoing paradigm shift in the power, energy, and transportation industries to address climate change and energy security, while providing efficiency gains and meeting sustainability goals.

Plug Power created the first commercially viable market for hydrogen fuel cell (HFC) technology. As a result, the company has deployed over 35,000 fuel cell systems for e-mobility, more than anyone else in the world, and has become the largest buyer of liquid hydrogen, having built and operated a hydrogen highway across North America. Plug Power delivers a significant value proposition to end-customers, including meaningful environmental benefits, efficiency gains, fast fueling, and lower operational costs.

Plug Power’s vertically-integrated GenKey solution ties together all critical elements to power, fuel, and provide service to customers such as Amazon, BMW, The Southern Company, Carrefour, and Walmart. The company is now leveraging its know-how, modular product architecture and foundational customers to rapidly expand into other key markets including zero-emission on-road vehicles, robotics, and data centers.

Safe Harbor Statement
This communication contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 that involve significant risks and uncertainties about Plug Power Inc.("PLUG"), including but not limited to statements about PLUG's expectations regarding growth in Europe, revenue, growth with GenKey customers and its project financing platform. You are cautioned that such statements should not be read as a guarantee of future performance or results, and will not necessarily be accurate indications of the times that, or by which, such performance or results will have been achieved. Such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual performance or results to differ materially from those expressed in these statements. In particular, the risks and uncertainties include, among other things, the risk that we continue to incur losses and might never achieve or maintain profitability; the risk that we will need to raise additional capital to fund our operations and such capital may not be available to us; the risk that our lack of extensive experience in manufacturing and marketing products may impact our ability to manufacture and market products on a profitable and large-scale commercial basis; the risk that unit orders will not ship, be installed and/or converted to revenue, in whole or in part; the risk that pending orders may not convert to purchase orders, in whole or in part; the risk that a loss of one or more of our major customers could result in a material adverse effect on our financial condition; the risk that a sale of a significant number of shares of stock could depress the market price of our common stock; the risk that negative publicity related to our business or stock could result in a negative impact on our stock value and profitability; the risk of potential losses related to any product liability claims or contract disputes; the risk of loss related to an inability to maintain an effective system of internal controls or key personnel; the risks related to use of flammable fuels in our products; the cost and timing of developing, marketing and selling our products and our ability to raise the necessary capital to fund such costs; the ability to achieve the forecasted gross margin on the sale of our products; the risk that our actual net cash used for operating expenses may exceed the projected net cash for operating expenses; the cost and availability of fuel and fueling infrastructures for our products; market acceptance of our products, including GenDrive, GenSure and GenKey systems; the volatility of our stock price; our ability to establish and maintain relationships with third parties with respect to product development, manufacturing, distribution and servicing and the supply of key product components; the cost and availability of components and parts for our products; our ability to develop commercially viable products; our ability to reduce product and manufacturing costs; our ability to successfully expand our product lines; our ability to successfully expand internationally; our ability to improve system reliability for our GenDrive, GenSure and GenKey systems; competitive factors, such as price competition and competition from other traditional and alternative energy companies; our ability to protect our intellectual property; the cost of complying with current and future federal, state and international governmental regulations; risks associated with potential future acquisitions; and other risks and uncertainties referenced in our public filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”). For additional disclosure regarding these and other risks faced by PLUG, see disclosures contained in PLUG's public filings with the SEC including, the "Risk Factors" section of PLUG's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2019. You should consider these factors in evaluating the forward-looking statements included in this presentation and not place undue reliance on such statements. The forward-looking statements are made as of the date hereof, and PLUG undertakes no obligation to update such statements as a result of new information.

Media Contact
Ian Martorana
The Bulleit Group
‪(415) 237-3681





Plug Power Develops 1kW ProGen Fuel Cell System for Robotics and Drone Applications

Lightweight, Rugged 1kW System Delivers Extended Endurance in Demanding Operating Conditions



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COLONIE — Hydrogen fuel cell maker Plug Power says it is in "discussions with multiple locations" to build a new fuel cell and electrolyzer factory that would open next year.

The so-called gigafactory would be much larger than its existing local assembly facilities in Latham and Clifton Park. Plug Power's fuel cells are mainly used in forklift trucks operated in warehouses by companies like Walmart and Amazon.



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