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A group of Chinese companies just completed the first test flight of a 2646 lbs (~1118 kg) VTOL drone powered by liquid hydrogen. They ran the test on January 9 in Baoji City’s Fengxiang High-tech Industrial Development Zone, and it’s a major leap forward in greener aviation technology.


They call this aircraft the DF600 “Jinghong.” It was put together by Shaanxi Tongchen Heguang Cryogenic Technology, Dream Chaser Aerospace Technology, and Beijing Jiaqing New Energy Technology. The drone’s stats are pretty impressive—it weighs around 2646 lbs at takeoff and can lug a payload of 265 to 353 lbs.

Thanks to its liquid hydrogen propulsion system, the drone promises significantly better performance than those running on regular aviation fuel or batteries. It’s expected to fly over 621 miles on a single trip, making it a promising option for long-range commercial uses.

Each partner played a specific role. Dream Chaser Aerospace, started by a team from Tsinghua University, developed the hybrid tilt-rotor platform for the UAV. Tongchen Cryogenics, founded in July 2023 with Xi’an Jiaotong University, handled liquid hydrogen storage and supply. Beijing Jiaqing, working alongside Tsinghua, provided the high-power air-cooled fuel cell system.

After the success of this test flight, officials in Shaanxi plan to broaden liquid hydrogen’s reach across different transportation sectors and build up a full-scale industry for hydrogen production, refueling, storage, transport, and real-world applications.

Chinese companies successfully test 621-mile-range liquid hydrogen VTOL drone - NotebookCheck.net News


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Caterpillar, in collaboration with Microsoft and Ballard Power Systems, has been recognized for its work in datacenter hydrogen fuel cell technology, winning the ‘Systems Development and Integration’ award at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DoE) 2024 Hydrogen Program Merit Review Awards.

The Ballard Power Systems-supported project has successfully demonstrated its megawatt-scale fuel cell platform at Microsoft’s Cheyenne, Wyoming, datacenter. The 1.5MW fuel cell and battery microgrid solution successfully demonstrated increased resiliency and lower carbon intensity, providing applicability beyond standby, over a simulated 48-hour outage.

The industry acknowledgement arrives as the datacenter sector faces mounting pressure to address its soaring energy needs with sustainable solutions. Hydrogen fuel cells can help meet reliability and environmental goals, especially as backup power.

Experts from Caterpillar’s Electric Power team led the project, providing system integration, power electronics, and microgrid controls, with support from Ballard – who delivered the 1.5MW fuel cell platform.


The DoE's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Linde, and McKinstry partnered in this project to demonstrate a first-of-a-kind megawatt-scale stationary fuel cell to generate zero-emission electric power while meeting the stand-by requirements of a modern datacenter.

Supported and partially funded by the DoE under the H2@Scale initiative, this three-year project demonstrates Ballard’s fuel cell system powered by liquid hydrogen. The goal is to prove that the fuel cell and battery microgrid solution is a safe and capable option for powering datacenters, with applicability beyond stand-by.

Project phases: from concept development to demonstration

The project’s kick-off phase established the requirements for safe and successful datacenter operations. The team also evaluated the existing regulations and fuel cell market opportunities.

The next phase focused on understanding the necessary components, control strategies and cybersecurity assessment. Simulations and testing cycles provided performance data, which the team used to define the fuel cell size, including balance of plant, hydrogen storage capacity, and related equipment.


The building and testing phase began with defining the bill of materials and initiating the parts procurement process. Various benches and testing procedures were established to evaluate the developed control procedures and sub-systems.

Test cycles ranged from basic software communication checks to demonstrating a 48-hour datacenter backup operation cycle, as well as quality performance, and durability and reliability tests over a 150-hour timeframe.

The final six months of the demonstration project involved system installation, plant commissioning and debugging. This was followed by a two-month demonstration during which real-life data was collected. Despite the apparent short run-time, the demonstration is equivalent to up to 15 years of performance for a diesel genset at a datacenter.

"The demonstration project is a significant milestone in providing large datacenters with reliable and sustainable back-up power with hydrogen technology. As critical infrastructure operations shift from on-premises physical servers to multi-cloud environments, it is more important than ever to ensure datacenters are securely supported and connected across multiple platforms to deliver uninterruptible power supply."


Neal Fink Program Manager, Ballard

The project underscores the rising demand for sustainable solutions for data centers. The partnership's demonstration provides valuable insights into fuel cell system capacity and capability to support multi-megawatt datacenters, ensuring uninterrupted power supply to meet 99.99% uptime requirements - leveraging the most innovative digital infrastructure effectively, efficiently, and at scale.

Data Center Partnership Earns Top DOE Award


Data Center Partnership Earns Top DOE Award - Fuelcellsworks

Caterpillar, Microsoft, and Ballard Power Systems' hydrogen fuel cell technology has been recognized for its success in increasing datacenter resiliency and lowering carbon intensity, making it a viable solution for backup power and beyond.



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ローソン「燃料電池トラック」でCO2排出量削減…水素燃料、福岡市の配送センターに導入へ (読売新聞オンライン) - Yahoo!ニュース


ローソン「燃料電池トラック」でCO2排出量削減…水素燃料、福岡市の配送センターに導入へ (読

ローソンが福岡市の配送センターに導入する小型FCトラック=同社提供 - Yahoo!ニュース(読売新聞オンライン)



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  • Proton Motor Power Systems plc, known for its zero-carbon fuel cells and hybrid systems, is making significant changes to its operational structure to drastically cut costs.
  • The company is considering delisting from the Alternative Investment Market (AIM) as part of its strategic financial overhaul.

Proton Motor Power Systems plc (AIM: PPS), a prominent player in the design, development, and production of fuel cells and hybrid systems with zero-carbon emissions, has released an update regarding its financial and operational strategy. Following a previous announcement on November 20, 2024, the company’s board is now evaluating the feasibility of continuing operations under a significantly reduced cost structure. This restructuring would involve settling with outstanding creditors, except for those under its existing debt facilities, and reducing ongoing contractual commitments.

Given these changes, the board is also moving forward with plans to remove the company’s shares from trading on AIM. They have concluded that maintaining the listing would not be feasible under the proposed reduced cost operations. Details of this delisting will be discussed in a forthcoming circular expected early in the next year.

Despite these challenging adjustments, Proton Motor Power maintains that it has adequate cash reserves to operate solvently in the near term. This stability is supported by the funds from its debt facilities, operational income, and an anticipated R&D tax credit, expected early in 2025. The company promises to keep its stakeholders informed as it navigates through these transitions, ensuring transparency and diligence in its efforts to sustain its innovative work within the fuel cell technology sector.


Proton Motor Power Systems Announces Cost Reduction


Proton Motor Power Systems Announces Cost Reduction - Fuelcellsworks

Proton Motor Power Systems plc to delist from AIM as part of its strategic financial overhaul to significantly cut costs and maintain solvency.



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자료출처 조선일보

일 자 2024.12.23

23일 오전 충북 충주시 목행동 수소충전소에서 충전 중이던 시내버스가 폭발했다. 경찰과 소방당국이 사고원인을 조사하는 모습 /충북소방본부

수소 충전을 마치고 출발하던 버스가 폭발하는 사고가 발생했다.

이충주시와 충북소방본부 등에 따르면 23일 오전 11시 11분쯤 충북 충주시 목행동 수소충전소에서 시내버스가 폭발했다. 다행히 가스통이 폭발하지 않아 큰 사고로 이어지지는 않았다.

이 사고로 버스 인근에 있던 충전기 점검업체 직원 A(34)씨가 눈 부위에 파편을 맞아 중상을 입었고, 운전기사 B(59)씨 등 2명이 다쳤다.

당시 폭발은 수소 충전을 마치고 시동을 건 후 10초만에 버스 뒤쪽에서 발생한 것으로 알려졌다.

관계당국은 버스 뒤쪽 아래부분에 설치된 수소연료전지 ‘스택’에서 폭발이 발생한 것으로 추정하고 있다. 스택은 수소연료를 전기에너지로 변환해 차량을 구동시키는 핵심부품이다.

버스 회사 관계자는 “지난 토요일 버스 계기판에 발전기 오류 점검등이 들어와 오늘 음성에 있는 정비공장에 입고 예정이었다”며 “가기 전에 충전소에 들러 연료를 보충하고 출발하려다 폭발한 것으로 보인다”고 설명했다.

사고 버스는 지난 2022년 8월 국내 업체가 생산한 수소버스이다. 충주시가 대당 6억원에 18대를 매입해 지역 시내버스 업체에 공급했다. 시는 사고 원인이 규명 될 때까지 모든 수소 시내버스 운행을 중지하기로 했다.

산업자원부와 가스안전공사, 교통안전공단, 버스 제조사 등 관계 기관은 정확한 사고 원인을 조사하고 있다.

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