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The Dutch company is hoping the renewable energy will cut carbon emissions as a part of global goals.

Green Machines has announced the launch of a new hydrogen fuel cell sweeper, which was unveiled on November 11.

The company is using the new street sweeper design to help cut down on carbon emissions.

The Dutch sweeper manufacturer views hydrogen as a vital renewable energy source. It will play a central role in reducing carbon emissions to help countries and municipalities around the world to reach their ambitious goals. The newest fuel cell sweeper is a part of the company’s 500 series. The GM 500H2 was developed based on the design of its predecessor, the GM 500ze, which was a fully electric model. That said, this version also includes a spectrum of new potential.


This new model uses hydrogen and oxygen to generate the electricity needed to power the vehicle. The unique component of the GM 500H2 is the H2-POD system. According to Green Machines, that system makes it possible to overcome the challenge of having to invest in an infrastructure for hydrogen refuelling. Building that type of infrastructure can be a complex and costly process. By overcoming that challenge, the technology becomes more affordable.

The H2-POD system makes it possible for the fuel cell sweeper to be refuelled more conveniently.

The H2-POD is a flexible cartridge system. By using it, the machine can be refilled by the user whenever and wherever it is most convenient. Users that already have an existing hydrogen infrastructure can choose the 500H2 that has an installed fixed tank for their machinery. This makes it possible for the vehicle to be refuelled in a matter of minutes.

That said, the company also pointed to additional advantages of the GM 500H2 in that it is swappable, meaning that other models can also swap into using hydrogen fuel. For instance, current owners of the electric GM 500ze, that is powered by Li-Ion batteries, won’t need to purchase an entirely new machine to benefit from the latest H2 powered technology.

Instead, those users can request to convert their Li-Ion Light Pack or Li-Ion Plus Pack in their 

GM 500ze into the hydrogen fuel cell sweeper technology with either of the two available H2 system options.


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General Motors  (GM) - Get Report is recalling nearly 70,000 Chevy Bolt electric vehicles made between 2017 and 2019 over potential fire risks.

Five fires have been reported from among the 68,667 vehicles that have been on the road in the past 3 1/2 years. 

GM said that it recommends that drivers not park their vehicles in a garage at full state of charge and that 2017-2018 Bolt owners set "Hilltop" state of charge to be safe. 

Bolt model year 2019 owners should manually set to 90% when charging. Some 2019 Bolts were made from LG Cells manufactured in Holland, Mich., and those vehicles are not affected by this recall. 

The company said that it is introducing a temporary fix by locking the 10% capacity in battery packs. 


GM's announcement comes about a month after Hyundai recalled 77,000 Kona electric vehicles over the risk of battery fires.

About a dozen Kona EV fires were reported over the past 18 months, leading to Hyundai's decision to recall the vehicles. 

In a call with the media, GM reportedly appeared to attribute the fires to issues at its battery cell partner, LG Chem, according to Electrek. 

Hyundai also blamed LG Chem for its own battery issues, with its investigation finding that “the separator in the battery cell was damaged due to errors in the manufacturing process, Electrek reported.

GM shares at last check were 5% higher at $41.29.

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독일 BMW의 올리브 집세(Oliver Zipse) 최고경영자(CEO)는 12일(현지시각) 일본 도요타와 수소연료전지차와 스포츠카에 초점을 맞춘 협력관계를 2025년이후에도 지속할 것을 기대한다고 밝혔다.

집세 CEO는 독일 베를린에서 열린 오토모빌워슈 콩그레스(Automobilwoche congress)에서 “앞으로 수십년간 도요타와의 협력관계를 강화하기 위해 잘 해 나갈 것”이라고 말했다.

그는 “현재 수소연료전지차와 스포츠카의 공동개발에 관한 협력협정을 포함한 양사간 동맹체제는 2025년이후도 지속될 것“이라고 강조했다.

집세 CEO는 수소를 동력으로 하는 연료전지차는 수소의 생산을 상용화하기 위해 정책입안자에 의한 협조적인 추진의 혜택을 받을 가능성이 있다고 설명했다.

그는 또한 이와는 별도로 BMW가 자동차모델의 포트폴리오를 슬림화함에 따라 비용을 절약하는 방법을 모색할 것이라고 지적했다.

그는 제품 생산을 재검토하고 있는 분야중 하나를 언급하면서 “쿠페, 컨버터블, 로드스타 중 어느 것이 남겨질지 보게될 것”이라고 말했다.

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환경부, 18일 정유·가스 6개사와 업무협약

SK에너지·GS칼텍스·현대오일뱅크 등 참여

"충전 불편 해소…충전시간 효율활용 가능"


환경부와 한국환경공단은 오는 18일 서울 중구 롯데호텔에서 정유·가스 공급 6개사와 '미래차 충전시설 확대를 위한 업무협약'을 맺는다고 13일 밝혔다.

이번 업무협약은 한국판 그린뉴딜 대표 과제인 '미래차 보급 목표'를 달성하기 위해 마련됐다.

앞서 정부는 지난달 30일 '미래자동차 확산 및 시장선점전략'을 발표했다. 2025년까지 완속충전기 50만기, 급속충전기 1만5000기, 수소충전소 누적 450기를 구축해 전기·수소차도 휴대전화처럼 상시 충전할 수 있는 환경을 조성하겠다는 계획이다.

협약에는 SK에너지, GS칼텍스, 현대오일뱅크, S-오일, SK가스, E1 등이 참여해 사업 추진계획을 설명할 예정이다. 한국환경공단은 환경부의 충전사업 재정지원 및 구축방안을 소개한다.

구체적으로 SK에너지는 전기차 급속충전기 설치와 충전, 세차, 정비 등 차량 관리를 한 번에 할 수 있는 사업체계를 구축한다 .GS칼텍스는 서울 도심 내 주유소에 전기차 급속충전기를 매년 40기 이상 구축하고, 전기차 이용 환경개선 사업을 개발한다.

현대오일뱅크는 2023년까지 직영주유소, 물류센터 등에 100㎾ 이상급 전기차 급속충전기를 200기 이상 구축하기로 했다. S-오일은 직영주유소를 대상으로 충전기 설치가 가능한 곳을 선정해 매년 30기 이상 충전기를 구축한다.

SK가스와 E1은 수소충전소를 구축할 수 있는 수도권 내 액화석유가스(LPG) 충전소 부지를 적극적으로 발굴한다.


환경당국은 접근성이 좋은 도심 주요소에 전기·수소차 충전시설이 구축될 경우 충전 불편을 해소할 수 있을 것으로 기대하고 있다. 또 세차, 정비 서비스도 함께 이용할 수 있어 충전 대기시간을 효율적으로 활용할 수 있을 것으로 내다봤다.

조명래 환경부 장관은 "그린뉴딜 미래차 보급의 성공적인 목표 달성은 충전시설의 속도감 있는 구축이 가장 중요하다"고 말했다.

조 장관은 이어 "이번 협약을 계기로 다양한 사업자가 충전기반시설 구축에 참여할 수 있는 좋은 계기가 돼 보다 속도감 있는 충전시설 구축이 가능하다"며 "특히 수도권 내 수소충전소 구축이 신속하게 진행될 것"이라고 덧붙였다.


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COLUMBUS, Ind.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Cummins Inc. (NYSE: CMI) today announced it will open a new facility in Herten, Germany, which will initially focus on the assembly of fuel cell systems for global transportation leader Alstom’s hydrogen trains.


As a global power leader, Cummins has a strong presence in Europe. Employing more than 6,700 people across Europe, Cummins’ European footprint includes seven manufacturing sites, 20 distribution sites and more than 300 dealers. The company already has alternative power facilities located in the United Kingdom, Belgium and Germany, and the location in Herten will enable Cummins, through its Hydrogenics Business, to produce a high volume of fuel cell systems for customers, further strengthening its commitment to hydrogen technologies in Europe.

“The choice to open this new fuel cell systems site in Germany is a testament to Cummins’ commitment to accelerate our hydrogen capabilities. This facility will better position us to provide critical support to customers in Europe and strategically strengthen our position to be a leader in shaping tomorrow’s hydrogen economy,” said Amy Davis, President of New Power at Cummins. Cummins also owns a facility in Oevel, Belgium, responsible for the assembly and integration of both PEM and alkaline electrolyzers.

With capacity of 10 megawatts per year, the Herten facility will manufacture one megawatt of fuel cell systems a month for Alstom’s hydrogen-powered trains, called the Coradia iLint, as well as provide aftermarket support. Each fuel cell system will include six power modules (fuel cell stacks), a cooling system, piping, air blowers and air filters. Power modules take air from outside and hydrogen from the hydrogen storage tank to produce power.

The new facility will include space for both manufacturing and research and development, with plans to expand in the future to support fuel cell stack refurbishment. Four testing stations will supplement existing global fuel cell and hydrogen production research and development capabilities.

Located on the site of an old mine, the facility is part of a state-of-the-art hydrogen park. The City of Herten, the site’s landlord is thrilled to see the park come to life.

“To have a global player like Cummins join our park is fantastic,” said Matthias Mueller, Mayor of Herten. “We are focused on innovation and the clean future of transport and are glad that Cummins also will be working to achieve this goal.”

In September 2019, Cummins acquired the Hydrogenics Corporation, which provided Cummins with both PEM, alkaline fuel cells, and electrolyzers used to generate hydrogen. Today, Cummins fuel cell and hydrogen technologies power a variety of applications and installations across Europe, including delivery trucks, refuse trucks, trains and one of Europe’s most advanced hydrogen production facilities.

Anticipated to open in July 2021, the facility will create new jobs in Herten in the clean technology sector. These new roles will join Cummins team of engineers located across four continents dedicated to innovating the company’s alternative power technology.


About Cummins Inc.
Cummins Inc., a global power leader, is a corporation of complementary business segments that design, manufacture, distribute and service a broad portfolio of power solutions. The company’s products range from diesel, natural gas, electric and hybrid powertrains and powertrain-related components including filtration, aftertreatment, turbochargers, fuel systems, controls systems, air handling systems, automated transmissions, electric power generation systems, batteries, electrified power systems, hydrogen generation and fuel cell products. Headquartered in Columbus, Indiana (U.S.), since its founding in 1919, Cummins employs approximately 61,600 people committed to powering a more prosperous world through three global corporate responsibility priorities critical to healthy communities: education, environment and equality of opportunity. Cummins serves its customers online, through a network of company-owned and independent distributor locations, and through thousands of dealer locations worldwide and earned about $2.3 billion on sales of $23.6 billion in 2019. See how Cummins is powering a world that’s always on by accessing news releases and more information at https://www.cummins.com/always-on

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