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독일 BMW의 올리브 집세(Oliver Zipse) 최고경영자(CEO)는 12일(현지시각) 일본 도요타와 수소연료전지차와 스포츠카에 초점을 맞춘 협력관계를 2025년이후에도 지속할 것을 기대한다고 밝혔다.

집세 CEO는 독일 베를린에서 열린 오토모빌워슈 콩그레스(Automobilwoche congress)에서 “앞으로 수십년간 도요타와의 협력관계를 강화하기 위해 잘 해 나갈 것”이라고 말했다.

그는 “현재 수소연료전지차와 스포츠카의 공동개발에 관한 협력협정을 포함한 양사간 동맹체제는 2025년이후도 지속될 것“이라고 강조했다.

집세 CEO는 수소를 동력으로 하는 연료전지차는 수소의 생산을 상용화하기 위해 정책입안자에 의한 협조적인 추진의 혜택을 받을 가능성이 있다고 설명했다.

그는 또한 이와는 별도로 BMW가 자동차모델의 포트폴리오를 슬림화함에 따라 비용을 절약하는 방법을 모색할 것이라고 지적했다.

그는 제품 생산을 재검토하고 있는 분야중 하나를 언급하면서 “쿠페, 컨버터블, 로드스타 중 어느 것이 남겨질지 보게될 것”이라고 말했다.

Posted by Morning lark
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Carmaker BMW says hydrogen-based fuel cell technology will remain an important option for low-carbon propulsion systems of passenger cars, challenging the position of its national competitors and the German government regarding the best way to achieve a transition away from fossil fuels in the automotive sector. "Depending on how the surrounding conditions pan out, hydrogen fuel cell technology has the potential to remain a pillar in the BMW group's portfolio," CEO Oliver Zipse said during a visit by economy minister Peter Altmaier to the carmaker's research headquarters in Munich. Zipse welcomed the fact that the government "has acknowledged the importance of green hydrogen for the energy system of the future" and called for expanding the country's hydrogen fuelling station network to provide for the needs of utility and passenger vehicles alike. During his visit to Munich, Altmaier said the government would provide the right regulatory framework for hydrogen technologies and support companies seeking to develop and employ these. "But making this economically viable is up to the companies themselves," he argued, adding that he was "very glad" that many companies "like BMW have the vision, the courage and the innovative strength" to make hydrogen technology a success.

BMW's approach to introduce fuel cells as a mass product for the passenger car market is at odds with that of Germany's largest carmaker Volkswagen, which has focused on battery-powered vehicles in its bid to make cars more climate friendly. While hydrogen is seen as an important fuel option for heavy duty vehicles and long-haulers, such as lorries or buses, there are doubts over its usefulness for lighter passenger cars due to its low degree of efficiency, as lots of energy is lost in conversion processes when turning electricity from renewable sources into the synthetic fuel with electrolysers.




BMW says hydrogen fuel cells remain important technology option for passenger cars

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Posted by Morning lark
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