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볼보, 다임러 수소차 개발 자회사 지분 50% 인수

3년내 시제품 시험주행…이르면 5년내 양산

'수소차 선도' 현대차-토요타와 3파전 가능성

▲ 다임러트럭그룹과 볼보그룹의 합작회사 설립 안내 이미지. (사진=다임러트럭그룹)


[더구루=김도담 기자] 스웨덴 볼보그룹과 독일 다임러트럭그룹(메르세데스-벤츠)이 수소트럭 개발을 위한 합작회사를 공동 운영키로 했다. 유럽발로 강력한 수소트럭 공동 전선이 만들어지는 것이다. 수소차 개발을 선도 중인 현대차로선 일본 토요타에 이은 강력한 도전자가 될 전망이다.


3일 업계와 외신에 따르면 볼보와 다임러트럭은 2일(현지시간) 볼보그룹이 6억 유로(약 8000억원) 가량을 투입해 다임러트럭 퓨얼셀(Daimler Truck Fuel Cell GmbH & Co.)의 지분 50%를 인수한다고 발표했다.


볼보와 다임러의 합작회사 출범은 이들이 함께 본격적으로 수소트럭 개발키로 했다는 의미로 풀이된다. 볼보와 다임러는 최근 첫 수소트럭 콘셉트 모델인 'GenH2'를 공동 발표하는 등 수소트럭을 함께 개발해 왔으나 어디까지나 전략적 협력 관계였다. 그러나 이번 합작회사 출범으로 공동 전선을 공고히 하는 동시에 수소트럭 개발에 대규모 자금을 투입할 수 있게 됐다.


볼보와 다임러는 유럽연합(EU) 독과점 규제 당국의 승인을 거쳐 내년 상반기 중 합작회사를 정식 출범할 계획이다. 또 3년 내 수소트럭 시제품 시범주행을 시작하고 2020년대 후반기(2025~2029년) 중 양산 체제에 들어간다는 계획이다. 볼보-다임러 연합은 특히 대형 트럭의 장거리 주행을 위해 300킬로와트(㎾)급 연료전지 시스템을 개발한다는 계획이다. 계획대로라면 190㎾급 연료전지 시스템을 탑재한 세계 최초 양산형 수소트럭 현대차 '엑시언트 퓨얼 셀'의 성능을 훌쩍 뛰어넘는 수소트럭이 이르면 3년 내 탄생한다는 것이다.


볼보와 다임러 양사는 이번 합작법인을 통해 트럭 탑재용 수소연료전지 시스템을 공동 개발하되 이를 탑재할 차량은 별도 개발키로 했다. 협력할 부분에선 협력하되 경쟁은 경쟁대로 하겠다는 것이다.


EU 회원국은 앞선 파리기후협정에서 2050년까지 탄소중립을 실현키로 합의하고 강력한 이산화탄소 배출 규제를 실시하고 있다. 이에 유럽 자동차 회사는 생존을 위해서라도 전기차, 수소차 같은 친환경차를 개발해야 한다.


마틴 룬드스테드(Martin Lundstedt) 볼보그룹 최고경영자(CEO)는 "미래엔 전 세계가 전기차나 수소차를 이용하게 될 것"이라며 "이번 합작회사가 우리가 꿈꾸는 세계를 만드는 데 큰 역할을 할 것으로 기대한다"고 말했다.


마틴 다움(Martin Daum) 다임러트럭 이사회 의장 "수소연료전지는 탄소중립 이동수단의 핵심 기술"이라며 "양사은 이번 합작법인이 연료전지시스템을 대규모 양산함으로써 파리기후협정에 따른 탄소배출 저감을 이뤄낼 수 있도록 노력해 나가겠다"고 전했다.


수소트럭 개발을 위한 볼보-다임러의 공동 전선이 본격화하면서 수소차 시장을 선도하고 있는 현대차와 일본 도요타의 수소트럭 3파전 구도도 한층 명확해질 전망이다.


현대차는 2013년 수소차 '투싼ix' 개발을 시작으로 2018년 수소차 전용모델 '넥쏘'를 출시해 지난해 수소차 중 전 세계에서 가장 많은 4987대를 팔아치우는 등 수소차 시장을 주도하고 있다. 특히 올 7월엔 세계 최초로 대형 수소트럭 양산 체제를 가동하고 스위스 유통기업을 중심으로 시범주행을 시작했다. 수소트럭 현대 엑시언트 퓨얼셀은 190킬로와트(㎾)급 연료전지 시스템과 최고출력 350㎾의 구동모터를 탑재해 한 번 충전으로 약 400㎞를 주행할 수 있다. 본보 2020년 9월 25일 참고 '니콜라와는 다르다'…현대차, 스위스서 수소트럭 상용화 '담금질'


현대 넥쏘에 앞서 수소차 미라이를 선보였던 토요타 역시 트럭 자회사 히노를 통해 미국 켄워스(Kenworth)와 손잡고 수소트럭을 개발 중이다. 토요타는 이미 수소트럭 시제품(프로토타입)을 개발해 미국 캘리포니아 주 로스엔젤레스 항에서 시험운행 중이다. 토요타는 내년 중 시험운행 수소트럭을 10~12대 수준까지 늘려 양산을 준비하겠다는 계획이다. 내년 상반기 중엔 일본에 25톤 수소트럭을 출시해 자국에서의 수소트럭 상용화 가능성도 타진한다.

Posted by Morning lark
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  • HYZON's new proton exchange membrane fuel cell is designed to power ultra-heavy vehicles and machinery without compromise in performance or economics
  • Third party testing from TUV Rheinland validates record peak power density above 6kW/L – the highest power density fuel cell stack in the world
  • First units based on the new technology platform to be shipped in 2021, aiming to power some of the world's most challenging mobility applications

HONEOYE FALLS, N.Y., Oct. 26, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Hydrogen mobility and clean energy company, HYZON Motors Inc ("HYZON") has today revealed new test data from the latest generation of its proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells.

HYZON's new automotive grade PEM fuel cells have been optimized for durability and long operating life, addressing the most demanding usage scenarios for commercial vehicles and machinery.

This specifically includes challenging, high utilization mobility applications such as trucks, trains, and airplanes.

Most fuel cell modules used in heavy vehicles to-date deliver continuous power around 100 kilowatts (kW) or less – with peak power density under 3kW/liter, whereas recent test data validated by highly respected testing and certification services business TUV Rheinland shows HYZON's new PEM fuel cells achieve volumetric power density exceeding 6kW/l, and gravimetric power density exceeding 5.5kW/l (between end hardware).

Although the performance data is from short stack testing, it validates the potential of using full power fuel cells up to 500hp (370kW) for heavy mobility applications, reducing dependence on batteries and therefore saving on weight, size and cost.

The new PEM fuel cell is the result of nearly 20 years of fuel cell development

Craig Knight, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder of HYZON Motors, commented:

"For nearly 20 years now, the HYZON founding team have been fully focused on developing world class proton exchange membrane fuel cell technology – the 'engine' of any hydrogen-powered vehicle – with the aim of producing the world's most advanced fuel cell to accelerate the energy transition and decarbonize heavy commercial mobility.

"With greater electrification of equipment and systems, there is a need for more powerful and lighter fuel cells to power heavy vehicles, machinery, trains and aircraft. This is where our PEM fuel cells will really excel; high power output and high power density enable applications previously out of reach of fuel cell technology."

With production facilities in North America, Europe and Asia, HYZON expects to deliver thousands of fuel cell trucks and buses globally over the next three years. By 2025, HYZON's expected turn-key capacity will be more than 40,000 fuel cell vehicles annually. Production of the groundbreaking PEM fuel cell is expected to start in 2021.

HYZON is a global supplier of hydrogen fuel cell-powered commercial vehicles, including heavy duty trucks, buses and coaches. Established as a spin-off from Horizon in early 2020, HYZON commercializes Horizon's almost 20 years of fuel cell technology development for applications in global mobility applications.

About HYZON Motors Inc  (www.hyzonmotors.com)

HYZON Motors Inc is a US-headquartered hydrogen vehicle company on a mission to help operators of heavy vehicles transition to cost effective, zero emission, sustainable operations. HYZON achieves this by offering attractive economics with no compromise on performance.

HYZON has also made significant commercial progress in Europe, Asia and Australia. The company anticipates its novel zero emission mobility model will expand in global markets over the next few years.




Third party tests confirm HYZON Motors' new liquid-cooled fuel cell stack leads the world in power density




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[DETROIT] General Motors is moving ahead in its talks with startup Nikola Corp over a proposed partnership to make electric and fuel-cell-powered trucks, a senior executive at the Detroit automaker said.

GM and Nikola announced a tentative agreement last month but have yet to come to final terms. Nikola's stock price has plunged in the wake of allegations of deception by a short seller, raising questions from investors about GM's due diligence and commitment to a deal.

"Right now we are going forward," Mark Reuss, GM's president, said in a Bloomberg TV interview taped Oct 16. In what he called "the exciting piece" of those discussions, Mr Reuss said GM plans to share hydrogen-fuel-cell technology developed with Honda Motor with Nikola for use in both a pickup and big-rig trucks.[DETROIT] General Motors is moving ahead in its talks with startup Nikola Corp over a proposed partnership to make electric and fuel-cell-powered trucks, a senior executive at the Detroit automaker said.

GM and Nikola announced a tentative agreement last month but have yet to come to final terms. Nikola's stock price has plunged in the wake of allegations of deception by a short seller, raising questions from investors about GM's due diligence and commitment to a deal.

They are taking what I believe is the best fuel cell in the world - with our fuel cell that is made in our joint venture with Honda right here in Michigan - and taking that fuel cell and looking at deploying it in the heavy-duty transport market with the large trucks - the Class 7 and 8s - and also in the light-duty Badger truck," he said.

The proposed deal would give GM an 11 per cent stake in Nikola and allow the startup to use its hydrogen-fuel-cell technology. GM also said it plans to manufacture the Badger pickup truck for Nikola, which initially would be battery-electric and eventually fuel-cell powered.

Posted by Morning lark
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The WSHA aims to help with H2 heavy duty vehicle deployment in that part of the country.

Hydrogen fuel cell industry members have formally announced the formation of a new alliance. It’s called the Western States Hydrogen Alliance (WSHA). Its goal is to effect rapid deployment of zero-emission H2-powered trucks, locomotives, buses, aircraft, aquatic vessels and off-road equipment.

The WSHA is composed of leading heavy-duty hydrogen fuel cell industry leaders.

The WHSA will focus on rapidly increasing fuel cell industry vehicle development and deployment. This includes heavy duty fuel cell electric technology over several commercial sectors in 13 states in the western US.

“Hydrogen fuel cells will power the future of zero-emission mobility in these heavy-duty, hard to electrify sectors. That fact is indisputable. This new alliance exists to ensure government and industry can work efficiently together to accelerate the coming of this revolution,” said Roxana Bekemohammadi, WSHA executive director.

The WSHA is supported by an external Advisory Board comprised of current appointed and elected officials from Western states. The board will help to direct the policy activities and act as a link between the government and the industry.

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