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Morning lark


분류 전체보기 (1820)
Fuel Cell (845)
New Energy (848)
Energy Storage (6)
New Biz Item (2)

he Korean Register (KR), Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering(DSME), and STX Energy Solutions have together signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the classification society for progressing work on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC). SOFCs hold the highest power density and efficiency potential among high-temperature fuel cells.

In this arrangement, STX Energy Solutions will be responsible for manufacturing and supplying SOFC systems. DSME will manage the onshore testing and evaluation of these systems and concept research regarding ship application. It will also handle the planning and execution of demonstration projects. KR will assess and accredit the technical capabilities of these products and revise related regulations for the safe implementation of them aboard ships.

The aim of this venture undertaken by the three companies is the standardization and commercialization of SOFCs for ships. Fuel cells are an up-and-coming alternative to traditional fuel engines. They do not require as much maintenance, make little to no noise or vibration, have a better fuel to the energy conversion ratio of about 50-55%, and are ecologically sound. In this case, the cell primarily derives energy from the electrochemical reaction of oxygen with hydrocarbons present in LNG. The heat radiated off as a by-product can be utilized in heat recovery systems to further enhance the fuel to energy conversion ratio to about 60%.

Posted by Morning lark
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