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Beijing, China -- Hygreen Energy, a global electrolyzer manufacturer and hydrogen technology developer, announces the successful delivery of a 25-Megawatt electrolyzer system to Huadian Weifang Power Generation Co., Ltd.  As the largest hydrogen production initiative in the region to date, this electrolyzer delivery milestone marks a significant step in the adoption of electrolyzers for larger-scale hydrogen production projects.

The electrolyzer system from Hygreen Energy is designed to produce 3.6 tons of hydrogen per day with 99.999% purity, integrated alongside robust storage solutions and advanced distribution systems. Each of the five electrolyzer stacks from Hygreen Energy are 5 Megawatts in size, with balance-of-plant systems also designed and manufactured by Hygreen Energy.


Located in Weifang, China, the hydrogen production project is integrated into Huadian Weifang’s existing power plant, and serves to reduce renewable energy wastage, enhancing grid resilience, and fostering cost-effective hydrogen adoption in Shandong.  The hydrogen produced at this facility will be used for a hydrogen refueling station on-site, as well as mixing with natural gas through pipelines for use by enterprises and residents. Installation and commissioning began as of November 2024, and are set to complete in Q1 of 2025.


The project is the first large-scale hydrogen energy storage demonstration under China’s “Hydrogen Into Ten Thousand Homes” initiative. Huadian Weifang Power Generation is part of China Huadian Corporation, one of the largest power generation enterprises in China.

Benny Wang, CEO at Hygreen Energy, highlighted that this project is a significant development in the region’s renewable energy transition and implementation of larger electrolyzer systems: “With its 25-megawatt scale, our successful delivery is an important validation to role of electrolyzers in larger-scale hydrogen projects, and showcase Hygreen Energy’s proven technology for other projects worldwide.”


Hygreen Energy continues to expand its footprint in the hydrogen sector, including a recent contract to supply a 40-megawatt electrolyzer system for another major project in China.

About Hygreen Energy


Hygreen Energy is a world leading electrolyzer manufacturer that offers comprehensive solutions to green hydrogen production. Specializing in Alkaline, PEM, and AEM technologies, Hygreen electrolyzers are rigorously tested, robustly built, and extensively proven with in-field usage by customers worldwide. Backed by over 17 years of experience and over 300 electrolyzer projects delivered, Hygreen Energy’s engineers are some of the world’s most experienced professionals when supporting EPCs and hydrogen project developers.  By transforming the electrolyzer industry with unparalleled efficiency, safety, cost, and durability, Hygreen Energy is enabling the world’s clean energy transition by supporting the growth of green hydrogen across many industries. Say hello to a greener future with Hygreen Energy, and visit us at www.hygreenenergy.com.


25MW Electrolyzer for Shandong's Hydrogen Project - Fuelcellsworks

Hygreen Energy delivers a 25-MW electrolyzer system to power China's largest hydrogen production project, marking a milestone in large-scale hydrogen production.



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SINGAPORE, December 4, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — Horizon Fuel Cell Group has hit another milestone, with the launch of its 5MW AEM electrolyser system designed to drive down the cost of green hydrogen.

Delivering both capital cost reduction and higher efficiency, while retaining the operating flexibility relative to PEM electrolysers, these new electrolysers improve the viability of large-scale green hydrogen demand cases, such as green steel, green ammonia, eSAF and green methanol in the decarbonisation of energy, heavy transport and industrial processes.

To support global decarbonisation on a genuinely competitive basis with fossil fuel alternatives, the cost of green hydrogen must be significantly reduced. Horizon’s new 5MW AEM building blocks combine just 10 electrolyser stacks to convert low-cost renewable energy into green hydrogen at scale, with a dramatically simpler architecture than some other AEM solutions, yielding long term operational benefits.

Key Features of Horizon’s 5MW AEM System:
• Strong dynamic response capability: nimble in responding to renewable energy power sources with input range of 5-120% of rated power
• DC power consumption of 3.6 to 4.3 kWh/Nm³ with Hydrogen purity of 99.999%
• Hydrogen production flexibility: can automatically adjust operation based on hydrogen flow requirements
• Well suited to large green hydrogen projects: the 5MW modular units are cost-effective building blocks
• Rapid path to scale: takes advantage of existing capabilities to offer high-throughput production

AEM (Anion Exchange Membrane) technology is widely recognized as highly promising for green hydrogen production. The anion exchange membrane is a critical component influencing the performance, lifespan, efficiency and cost of AEM electrolysers, and is currently the main technological limitation for large-scale commercialisation of AEM based solutions. Following Horizon’s track record of innovation in materials and electrochemistry, several breakthrough advancements have been made in membranes, catalysts, electrodes, and electrolyser stacks, which contribute to strong potential for the mass deployment of next generation AEM electrolysis solutions, which also leverages Horizon’s substantial operations experience.

Horizon is exploring numerous partnership opportunities around the world for assembly of these crucial elements of the green hydrogen supply chain, and has already announced the first such collaboration, targeting the promising Indian market.

READ the latest news shaping the hydrogen market at Hydrogen Central

Horizon announces world’s first 5MW AEM Electrolyser Targeting Large Green Hydrogen Projects, source


Horizon announces world’s first 5MW AEM Electrolyser Targeting Large Green Hydrogen Projects

Horizon Fuel Cell Group has hit another milestone, with the launch of its 5MW AEM electrolyser system designed to drive down the cost of green hydrogen.



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LONDON, Dec. 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Green hydrogen is emerging as an essential commodity for decarbonizing hard-to-abate industries. Yet, despite its clear sustainability benefits, the high production cost—known as the Levelized Cost of Hydrogen (LCOH)—has, to date, limited both investment in and demand for green hydrogen. However, ABI Research, a global technology intelligence firm, predicts that global LCOHs will reach a cost-competitive level by 2030 and undercut polluting alternatives by 2040, paving the way for industrial adoption.

"With rapid reductions in production CAPEX, mainly driven by increased electrolyzer efficiencies and lower costs, expected by 2027, and the achievement of significant economies of scale across facilities predicted by 2030, global green hydrogen production costs are forecast to drop from an average of US$6-7/kg to approximately US$2.5/kg by the end of the decade. Additionally, by 2040, we expect LCOHs to have reached US$1.80/kg, primarily driven by falling prices for renewable energy. By 2050, green LCOHs will reach around US$1/kg as the market matures," explains Daniel Burge, Research Analyst at ABI Research.

Electrolyzer producers, including ITM Power, Plug Power, Siemens Energy, LONGi, Peric, Thyssenkrupp, and Green Hydrogen Systems, are driving a significant proportion of the CAPEX decline. Supporting technology vendors, such as Danfoss, Schneider Electric, and SunGreen H2, will play a key role in reducing OPEX costs. As for green hydrogen producers, Linde, Shell, Adani Energy, Sinopec, Equinor, and ENI will be vendors to watch as plants reach maturity.

Heavy industries' adoption of green hydrogen will be fundamental to meeting sustainability commitments and net zero targets at the company, national, and regional levels. For aviation, steel, shipping, chemical, and petrochemical industries under pressure to decarbonize, cost is crucial in shaping demand for H2. "The success of projects depends largely on how accurately these costs can be predicted. Subsequently, heavy industry vendors must be keenly aware of when green LCOHs will be reached, and where—and at what time—demand in specific markets will develop," Burge concludes.

These findings are from ABI Research's The Economic Viability of Green Hydrogen for Industry and Enterprises report. This report is part of the company's Smart Energy for Enterprises & Industries research service, which includes research, data, and ABI Insights.

About ABI Research

ABI Research is a global technology intelligence firm uniquely positioned at the intersection of technology solution providers and end-market companies. We serve as the bridge that seamlessly connects these two segments by providing exclusive research and expert guidance to drive successful technology implementations and deliver strategies proven to attract and retain customers.

ABI Research是一家全球性的技术情报公司,拥有得天独厚的优势,充当终端市场公司和技术解决方案提供商之间的桥梁,通过提供独家研究和专业性指导,推动成功的技术实施和提供经证明可吸引和留住客户的战略,无缝连接这两大主体。

For more information about ABI Research's services, contact us at +1.516.624.2500 in the Americas, +44.203.326.0140 in Europe, +65.6592.0290 in Asia-Pacific, or visit www.abiresearch.com.

Contact Info

Deborah Petrara
Tel: +1.516.624.2558


Green Hydrogen Costs of Production to Drop to US$2.5/kg by 2030, and US$1.80 by 2040, Clearing the Way for Heavy Industry Decarbonization


Green Hydrogen Costs of Production to Drop to US$2.5/kg by 2030, and US$1.80 by 2040, Clearing the Way for Heavy Industry Decarb

/PRNewswire/ -- Green hydrogen is emerging as an essential commodity for decarbonizing hard-to-abate industries. Yet, despite its clear sustainability...



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HD현대가 해상 풍력과 바닷물을 활용해 수소를 생산하는 기술 개발을 추진한다. 수전해 기술을 그룹 고유의 기술력과 결합해 수소 생태계를 완성하겠다는 계획이다.

이상돈 HD현대중공업 수소에너지연구실장은 3일 서울 강남구 아모리스 역삼에서 진행된 ‘수소경제와 한국의 수소기술 심포지엄’에서 "해상플랜트에 수전해 시스템을 결합해 해상 풍력으로 생산한 전기를 활용, 수소를 생산하는 큰 그림을 그리고 있다"고 밝혔다.

HD현대중공업은 2021년 물(H₂O)을 전기분해해 수소(H₂)를 생산하는 수전해 기술 개발에 착수했다. 이는 HD현대가 같은 해 발표한 ‘수소 드림 2030 로드맵’의 일환으로, 수소 생산(HD현대중공업), 운송 및 저장(HD한국조선해양, HD현대오일뱅크) 등 그룹 차원의 수소 생태계 완성을 목표로 하고 있다.

이 실장은 "해상 풍력으로 해상에서 직접 수소를 생산하고 수소 운반선을 통해 육지로 이송하는 플랜트를 구상 중"이라며 "운반한 수소는 저장되거나 일부 발전에 재활용하는 전반적인 가치사슬을 구축하려고 한다"고 설명했다.


HD현대는 수전해 기술 개발 선두주자가 아니었던 만큼 기존 알칼라인(AEC) 및 고분자전해질막(PEM) 기술이 아닌, 상대적으로 연구가 활발하지 않았던 음이온 교환막(AEM) 방식을 택했다. AEM 방식은 음이온 교환막을 통해 전해질 내 음이온을 이동시켜 전기화학 반응을 촉진, 수소를 생산하는 기술이다.

특히 AEM 시스템으로 바닷물을 직접 활용할 수 있다는 점에 주목했다. AEM은 음이온을 선택적으로 전달하기 때문에 바닷물에 포함된 염화 이온에 대한 내성이 상대적으로 높다는 설명이다. 즉 바닷물 속 염화물이 촉매나 막에 손상을 줄 위험이 적다.

HD현대는 궁극적으로 AEM 수전해 기술을 해양 플랜트 장비와 패키지 형태로 상업화하는 방안을 추진할 계획이다. 또 수소, 암모니아 엔진 등과 연계해 수소를 활용한 연료전지 사업으로 확장할 방침이다.

"바닷물로 수소 생산"…HD현대 '수소 생태계' 청사진 그린다


"바닷물로 수소 생산"…HD현대 '수소 생태계' 청사진 그린다

HD현대가 해상 풍력과 바닷물을 활용해 수소를 생산하는 기술 개발을 추진한다. 수전해 기술을 그룹 고유의 기술력과 결합해 수소 생태계를 완성하겠다는 계획이다. 이상돈 HD현대중공업 수소에



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탄소중립 필수 청정에너지원 ‘암모니아’ < 기획•연재 < FOCUS < 기사본문 - 월간수소경제


탄소중립 필수 청정에너지원 ‘암모니아’

수소가 미래 청정에너지로 떠오르면서 덩달아 주목받는 것이 바로 암모니아다.현재 주로 사용되는 수소 저장·운송 방식은 기체수소를 200~700bar의 고압으로 압축하는 것이다. 그러나 에너지밀도



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