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최근에 올라온 글

자료출처 에너지경제

일 자 2024.10.29

▲경기도 고양시 킨텍스에서 열린 H2 MEET 수소전시회에서 액화수소 수송 탱크가 전시되어 있다.

조 바이든 행정부의 청정에너지 육성정책인 인플레이션 감축법(IRA)으로 불붙었던 그린수소 열풍이 빠르게 식어가고 있다. 비용증가, 규제 불확실성, 수요 부진 등이 맞물리면서 그린수소 전망에 먹구름이 짙어지자 관련주들의 약세가 두드리지고 있다.

미국의 대표적 수소 기업인 플러그파워 주가는 28일(현지시간) 뉴욕증시에서 2.24달러에 장을 마감했다. 올해 최저점인 1.61달러(9월 6일)에 비해 40% 가까이 오른 상황이지만 4.5달러를 넘었던 연초와 비교하면 주가는 여전히 반토막 이상 난 상황이다. 2021년 고점(66.87달러)과 비교하면 96% 폭락했다.

캐나다 연료전지 기업인 발라드 파워 시스템즈, 덴마크 전해조 공급업체인 그린 하이드로젠 시스템즈 등의 주가도 올들어 각각 58%, 65% 하락한 상태다.

IRA를 계기로 그린수소 산업이 성장을 이어갈 것이란 기대와 정반대의 상황이 주가를 통해 펼쳐지고 있는 것이다. IRA는 청정수소 생산 1kg당 최대 3달러의 보조금을 2032년까지 준다.

그러나 컨설팅업체 맥킨지가 지난달 발표한 보고서에 따르면 미국과 유럽에서 2030년 가동을 목표로 한 그린수소 프로젝트 중 최종투자결정(FID)이 내려진 비중은 각각 18%, 5%에 불과한 것으로 나타났다.

영국 자산운용사 슈로더스의 마크 레이시 주식 총괄은 영국 파이낸셜타임스(FT)에 “그린 수소는 여전히 투자할 수 없다"며 “투자 측면에선 형편없다"라고 말하기도 했다.

그린수소 투자를 중단하는 기업들도 속속 늘어나고 있다.

이달초 미국의 하이 스토르 에너지는 새계 최대 전해조 생산기업인 노르웨이의 넬에 발주한 1기가와트(GW) 규모의 전해조 주문을 취소했다.

빅오일(거대 석유기업) 중 하나인 셸의 경우 지난달 24일 노르웨이에서 추진했던 블루수소 프로젝트를 취소했고 또다른 석유공룡인 에퀴노르는 노르웨이와 독일을 연결하는 수소 파이프라인 구축 계획을 지난달 20일 철회했다.

세계 최대 해상풍력 업체인 오스테드는 스웨덴 그린수소 생산설비 구축 프로젝트를 지난 8월 15일 철회했고 글로벌 광산기업 포테스큐는 2030년까지 연간 1500만톤의 그린수소를 생산하겠다는 목표를 지난 7월 17일 보류했다.

이처럼 그린수소가 외면받는 배경엔 수요와 규제가 불확실하기 때문으로 풀이된다.

맥킨지 보고서는 “수소 산업이 직면한 어려움은 여러 규제 프레임워크와 관련된 불확실성 때문"이라며 “여기에 재생에너지와 전해조 비용마저 증가하자 그린수소 프로젝트가 지연되거나 취소되는 결과로 이어졌다"고 짚었다.

국제에너지기구(IEA)도 이달 '2024 글로벌 수소 보고서'를 내고 그린수소 프로젝트가 취소된 배경으로 “불분명한 수요 신호, 자금 조달 및 인센티브 지연, 규제 및 정책 불확실성, 라이선스 및 허가 문제, 운영상의 어려움" 등을 지목했다.

실제 스페인 에너지기업 렙솔과 셉사는 에너지 기업에 부과하는 횡재세가 영구적일 경우 그린수소 투자를 중단하겠다고 최근 경고한 상태다. 특히 렙솔이 추진해왔던 그린수소 프로젝트의 경우 투자 결정이 임박했었다고 회사측은 전했다.

스페인 정부는 2022년부터 연간 11억7000만 달러 이상의 매출을 기록하는 에너지기업에 2년간 1.2%의 세금을 부과했는데 이를 영구적으로 부과하는 방안을 현재 검토하고 있다.

Posted by Morning lark
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A string of global shocks has likely put 2030 emissions reduction targets out of reach. But with decisive action, there is still time to reach net zero emissions by 2050, according to Wood Mackenzie’s ‘Energy Transition Outlook’ report, a milestone assessment of the global journey towards a lower carbon future.

The new report analyses four different pathways for the energy and natural resources sector – Wood Mackenzie’s base case (2.5ºC), country pledges scenario (2-degrees), net zero 2050 scenario (1.5ºC) and delayed transition scenario (3ºC).

Key findings:

  • US$78 trillion of cumulative investment required across power supply, grid infrastructure, critical minerals and emerging technologies and upstream to meet Paris Agreement goals.
  • Globally, energy demand is growing strongly due to rising incomes, population and the emergence of new sources of demand, including data centres and transport electrification.
  • Strong renewables growth is a certainty and this will continue under all scenarios modelled in this update. Renewables capacity grows two-fold by 2030 in the base case, short of the global pledge made at COP28 to triple renewables by 2030.
  • Oil and gas are projected to continue playing a role in the global energy system to 2050.
  • Policy certainty crucial to helping unlock demand for new technologies and increases capital flow into all segments, including supply chains and critical minerals.

“A string of shocks to global markets threaten to derail the progress in a decade pivotal to the energy transition. From the unresolved war between Russia and Ukraine to an escalated conflict in the Middle East, as well as rising populism in Europe and global trade tensions with China, the energy transition is in a precarious place and 2030 emissions reduction targets are slipping out of hand,” said Prakash Sharma, vice president, head of scenarios and technologies for Wood Mackenzie. “However, there is still time for the world to reach net zero emissions by 2050 – provided decisive action is taken now. Failure to do so risks putting even a 2 °C goal out of reach, potentially increasing warming to 2.5°C – 3°C trajectory.

“We are under no illusion as to how challenging the net zero transition will be, given the fact that fossil fuels are widely available, cost-competitive and deeply embedded in today’s complex energy system,” added Sharma. “A price on carbon maybe the most effective way to drive emissions reduction but it’s hard to see it coming together in a polarised environment. We believe that these challenges are overcome with policy certainty and global cooperation to double annual investments in energy supply to US$3.5 trillion by 2050 in our net zero scenario.”

Electrification is the accelerated route to energy efficiency and peak emissions

The electrification of the energy system is the central plank of the energy transition. In Wood Mackenzie’s base case, displacing fossil fuels with more energy-efficient electricity leads to global emissions peaking in 2027 and subsequently falling by 35% through to 2050.

Global final energy demand is projected to grow by up to 14% by 2050. For emerging economies with rising populations and prosperity, growth is 45%, whereas demand in developed economies peaks in the early 2030s and enters a decline. The reshoring of manufacturing (supply chains, cleantech, semi-conductor chips), green hydrogen and electric vehicles support demand growth, particularly in the US and Europe. Artificial intelligence and the build-out of data centres are new growth sectors, increasing electricity consumption from 500 TWh in 2023 to up to 4500 TWh by 2050.

“While electrification is at the heart of energy security, the quick expansion of electricity supply is often constrained by transmission infrastructure which takes time to permit and build,” said Sharma. “Recognising these challenges, we modelled different electrification rates in our energy modelling. Electricity’s share of final energy demand steadily rises from 23% today to 35% by 2050 in our base case. And, in an accelerated transition such as our net zero scenario, the share of electricity increases to 55% by 2050.”

The relentless rise of renewables has implications for gas

The share of solar and wind in global power supply increased from 4.5% in 2015 to 17% in 2024.

Strong renewables growth is a certainty in the energy transition, and this will continue under all scenarios modelled in this update. Renewables capacity grows two-fold by 2030 in the base case, short of the global pledge made at COP28 to triple renewables by 2030.

Solar is the biggest contributor of renewable electricity, followed by wind, nuclear (including large and small reactors) and hydro. Together, renewables’ share rises from 41% today to up to 58% by 2030 and up to 90% by 2050, depending on the scenario. “But any number of challenges – from the supply chain, critical minerals supply, permitting and power grid expansion – could dampen aspirations for renewables capacity,” said Sharma.

Energy transition technologies are three-to-five times more metals intensive and often require different materials than legacy commodities, such as lithium, nickel, cobalt and rare earth elements. Battery demand rises five- to ten-fold in the base case and net zero scenario, respectively, by 2050.

Meanwhile, the ability of nuclear to supply zero-carbon electricity round-the-clock is finding favour with technology companies building data centres capacity. Policy support for both new power projects and uranium supply has expanded over the past year. The opportunity is huge, but the nuclear industry will need to overcome its cost and chronic project delays to stay competitive with other forms of power generation. Wood Mackenzie projects nuclear capacity to double in its base case and triple in its net zero scenario by 2050, compared with 383 GW last year.

Fossil fuels plateau and then begin to decline in the 2040s

“Despite strong growth in renewables, the transition has been slower than expected in certain areas because many low-carbon technologies are not yet mature, scalable, or affordable,” said Sharma. “A key constraint is the high cost of low-carbon hydrogen, CCUS, SMR nuclear, long-duration energy storage, and geothermal. Capital intensity is high, but the business case is weak without incentives.”

This challenge comes at a time of strong energy demand growth. As renewables alone will not be able to meet future energy needs in most markets, oil and gas is projected to continue playing a role in the global energy system to 2050.

Challenges in commercialising low-carbon energy development come at a time of strong energy demand growth. Renewables alone will not be able to meet future energy needs in most markets. Oil and gas are, therefore, projected to continue playing a role in the global energy system to 2050.

“Our analysis shows that with demand resilient, investment in upstream will be needed for at least the next 10 – 15 years to offset the natural depletion in onstream supply,” said Sharma. “Capital requirements for oil and gas increase significantly in the delayed transition scenario, in which costs of new technologies fall slowly, and policy support remains muted.

Meanwhile, liquids demand peaks at 106 million bpd by 2030 in the base case, but that comes with a 12% variation on either side, depending on the scenario. That highlights the degree of uncertainty for the oil and gas industry, driven by the pace of penetration of EVs in road transport, e-fuels in shipping and aviation, and industrial heat pumps. Demand stays high at 100 million bpd levels until 2047 in the delayed transition scenario but in a net zero world, falls rapidly to 32 million bpd by 2050.

Innovation improves commerciality of carbon capture and hydrogen

More than 1200 projects have been announced in both the CCUS and hydrogen sectors in the past five years. However, few have taken FID yet due to a lack of policy certainty and high costs. Projects moving into development have an equity-adjusted IRR of well below cost of capital without subsidies. In contrast, upstream oil and gas projects remain attractive at 15% IRR or even higher at an industry planning price of US$65/bbl Brent long-term. Capital allocation and finance continue to favour oil and gas projects in the base case.

The dynamics change completely under the pledges and net zero scenarios, where a combination of higher carbon prices and faster cost declines of new technologies erodes the competitiveness of fossil fuels. This results in higher demand for low-carbon energy sources and improved profitability.

As a result, uptake for carbon capture and low-carbon hydrogen will climb to 6 billion tpy and 0.45 billion tpy by 2050.

A crucial decade ahead

The first global stocktake (GST), concluded at COP28 in November 2023, required that countries raise their ambitions in the next round of nationally determined contributions (NDC) submissions, due in 2025. The GST also found that no major country was on track to meet its 2030 goals. That leaves an opportunity both for course correction in the next NDC round and for higher emissions-reduction goals for 2035.

The GST emphasised the importance of protecting land ecosystem and addressing biodiversity loss, including by halting and reversing deforestation by 2030.

“But this will not be easy without increased cooperation at the COP29 meeting in Azerbaijan in November 2024,” said Sharma. “Key issues include finalising Article 6 of carbon markets and setting a new global climate finance goal that replaces the existing US$100 billion a year. That figure was not achieved until 2022 and is considered grossly insufficient to meet the needs of the developing countries.

“Strengthened NDCs and global cooperation will be crucial to mobilise US$3.5 trillion annual investment into low-carbon energy supply and infrastructure, including critical minerals. If these challenges can’t be overcome, the goal of net zero emissions by 2050 will not be achieved. Among the implications of a delayed transition are the worsening effects of global warming that will force governments not only to invest in mitigation but spend much more on adaptation.”


Decisive action needed to achieve net zero by 2050, as world is currently on path for 2.5 °C – 3 °C global warming, according to Wood Mackenzie | Global Hydrogen Review


Posted by Morning lark
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  • Half-year revenue up +35% to €9.5 million, driven by growth in the electrolyzer business (+120%), despite a market that remains far from expected levels
  • Total Backlog1 of €27.7 million, including €21.6 million for electrolyzer alone
  • EBITDA of €(24.7) million reflecting the difficult execution of legacy projects and a still insufficient level of activity
  • Successful execution of the funding plan and cash position of €57.6 million as of June 30, 2024
  • Signature of an agreement with Larsen & Toubro extending the technology transfer and exclusive license to McPhy XL (4 MW)
  • Estimated full year 2024 revenue between €18 million and €22 million

Foussemagne (France)--McPhy Energy, a leading French player in electrolyzer technology and manufacturing, today announces its consolidated results for the first half of its 2024 fiscal year, ended June 30, approved on October 28 by the Company’s Board of Directors.

Simplified Profit & Loss Statement2

(€ million)   06/30/2024 06/30/2023 Change
Revenue   9.5 7.0 35%
Other operating income   0.6 0.7 -8%
Income from Operating Activities   10.1 7.7 31%
Purchases consumed   (10.3) (5.2) x2
Personal costs   (13.5) (11.2) 21%
External costs   (11.0) (12.9) -15%
EBITDA   (24.7) (21.6) 14%
Depreciation, amortization and net provisions   (2.6) (3.3) -20%
Operating Income (EBIT)   (27.3) (24.8) 10%
Other income and expenses   (5.0) (0.0) x5
Financial Result   0.3 1.4 -78%
Income Tax   (0.0) (0.0) n.s.
Net Result   (32.0) (23.5) 36%

Jean-Baptiste Lucas, Chief Executive Officer of McPhy, states : “During this first half of 2024, McPhy has profoundly accelerated its transformation by successfully completing several major projects: the completion of the sale of its station business to Atawey, with the Group now positioned as a player focused on the manufacture of electrolyzers; the on-time delivery of its Gigafactory, initiating the development and mass production of large-scale, new-generation electrolyzers; the start-up of the first industrial contracts, notably across the Rhine; and finally, the implementation of a funding plan that gives the Group the financial resources it needs until early 2026 to pursue its development. Added to this is the extension of the license with L&T for new generation electrolyzers, representing both significant additional resources and a partnership of trust with a group of international stature, established in promising markets. McPhy has thus succeeded in selling its station business, starting up its Gigafactory and implementing its funding plan at a time when the hydrogen sector has experienced turbulence, illustrating its ability to move forward in a high-potential market where uncertainty and volatility remain significant.”

2024 half-year revenue up +35%, +120% for electrolyzers alone

In the first half of 2024, McPhy reported total revenue of €9.5 million, up +35% on the first half of 2023. This growth is mainly due to the ongoing execution of major projects in the Electrolyzers business, achievieng revenue in the first half of 2024 of €9.1 million, up +120%. The station business, whose sale has now been finalized, made a small contribution of €0.3 million over the period.

The Group benefited primarily from the contribution of three significant projects which have now started up to supply:

  • A 4 MW McLyzer 800-30 electrolyzer with Swedish company AAK, a major global player in the edible oil processing industry, to produce low-carbon hydrogen as a process gas;
  • Two electrolyzers (2 & 4 MW) and two Dual Pressure stations as part of its partnership with Hype;
  • A 4 MW McLyzer 800-30 electrolyzer as part of a “green metal” project with the Plansee Group at the Reutte site in Austria.

Revenue was also driven to a lesser extent by:

  • The low-carbon steel project with ArcelorMittal and VEO, which involves the construction of an electrolysis pilot plant in Eisenhüttenstadt, Germany, in collaboration with Brandenburg Technical University. McPhy supplied two McLyzer electrolyzers, each rated at 1 MW, and a Dual Pressure station, and will provide a five-year service contract;
  • Sales of the Piel range of small and medium capacity electrolyzers, mainly dedicated to applications in jewelry and small-scale industry, amounting to €1.2 million;
  • The re-launch of the CEOG project, which involves the production of hydrogen using a high-powered electrolyzer, the Augmented McLyzer 16 MW, supplied by McPhy, linked to a photovoltaic solar farm, coupled with a hydrogen storage unit and high-powered fuel cells to reduce the carbon footprint associated with supplying electricity to 10,000 homes in French Guiana.

Update on current business

In €m 06/30/2024 12/31/2023 Change
Firm order intake 14.9 13.0 +14%
Total Backlog3 27.7 23.8 +17%
Backlog – Electrolyzer 21.6 20.0 +8%

McPhy recorded firm order intake of €14.9 million, including €10.8 million for the electrolyzer business alone. The Group's commercial success over the half-year was mainly driven by:

  • The signature of a firm contract for the supply of a McLyzer 800-30 4 MW electrolyzer and related spare parts with the Swedish company AAK, a major global player in the edible oil processing industry;
  • McPhy's commitment to a large-scale project, “Rouen Vallée Hydrogène (RVH2)”, to support the energy transition in Normandy. Selected by the VALOREM Group, McPhy will supply a 1 MW electrolyzer and a McFilling 350 station (subcontracted to Atawey as part of the sale of the station business).

The total backlog thus stood at €27.7 million on June 30, 2024, up +17% vs. December 31, 2023, and mainly driven by the electrolyzer business, now the Group's core business, which contributed €21.6 million.

The two projects below are not included in the firm order intake:

  • The 20 MW Djewels green hydrogen project for which McPhy has signed a contract for the supply of Augmented McLyzer electrolyzers at the Delfzijl site in the Netherlands, with the final investment decision expected at the end of 2024; and
  • The 16 MW HMS phase I green hydrogen pipeline project, for which McPhy has signed a contract to supply a McLyzer 3200-30, with a final investment decision expected in 2025.

Financial results reflect the difficult execution of legacy projects and a still insufficient level of activity

The completion of legacy projects remains difficult, leading to a deterioration in margin due to higher equipment purchase and installation costs. Purchases almost doubled to €10.3 million from €5.2 million as of June 30, 2023.

During the first half of 2024, the Group pursued its development and structuring, resulting in an increase in current expenses linked to:

  • Innovation and R&D expenditure related to the optimization of current products and the development of the new XL electrolyzer range;
  • Structuring and strengthening of the organization.

Personnel costs rose by €2.3 million in the first half of 2024, due to the recruitment of 28 employees (vs. 70 over the past 12 months), and stood at €13.5 million, bringing the number of employees to 258 (before the sale of the station business)4.

Other external expenses fell by 15% to €11.0 million. They mainly represent the purchase of subcontracting services and technical studies required to pursue the Group's industrial, engineering and R&D development.

EBITDA, which includes the IPCEI5 grants of €1.4 million share of eligible expenses over the period, came to €(24.7) million on June 30, 2024, compared with €(21.6) million for the first half of 2023.

Operating income, including depreciation and amortization of €2.6 million, came to €(27.3) million on June 30, 2024.

Net income for the period came to €(32.0) million, penalized by the €0.8 million impairment of goodwill and the €4.2 million impairment of fixed assets and inventories held for sale. The fair value of assets held for sale (i.e. those included in the sale of the station business), net of disposal costs, was determined considering only the fixed portion of the sale price (i.e. €12 million).

Cash position

Net cash consumption was €(5.4) million in the first half of 2024, including:

  • Cash flow from operating activities of €(35.1) million, (excluding the IPCEI subsidy), due to the change in EBITDA and an 11.0 million euros increase in working capital requirements, explained mainly by the increase in inventories due to the start-up of new projects;
  • The second instalment of IPCEI public aid, amounting to €7.2 million, less the €1.4 million share included in EBITDA, resulting from the successful achievement of the project's first milestone;
  • Capital expenditure of €(8.2) million, two-thirds of which was dedicated to the Gigafactory, to support the Group's continued industrial scale-up;
  • Financing flows of €30.5 million, following the issue of bonds convertible into new ordinary shares and/or exchangeable for existing ordinary shares (OCEANEs) to EDF Pulse Holding and EPIC Bpifrance for a nominal amount of €30 million.

On June 30, 2024, McPhy had a cash position of €57.6 million, compared with €63.0 million on December 31, 2023, and the financial flexibility needed to continue its business until early 2026, considering:

  • Projects to be implemented on schedule and at the cost estimated at the end of September 2024;
  • The €16 million Gigafactory financing lease (see “Post-closing events” below);
  • The payment in cash of the fixed price of €12 million, of which the balance of €11 million to be paid over the next 14 months, following the sale to Atawey of its station business (excluding any earn-out payable in cash and conditional on future orders relating to the scope of the business sold (see “Post-closing events” below); and
  • The use of the equity financing line set up with Vester Finance on December 19, 2023 (subject to market conditions and compliance with exercise conditions).

Post-closing events

McPhy pursued its funding plan by completing two transactions in July 2024:

  • The completion, on July 11, of its financing lease for the Gigafactory for an amount of €16 million;
  • The completion, on July 16, 2024, of the sale of its hydrogen station business to Atawey. The final amount of the sale was set at €12 million6, to be paid in instalments up to December 31, 2025, with the possibility of an earn-out based on future orders relating to the scope of the business concerned by the transaction. More than 40 employees joined the Atawey team, enabling the company to consolidate its know-how, cross-fertilize the experience of historical players in the hydrogen sector, and consolidate its expertise.

The Group also signed an agreement with the Indian conglomerate Larsen & Toubro (L&T)7 to extend the technology transfer and exclusive license to the McPhy XL (4 MW) product. This is a major milestone in the partnership between L&T and McPhy, reinforcing their commitment to a collaborative approach to providing advanced electrolyzer solutions for the green hydrogen sector.

Finally, effective August 9, 2024, McPhy shares have been transferred from Euronext Paris to Euronext Growth, and the Company's headquarters were transferred to Foussemagne, where the Gigafactory will be located8.


Given its order book, and despite a backlog sell-out rate lengthened by the longer duration of electrolyzer projects, McPhy is targeting revenue between €18 million and €22 million for the full year 2024 on its new scope, which would be close to or higher than the previous year’s revenue.

In the medium term, with its industrial facilities now fully operational, the Group will step up its commercial efforts, focusing on the industrial sector, where the potential of hydrogen is expected to materialize most rapidly.

Half-year financial report availability

The half-yearly financial report is available on the Company's website(www.mcphy-finance.com), in the “Investors” > “Financial publications” > “Financial reports” section, in accordance with legal requirements.


Specialized in hydrogen production equipment, McPhy is contributing to the global deployment of low-carbon hydrogen as a solution for energy transition. With its complete range of products dedicated to the industrial, mobility and energy sectors, McPhy offers its customers turnkey solutions adapted to their applications in industrial raw material supply, recharging of fuel cell electric vehicles or storage and recovery of electricity surplus based on renewable sources. As designer, manufacturer and integrator of hydrogen equipment since 2008, McPhy has three development, engineering and production centers in Europe (France, Italy, Germany). Its international subsidiaries provide broad commercial coverage for its innovative hydrogen solutions. McPhy Energy is listed on Euronext Growth Paris (ISIN code: FR0011742329, ticker: ALMCP).


McPhy: First-Half Year 2024 Results Growth in Electrolyzer Revenue (fuelcellsworks.com)


Posted by Morning lark
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In the face of ever-stricter regulations on transport emissions, fleet managers of light commercial vehicles (LCV) are looking at cleaner solutions. Alongside battery electric vehicles (BEV), hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV) offer a promising alternative to diesel vehicles. However, the question of the economic implications of the switch remains central.

This article examines how, despite higher initial costs, FCEVs can become economically viable in the long term, offering a cost-effective solution for decarbonising a fleet.

1. The purchase cost of hydrogen vans

The first consideration when making the transition to FCEVs is the purchase cost. FCEVs are currently more expensive to buy than their diesel or even BEV equivalents. This price difference is mainly due to the still high production costs of fuel cells and hydrogen tanks, which require sophisticated materials and technologies.
However, these costs are set to fall as FCEV production expands and economies of scale are achieved. In addition, many governments are offering subsidies and financial incentives to encourage the purchase of FCEV. This support, whether in the form of purchase incentives or tax credits, can significantly reduce the initial cost for fleet managers.

2. Hydrogen vans operating and maintenance costs

In addition to the purchase price, the operating and maintenance costs of FCEVs are key factors for fleet managers. These costs differ from those of diesel and BEVs, with certain advantages for FCEVs.

2.1 Energy cost

At the moment, the price of hydrogen is higher than that of diesel or electricity for BEVs. This high cost is due to the production, transport and distribution of hydrogen, which is still in the development phase. However, rapid progress in production and the growing number of refuelling stations should bring these prices down over the coming years.
In the long term, as hydrogen production ramps up and demand increases, the cost of the fuel should become more competitive, breaking even at 5-6 € per kg. At that point, FCEVs will compete directly with BEVs in terms of operating costs.

2.2 Maintenance cost

FCEVs offer a distinct advantage in terms of maintenance. Unlike diesel vehicles, FCEVs have fewer moving parts in their propulsion system, which reduces the risk of mechanical wear and the need for frequent repairs.
Compared with BEVs, FCEVs also require less maintenance on battery systems, which are often subject to degradation over time. Overall, FCEVs offer a potentially lower maintenance cost than diesel vehicles, enabling fleet managers to reduce their operational costs over the lifetime of the vehicles.
By combining these savings with a gradual fall in hydrogen fuel costs, FCEVs are becoming increasingly attractive from an economic point of view, particularly for commercial fleets operating over long distances.

3. The total cost of ownership (TCO) of Hydrogen vans

The total cost of ownership (TCO) takes into account the initial purchase price, operating, maintenance, energy and resale costs of the vehicles. Understanding how FCEVs position themselves in terms of TCO is important for measuring their competitiveness against BEVs and diesel vehicles.

Today, due to the high initial costs of FCEVs and the price of hydrogen, the TCO of hydrogen vehicles may seem less attractive than that of diesel or BEV vehicles, particularly for companies operating on short or urban routes. However, this situation is changing as hydrogen costs fall and the infrastructure develops.

  • Diesel vehicles: although the purchase and running costs of diesel vehicles are currently lower than those of FCEVs, regulatory changes and increasing taxes on CO2 emissions are increasing their long-term TCO.
  • BEV : battery electric vehicles are ideal for short journeys, with low energy costs and a competitive TCO. However, BEVs have limitations for longer distances due to reduced recharge time and range, which can increase TCO for commercial fleets requiring long and continuous operations. 
  • FCEV : hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles offer longer range and faster refuelling time, reducing operational interruptions and increasing productivity. These factors become critical when fleets operate over long distances, as vehicle downtime is reduced, improving overall TCO.

Although the TCO of FCEVs is currently higher than that of alternatives, their competitive advantage will increase as hydrogen costs fall, making this technology increasingly viable for fleet managers looking for a solution that is both environmentally friendly and economical for their operations.

4. Infrastructure and costs involved in the transition to hydrogen

For fleet managers of light commercial vehicles (LCVs), the transition to FCEVs is not just about the cost of purchasing and operating vehicles. It also involves the infrastructure required for this technology.

One of the main challenges to the adoption of FCEVs is the refuelling infrastructure. The number of public stations is currently limited, but it is increasing thanks to public and private initiatives.
Several countries, notably in Europe, Asia and North America, are funding the creation of hydrogen corridors with strategically placed refuelling stations. These projects aim to support companies in their transition to FCEVs by reducing infrastructure barriers. At the same time, more and more companies in the logistics, transport and energy industries are joining forces to share the costs of developing refuelling stations. These partnerships enable costs to be shared and guaranteed access to hydrogen.

It's also worth mentioning that, unlike electric charging stations, which need to be multiplied to supply an entire fleet, a single refuelling point is all that's needed to supply all the vehicles with hydrogen. This reduces infrastructure installation and maintenance costs.

5. Conclusion

Adopting FCEVs can offer significant long-term savings. Although the initial cost is higher, the operating and maintenance costs of FCEVs are lower than those of diesel vehicles. In addition, the price of hydrogen is set to fall as production increases, potentially reaching 5-6 € per kg in the coming years. Economies of scale in the production of hydrogen and FCEVs will also reduce acquisition costs. 

In the transition to more sustainable light commercial vehicle (LCV) fleets, the complementary features of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (FCEVs) are proving to be a strategic asset. BEVs, with their lower running costs and adaptability to short journeys in urban environments, are ideal for local operations. FCEVs, on the other hand, with their extended range and rapid refuelling, are better suited to long-distance journeys and intensive missions.

Posted by Morning lark
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`ZeroAvia will work closely with supplier PowerCell Group to develop its next generation of fuel cell technologies suitable for hydrogen aviation.

Under a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), ZeroAvia will support the Swedish manufacturer in developing higher-temperature fuel cells. This can allow for a reduction in cooling and humification, “simplifying the architecture and improving the amount of power for a given unit of weight.”

Currently, ZeroAvia is designing a multi-stack balance-of-plant system using PowerCell’s low-temperature PEM stacks applicable to aviation, making them a key supplier to the first 600kW powertrain (ZA600) for 20-seat aircraft.

ZeroAvia’s high-temperature PEM (HT-PEM) fuel cell stacks are expected to help deliver a ZA2000 powertrain for 40-80-seat aircraft. H2 View understands ZeroAvia has already demonstrated an “industry record power density” of over 2.5kW/kg at the cell level, with plans to reach 3+kW/kg in the coming months. Val Miftakhov, Founder and CEO at ZeroAvia, claimed the agreement with PowerCell will deliver change in the industry faster.

PoweCell’s CEO, Richard Berkling, added, “We’re confident that the first hydrogen-electric aircraft will be flying commercially in the upcoming years.

“When that happens, it will have a snowball effect as the environmental and operating cost benefits become clear to airlines and their passengers. For PowerCell, this is a key future market, and we are delighted to be deepening our partnership with the leader in this space to develop solutions to enable more clean flights, removing more emissions.”

In July (2024), Scotland’s Ecojet announced it would purchase 22 ZA2000 engines from ZeroAvia, with an option for a further 40 engines. The airline is aiming to become the first fully electric commercial carrier.

Posted by Morning lark
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