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최근에 올라온 글

싱란 테크놀로지, 내년 초 창저우 생산기지 가동
화베이전력대와 협력…46kWh/kg 스택 양산 예정


월간수소경제 = 성재경 기자 | 중국의 PEM 전해조 개발회사인 장쑤성 싱란 테크놀로지(Jiangsu Xingran Technology)가 창저우에 세운 5억 위안(약 950억 원) 규모의 시설이 내년 1월부터 연간 최대 1GW의 고효율 전해조를 양산할 예정이다.

‘과학과 기술’을 의미하는 싱란 테크놀로지는 대형 PEM 수전해 설비를 전문으로 하는 첨단 기술 기업으로, 국립 화베이전력대학과 협력해 수소에너지 공동연구실을 운영하고 있다. 기술 측면에서 촉매, 전극, 분리판 등 PEM 스택의 핵심 기술을 담은 막전극접합체(MEA) 연구 개발에 집중해왔다.

완공을 앞둔 2만6,000㎡ 규모의 PEM 전해조 생산기지는 장쑤성 남부 창저우의 우진 국가하이테크 산업개발구역에 자리하고 있다. 이 작업장은 첨단 초음파 분무기, 5-in-1 핫프레스 같은 최신 장비를 들여와 자동화 생산라인과 제조 시스템을 구축한 것으로 알려진다. 

싱란 테크놀로지는 “자사의 1MW PEM 전해조가 1㎥의 수소를 생산하는 데 1.16kWh의 전기만 필요하다”라며 “이는 46.18kWh/kg에 해당하는 수치로 시장에서 가장 효율적인 전해조 중 하나”라고 소개한다. 비용 효율성 면에서 업계 표준보다 40%나 낮다고 한다. 

싱란 테크놀로지는 PEM, MEA, 전해조 스택을 비롯해 모든 중요한 제품 구성 요소를 자체 개발해 생산하고 있으며, 30개 이상의 국가와 지역으로 수출하고 있다.

다만 EU가 유럽수소은행 2차 보조금 경매에서 중국산 전해조 사용 비율을 25%로 제한하는 등 사실상 중국을 견제하는 움직임을 현실화하면서 판로 확보가 쉽지만은 않을 전망이다. 

출처 : 월간수소경제(https://www.h2news.kr)

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As the world decarbonises, the emergence of green hydrogen stands as a pivotal force in the energy transition landscape. Forecasts indicate that the green hydrogen market is poised to exceed US$515.66 billion by 2035, experiencing a remarkable CAGR of 61% from 2023 to 2035, showcasing the immense potential and rapid growth of this sector. Green hydrogen is particularly crucial for 'hard to abate' industries, especially where other decarbonisation strategies and technologies prove less effective and more challenging to deploy.

Green hydrogen, embedded within the Renewable Energy Directive II & RIII guidelines in Europe and the Inflation Reduction Act guidelines in the US, is set to play an important role in shaping the future of fuels, particularly sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). Substantial investments are already underway in Europe, with example initiatives such as the European Hydrogen Backbone (EHB), a multibillion-dollar endeavour focused on establishing a hydrogen pipeline network.

Impact of renewable energy in green hydrogen production

Renewable power plays a central role in producing green hydrogen, acting as the new upstream for this lightweight molecule. However, the complexity of the green hydrogen production process mirrors that of oil refining, compounded by the intermittency and non-dispatchability of renewable power, and the challenges in transmitting and distributing it. To facilitate the transport of green hydrogen, coupling it with carriers such as ammonia and methanol becomes essential, which makes the integration of chemical process plants necessary.

Driving change through collaborations

Green hydrogen is a cornerstone for growth, and industries with vested interest, can hugely benefit from working together. Companies that can develop digital platforms such as Autogrid, ETAP, and AVEVA and products for power distribution, digital controllers, and AI, are uniquely positioned to be a key partner in major green hydrogen projects.

Effectively, we’re finally seeing ground-breaking movements take place. In the first project of its kind, Shuimu Mintal, the Hydrogen Energy Technology company, chose Schneider Electric as a partner to develop a digital twin of end-to-end power to hydrogen to ammonia compound. This will optimise the entire process from green power to green hydrogen and green ammonia. This project represents the first fully integrated green hydrogen project, encompassing a 1.4 GW onshore windfarm with 750 MW of green hydrogen capacity and the world’s first variable ammonia plant.

Project simulations curb failures

For such green hydrogen plants, electrical power becomes the driving factor of production and only a co-simulation platform simulating both power flows from generation to end use with hydrogen production process can help optimising levelised cost of hydrogen (LCOH). The co-simulation also serves as a vehicle for optimising design complexities, capital and operational expenditures. Furthermore, this integrated platform or digital twin identifies operational scenarios, aids in developing control strategies, and establishes safety controls at the early stages of the project, providing invaluable insights for the operation of a green hydrogen plant, and ultimately reducing project risks.

By unifying power and process sizing and optimisation through co-simulation platforms, companies can expect remarkable reductions in storage requirements and process optimisation. Additionally, we’re seeing partnerships with OEMs and research institutes, and the development of techno-commercial modelling tools significantly optimising the overall project economics of green hydrogen initiatives, ultimately amplifying the value chain for integrated power and process.

How to get it right, from conception to execution

Projects that use tools to obtain a comprehensive view of the integrated power and process through the digital twin, can draw maximum benefits from its capabilities. With a focus on driving significant reductions in capital expenditure and operational expenditure while enhancing yields and reliability, it is also important to work with experts who can actively support companies in the conceptual and design phases of green hydrogen projects, collaborating with research institutes on advanced hydrogen technologies, and partnering with electrolyser OEMs to explore various technological avenues.

As the green hydrogen landscape continues to evolve, stakeholders need to be dedicated to driving sustainable and innovative solutions, collaborating with industry partners, and pioneering advancements in the energy transition journey.


Written by Frederic Godemel, EVP Power Systems and Services, Schneider Electric.

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Plug Power has signed a binding framework agreement to supply up to 3GW of electrolysers to Allied Green Ammonia (AGA), an Australian firm planning a green ammonia project in Australia’s Northern Territory.


The binding deal — which comes ahead of a final sales and purchase agreement between the pair — would see Plug supplying the proton exchange membrane (PEM) machines to AGA’s plant from its gigafactory in New York state from late 2026 or early 2027, the pair said today (Monday).


It follows on from a memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed by Plug and AGA in May, alongside a basic engineering and design package.


AGA has scheduled a final investment decision next year on its green ammonia production facility on the Gove Peninsula, for which it has earmarked 2027 for first operation.


The plant would produce around 2,700 tonnes per day of green hydrogen-based ammonia — or nearly one million tonnes per year — from renewable sources, for export to Europe and Asia.


AGA is a member of the German-Australian Hydrogen Alliance, which aims to foster trade of green hydrogen and its derivatives between renewables-rich Australia and customers in Germany.


“Our collaboration with Plug Power builds on our team’s substantial work over many years that will enable us to efficiently harness the power of electrolysis-based hydrogen and, drastically reduce carbon emissions in the ammonia production process,” said Alfred Benedict, managing director of Allied Green.


“The finalisation of the supply agreement is one of the last major milestones for our project to progress to final investment decision (FID), which is expected imminently.”


Source: HydrogenInsight

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Shaoxing, China, October 7, 2024 – Wolong Enapter (Zhejiang) Hydrogen Technology Co., Ltd. (Wolong Enapter) is set to revolutionize the green hydrogen industry with the debut of China's first megawatt-scale AEM water electrolysis equipment, the "AEM Nexus 1000." This groundbreaking achievement will be unveiled on October 10th at the company's manufacturing base in Shangyu, Zhejiang Province.


Image: Wolong Enapter


A Milestone in Hydrogen Technology

The introduction of the "AEM Nexus 1000" marks a significant milestone in China's AEM electrolysis technology, ushering in a new era of megawatt-scale production. This advanced equipment offers a compact design, easy installation, efficient maintenance, and exceptional flexibility, making it a game-changer in the global hydrogen market.


Driving Global Hydrogen Adoption

Wolong Enapter has already established strategic partnerships with industry leaders such as Concord New Energy, Baowu Energy, Shanghai Electric Power Design Institute, Suzhou University of Science and Technology Tang's Academician Team, and CIMC Offshore Engineering Holdings, to name a few. These collaborations aim to expand the applications of hydrogen production and accelerate the decarbonization of energy-intensive industries.


A Commitment to Innovation

Wolong Enapter remains committed to technological innovation and sustainable development. By establishing a leading position in AEM technology on the global market, the company aims to contribute to a greener and more sustainable future.


Join us on October 10th as we celebrate this momentous occasion and witness the launch of China's first megawatt-scale AEM water electrolyzer.


Source: Wolong Enapter

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[パリ 2日 ロイター] - 国際エネルギー機関(IEA)が2日公表した報告書によれば、直近12カ月で水素関連事業への投資決定が倍増した。ただ、業界が不確実性に直面する中で、施設の処理能力や需要は低水準にとどまっている。 投資決定の結果、水素生産は2030年までに現在の5倍に増える。直近12カ月の投資決定は、中国がその40%超を占めた。半面、需要目標は生産計画のわずか25%超にとどまる。IEAは、これまでの水素部門の進展が気候変動対策の目標達成に十分ではないとの見方を示した。 また、大半の事業は初期段階にあり、需要の不透明さや資金調達の難しさ、当局による規制の不明確さなどが、事業計画のリスクになっている。 IEAのビロル事務局長は「政策立案者や開発事業者は、需要創出の支援を行うとともに、コスト減や規制の明確化を目指すべきだ。それがこの部門のさらなる投資拡大につながる」と強調した。 世界的な水素需要は、精製・化学部門を中心に、今年は約300万トンの増加が予想される。ただ、IEAによれば、これは政策が成功した結果というよりは、経済的なトレンドの結果だという。


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