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トヨタは、ジャパンモビリティショービズウィーク2024に「ポータブル水素カートリッジ」や「スイープ蓄電システム」を出展。それを通じて、スタートアップや他企業との新たな仲間づくりに加えて技術革新の取り組みを強化していくという。 ────────── 水素社会の実現に向けた「ポータブル水素カートリッジ」 ────────── 今回出展されたポータブル水素カートリッジは日本初公開となる。これまで人の手では、持ち運びが難しかった水素タンクをトヨタがFCEVで培ってきた水素貯蔵技術を応用し、持ち運び可能なサイズに小型&軽量化。 【ポータブル水素カートリッジ】●容器種類:プラスチックライナー製一般複合容器・体格:直径約200mm、全長約580mm、容量4.7L ●質量:約8.5kg/本(容器部分 約5kg、バルブ2kg、他1.5kg))・使用圧力:0.65~70MPa(国内) ●燃料電池システムでの発電時のエネルギー量:3.3Kwh※(日本仕様) ※1本あたり、一般的な家庭用電子レンジが約3~4時間運転できる電力量を想定 小型&軽量な設計により、水素を人の手で持ち運ぶことが可能に。さらに、小型の車両や小型モビリティに搭載が可能となっており、モビリティを始め、生活のさまざまなアプリケーションで使用できるよう汎用性の高い仕様(カートリッジ型)となっている。 このポータブル水素カートリッジは、2021年秋にプロトタイプの開発がスタート。2024年7月には、パリオリンピック・パラリンピックにて、カーゴバイクに搭載したFCシステムに水素をシームレスに供給する実証実験を実施している。 また、ポータブル水素カートリッジの出展にあわせて、「水素調理器」も展示された。水素調理器は、水素を燃焼させ調理用途に使用する取り組みとしてリンナイ株式会社と共同開発したという。 ────────── 再エネマネジメント「スイープ蓄電システム」 ────────── 出展された「スイープ蓄電システム」は、トヨタ独自の電池制御技術である「スイープ技術*」を使って、中古の電動車用電池を蓄電システムに活用する仕組みだ。 * 直列に繋いだ各電池の通電と非通電をマイクロ秒の速さで切り替えることで、各電池からの充電・放電を直流・交流で任意に制御する技術 種類や劣化度の異なるさまざまな中古電池を再利用して、それぞれの電池に残された蓄電能力を最大限発揮することができ、電力の安定供給と再エネの普及に貢献。 さらに、交流/直流変換装置の削減による設備コストの低減、電力変換時のエネルギーロスの低減、システムを稼働したまま劣化した電池交換が可能。運営面でのコスト低減にもつながるという。 「スイープ蓄電システム」は、2018年に中部電力(現JERA)とリユース・リサイクル事業の実証を開始し、2022年には、JERA四日市火力発電所にて中部電力パワーグリッド株式会社の規定を満たした上で、電力系統へ接続。系統用蓄電池として利用されている。 ────────── 液体水素エンジンGRカローラ ────────── 自工会との合同展示ブースでは、国内外の耐久レースに参戦している液体水素を燃料とする液体水素エンジンGRカローラが展示された。 ◆モータースポーツの現場を通じて、クルマと人を鍛え、産官学の仲間とともにカーボンニュートラルの実現に向けた挑戦と進化を続ける取り組みとしてレース参戦車両を展示。 ◆2021年当初は、気体水素を燃料としていたが、2023年より燃料を液体水素に。 ◆水素エンジンGRカローラの水素タンク 左:旧型の円筒形タンク 右:新型の異形(楕円形)タンク

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In a ground-breaking move towards sustainable construction, STRABAG, in collaboration with Liebherr and Energie Steiermark, has launched a pilot project to test a hydrogen-powered wheel loader at the Gratkorn quarry in Styria, Austria.


This innovative initiative, officially kicked off in the presence of Federal Minister Leonore Gewessler, aims to demonstrate the potential of hydrogen as a clean alternative to conventional diesel in heavy construction machinery.


Emission-Free Construction


The construction sector is a major contributor to global emissions, accounting for 38% of CO2 output worldwide. STRABAG, a leading player in the industry, recognises its responsibility to reduce its carbon footprint. By embracing hydrogen-powered technology, the company hopes to lead the charge towards a more sustainable future.


STRABAG CEO Klemens Haselsteiner highlighted the company’s commitment: “We want to become climate neutral by 2040. And we will only achieve this goal with a resolute commitment to lower carbon emissions across the board – in the operation of our construction machinery, for example. We are delighted to have Liebherr and Energie Steiermark at our side, two partners whose expertise is helping us to develop and test innovative powertrain solutions.”


The hydrogen-powered wheel loader is a critical component of this vision. With the potential to save up to 37,500 litres of diesel and reduce CO2 emissions by approximately 100 tonnes per year, the project is not just about testing a new engine—it’s about setting a new standard for the construction industry.


A Game-Changer for Heavy Machinery


For the first time, green hydrogen is being used to replace diesel in a large wheel loader, marking a significant step forward in alternative powertrain technologies. During the project launch, Minister Gewessler expressed her enthusiasm: “Green hydrogen is an indispensable part of our energy future. It enables parts of industry to switch to climate-friendly production, which secures and creates jobs. As an important and valuable energy source, it helps replace fossil natural gas, especially in the hard-to-electrify mobility and construction sectors.”


The hydrogen used in the project is produced by Energie Steiermark, which operates a green hydrogen plant in Gabersdorf. This facility ensures a reliable and sustainable supply to the quarry, supporting the zero-emission operation of the machinery. Martin Graf, a member of Energie Steiermark’s board, emphasised the importance of the collaboration: “Hydrogen is a key component of the energy transition. Realising this pioneering project together with STRABAG and Liebherr not only strengthens our position as a local sustainability partner, but also helps to put Styria on the map.”





A New Era of Construction Equipment


At the heart of the project is Liebherr’s cutting-edge hydrogen engine, which powers the wheel loader under real working conditions. Liebherr’s technical managing director, Herbert Pfab, explained the significance of the technology: “Hydrogen engines make it possible to also operate large vehicles that are difficult to electrify due to their high energy requirements at completely zero-carbon conditions.”


The engines, produced at Liebherr’s facility in Bulle, Switzerland, are specifically designed to meet zero-emission standards for both CO2 and nitrogen oxides. This means that not only are the machines environmentally friendly, but they also comply with the stringent emission limits that are currently being developed for heavy-duty vehicles.


The wheel loader will be put through its paces over a multi-year trial period at STRABAG’s Kanzelsteinsteinbruch quarry in Gratkorn. The aim is to gather valuable data on the performance and operational efficiency of the hydrogen engine, which could then be used to inform future applications in the construction sector.





STRABAG’s Broader Commitment to Sustainable Quarries


The introduction of hydrogen-powered machinery is just one part of STRABAG’s holistic approach to sustainable quarry operations. The company is actively exploring other green initiatives, such as replacing diesel-powered mobile machines with electric conveyor belts in Saalfelden. One such conveyor belt even generates electricity from the weight of the transported stones, highlighting the innovative ways in which STRABAG is reducing emissions.


In Germany, STRABAG is also planning to deploy self-driving, battery-operated electric tippers at its Eigenrieden quarry, which would be the first of their kind in the country. These measures demonstrate STRABAG’s broader commitment to cutting carbon emissions across its operations, from material sourcing to machine usage.


Additionally, STRABAG has repurposed a disused section of the Gaaden quarry into a vibrant biotope, showcasing its dedication to environmental stewardship. By rewilding the area, the company has created a haven for birds, insects, and other wildlife, proving that sustainable practices can go hand in hand with industrial operations.





A Promising Outlook for Hydrogen in Construction


The pilot project at Gratkorn quarry is a clear indication that hydrogen-powered machinery could revolutionise the construction sector. As STRABAG, Liebherr, and Energie Steiermark continue to test and refine this technology, the potential to expand its use across other applications grows ever more promising.


This collaborative effort not only positions Austria at the forefront of sustainable construction but also sets a powerful example for the global industry. By investing in innovative, low-emission solutions, the construction sector can take meaningful steps towards a greener, more sustainable future.


Source: Fuel Cells Works

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ハイゾンは2024年9月にISO 9001監査に合格しており、2024年第4四半期には燃料電池の製造および設計・R&D活動に関するISO 9001認証の正式取得を見込んでいる。これにより、同社の開発・生産プロセスが品質管理の国際標準に適合することが保証される。





200kW燃料電池システム量産開始、ゼロエミッション技術の商用化に前進(レスポンス) - Yahoo!ニュース


200kW燃料電池システム量産開始、ゼロエミッション技術の商用化に前進(レスポンス) - Yahoo!ニ




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Get an exclusive look at Amazon's exciting new hydrogen fuel cell-powered vehicles pilot in Germany.


Testing the brand-new Mercedes-Benz GenH2 fuel-cell truck is a further step in the decarbonisation of our transportation network as we transition to net-zero carbon across all our operations by 2040. Here, we offer an exclusive behind-the-scenes look into what it means to work with a prototype of hydrogen fuel-cell-powered vehicles.


What is GenH2?


The GenH2 trucks are based on the characteristics of conventional diesel Mercedes-Benz Actros long-haul trucks, in terms of payload, range, and performance. GenH2 hydrogen trucks offer a payload of approximately 25 tons and at a gross combination weight of 40 tons. They are also equipped with two special liquid hydrogen tanks and a fuel-cell system range comparable to diesel trucks with similar refuelling times.


The benefit of using liquid hydrogen is that it enables a higher payload, making the GenH2 truck just as suitable for flexible and demanding long-haul road transportation as conventional diesel trucks. Liquid hydrogen also enables a range of up to 1,000 kilometres.


After a rigorous testing phase on the test track and public roads, these fuel-cell trucks have now reached an advanced development stage for deployment in the first customer fleets.


“To make this project become a reality, 14 different teams within Amazon were involved,” says Nilesh Patel, Senior Project Manager at Carbon Innovations. “The enthusiasm of each person, their ability to share solutions to overcome obstacles, and their focus on delivering results were the basis that led to a successful outcome."


What GenH2 means for Amazon Freight transport services


By testing the new GenH2 truck, we have the opportunity to not only gain practical experience in operating hydrogen fuel-cell-powered vehicles, but also to help shape the development of more sustainable logistics through eco-friendly transport. On top of this, we are able to provide the Daimler Truck development team with insights into the real-life operation of a truck powered by liquid hydrogen, share our specific requirements, and pave the way for a successful series development.


At the beginning of October, we used the GenH2 truck on specific tours in our logistics operations. As we and our freight partner become familiar with its operations and review operational data, longer tours will begin.


"We remain steadfast in our Climate Pledge commitment to reach net-zero carbon emissions across our operations by 2040. The decarbonisation of our transport network plays a crucial role in achieving this milestone, and we continue to invest, experiment, and innovate," said Andreas Marschner, VP, Europe Amazon Transportation Service and Worldwide Operations Sustainability. "We look forward to supporting the Daimler Truck development team in the next phase of this project."


Acknowledging we are operating a prototype vehicle, our operations will ramp up based on the vehicle’s performance.


Source: Fuel Cells Works

Posted by Morning lark
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Toyota City,-- Toyota Motor Corporation (Toyota) has announced today that it will exhibit at Japan Mobility Show Bizweek 2024, to be held at Makuhari Messe in Chiba Prefecture from Tuesday, October 15 to Friday, October 18.


Japan Mobility Show Bizweek 2024 is an event where the mobility industry and startups that will lead the next generation interact to co-create toward the shared goal of a sustainable future. At the event, Toyota will exhibit technology related to carbon neutrality from among its various sustainability initiatives.


For Japan, a country with limited land and resources, "energy policy" is a significant challenge for both the nation and its industries. Given this situation, it is crucial for the mobility sector, which has a broad base and operates in the B to C market, to act as a pacesetter, fostering collaboration across the entire industry.


In pursuit of achieving carbon neutrality through a multi-pathway approach, Toyota will promote co-creation with startups and other companies in the areas of 1) initiatives towards realizing a hydrogen society and 2) renewable energy management, both of which contribute to the stability of energy supply and the reduction of environmental impact. By fostering new partnerships and driving technological innovation, Toyota aims to strengthen its efforts to help create a sustainable future.


The main exhibits will be as follows.


  1. Liquid hydrogen-powered GR Corolla


Toyota began racing with a hydrogen-powered Corolla running on gaseous hydrogen in 2021. Since 2023, it has been competing in endurance races in Japan and abroad using a liquid hydrogen-powered GR Corolla.


The actual vehicle that has been competing in races will be on display at the JAMA joint exhibition booth, where Toyota will present its continued activities to refine cars and people through racing and to take on challenges and evolve together with partners in industry, government, and academia to achieve carbon neutrality.



Liquid hydrogen-powered GR Corolla



  1. Portable Hydrogen Cartridge


Toyota is working on research and development toward realizing a carbon-neutral society based on a multi-pathway approach with diverse viable energy options. Hydrogen is the ultimate clean energy that emits no CO2 during use, and CO2 emissions can also be minimized during the production process when renewable energy sources such as wind and solar are used. Hydrogen can be used to generate electricity in fuel cell systems and can also be used as a combustion fuel.


These portable hydrogen cartridges will be exhibited for the first time in Japan at this event. The technology Toyota has cultivated in the development of FCEVs is used to reduce the size and weight of hydrogen tanks, which were previously large and difficult to carry, to a size that can be carried by hand. They are designed to make hydrogen a familiar and safe energy source that can be used in a variety of everyday situations.



Portable Hydrogen Cartridge



A hydrogen-powered cooker developed together with Rinnai Corporation will also be exhibited as an example of hydrogen use, where hydrogen in portable cartridges is used for fuel cells to generate electricity or for cooking by combusting hydrogen gas in portable hydrogen cartridges.


Through this exhibition, Toyota aims to find matches with the technologies and ideas of various companies and startups from a variety of perspectives, including both providing services and developing and selling devices using portable hydrogen cartridges. In doing so, Toyota will further strengthen its efforts to use portable hydrogen cartridges and help create a hydrogen society.


  1. Sweep Energy Storage System


Creating a carbon-neutral society requires not only solving energy issues but also building a circular economy. Toyota emphasizes the circular economy in its car manufacturing as well, having long since worked on designs that minimize waste as well as the recycling and reuse of raw materials. In light of the rapid popularization of electrified vehicles in particular, including hybrid cars (HEVs), Toyota is carrying out initiatives such as developing resource-efficient and long-life batteries as well as reusing used batteries recovered from end-of-life electrified vehicles.


The sweep energy storage system that will be exhibited at this event utilizes used batteries from electrified vehicles using Toyota's original sweep technology* for battery control. In this system, various types of used batteries with different degrees of deterioration can be reused to maximize each battery's remaining energy storage capacity. It will contribute to a stable supply of electricity and the spread of renewable energy in combination with solar, wind, and other renewable energy power generation systems, which tend to result in an unstable supply of electricity.


Toyota has been conducting research and development on the sweep energy storage system together with JERA Corporation (JERA) since 2018. In 2022, the world's first large-capacity sweep energy storage system was installed at JERA's Yokkaichi Thermal Power Station for demonstration testing.


Through the exhibition, Toyota aims to find matches with technologies and ideas that can improve the sweep energy storage system and allow more affordable and stable operation, such as traceability technology for used batteries and technology that can dramatically shorten and reduce battery replacement work. Toyota will contribute to carbon neutrality by building a circular economy to help create a sustainable future.


Source: Fuel Cells Works

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