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The 2023 green hydrogen implementation gap. Credit: Nature Energy (2025). DOI: 10.1038/s41560-024-01684-7

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)--"Over the past three years, global project announcements for green hydrogen have almost tripled," says PIK researcher and lead author Adrian Odenweller.

"However, only seven percent of the production capacity originally announced for 2023 has been completed on time during this period."

According to the study, the recent problems with the market ramp-up of green hydrogen can be attributed to increased costs, a lack of willingness to pay on the demand side and uncertainties about future subsidies and regulation.

"Enormous additional subsidies of around one trillion US dollars would be required to realise all announced hydrogen projects by 2030," explains Falko Ueckerdt from PIK, "Green hydrogen will continue to have difficulties meeting the high expectations in the future due to a lack of competitiveness." However, permanent subsidies are not a solution. The two researchers therefore recommend using demand-side instruments such as binding quotas to channel green hydrogen specifically into sectors that are difficult to electrify, such as aviation, steel or chemicals. For example, according to an EU regulation, 1.2 percent of all aviation fuels must be blended with synthetic fuels based on hydrogen from 2030. This quota is set to rise to 35 percent by 2050.

Subsidy requirements far exceed announced global subsidies


In their study, the researchers quantify three key gaps between theory and practice: the past implementation gap, the future ambition gap and the future implementation gap. The first results from the difference between originally announced hydrogen projects and the projects actually realised in 2023. The ambition gap refers to the discrepancy between the amount of hydrogen that would be required by 2030 according to 1.5-degree scenarios and the projects currently announced by 2030. Although announced hydrogen projects are sufficient for the majority of the scenarios analysed, a wide implementation gap remains: The subsidies required to realise all projects by 2030 far exceed the global public financial support announced to date.

The study is based on a global and manually verified project database with 1232 green hydrogen projects announced until 2030. For each of the 14 designated end uses of the projects, the authors calculate the competitiveness gap between the green product and its fossil competitor. Together with the volume and the timing of the project announcements, this yields the subsidies required to realise all projects by 2030.

The researchers warn against fossil lock-ins, which could tie companies to fossil fuels and thus endanger climate targets. In the long term, a transition to technology-neutral market mechanisms such as carbon pricing is crucial in order to limit public costs and ensure a level playing field with other climate mitigation options. They therefore recommend a robust strategy that supports hydrogen projects in the short term through direct subsidies and demand-side regulation, but is based on realistic expectations for hydrogen.



Article: Adrian Odenweller, Falko Ueckerdt (2025): Green Hydrogen ambition and implementation gap. Nature Energy. [DOI: 10.1038/s41560-024-01684-7]  


Green Hydrogen: Ambition-Implementation Gap Persists


Green Hydrogen: Ambition-Implementation Gap Persists - Fuelcellsworks

Researchers from Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) analyze the challenges in the market ramp-up of green hydrogen, including increased costs, lack of demand-side willingness to pay, and uncertainties about future subsidies and regulation.



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光触媒方式に求められるのは圧倒的なコスト競争力だ。触媒の粉末に水をかけて光を当てれば水素が発生するため、装置が単純で安価に供給できると期待されてきた。新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構(NEDO)の人工光合成プロジェクトでも「破壊的に安価なグリーン水素製造」が掲げられている。 経済産業省とNEDOは2012―21年の10年間で約150億円を投じ、人工光合成技術を育ててきた。参加した研究者の総数は約150人。信州大学堂免一成特別特任教授らが光触媒を開発し、三菱ケミカルがシステム設計などを担った。現在は経産省・NEDOのグリーンイノベーション(GI)基金事業で三菱ケミカルが事業化を進めている。 光触媒方式では水素と酸素の混合ガスが得られる。ガスを水素と酸素に分離するプロセスや消炎対策などが必要になる。そこで水素分離には膜分離方式を採用した。水素分子の大きさは2・9オングストローム(オングストロームは100億分の1メートル)で酸素分子は3・4オングストローム。この差を利用して分子をふるいにかける。分離膜はセラミックやゼオライト、シリカ膜、炭素膜などを検証した。水素ガス中の酸素を4%未満に減らせれば爆発しない。条件を限定すれば水素濃度96%以上、水素回収率90%が見えている。 安全対策は配管に接続して組み込める消炎ユニットを開発した。さらに分離膜ユニットでの爆発実験を繰り返し、爆発させても分離膜性能に異常がないことを確認した。堂免教授は「火を付けないことが大前提。だが仮に着火したとしても壊れないシステムを開発できた」と説明する。安全研究の専門家らが開発を支えた。 水素の原料となる水の供給可能性も検証された。水素を大規模製造するとなると海水や河川水が原料となる。ただ遷移金属イオンや塩素、有機物などの不純物が含まれるため、そのままは利用できない。淡水化の工程が必要になる。 そこで蒸留水と海水淡水化水を検証したところ、光触媒の活性は変わらなかった。材料メーカーの試算では海水淡水化水のコストは水1トン当たり1ドル未満。50年の水素目標価格の1ノルマル立方メートル20円においても淡水化コストは0・4%程度になった。堂免教授は「実用化されている淡水化技術で十分」と断言する。 また水分解パネルは太陽電池パネルよりも簡素な構成で作れる。堂免教授は「アイデア次第で非常に安い水分解パネルを構築できる」という。将来、瀬戸内海などの波の静かな内海にパネルを浮かべて水素を生産する風景が日常になるかもしれない。

「水素」大規模供給へ、光触媒方式で圧倒的コスト競争力は実現するか(ニュースイッチ) - Yahoo!ニュース


「水素」大規模供給へ、光触媒方式で圧倒的コスト競争力は実現するか(ニュースイッチ) - Ya




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Plug Power to deliver 3GW electrolyser system to Australian ammonia project in 2027
Plug Power has finalised a 3GW electrolyser order from Allied Green Ammonia (AGA) for a major hydrogen-to-ammonia plant under development in Australia’s Northern Territory.

After Plug signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and agreed to support the Front-End Engineering Design (FEED) of the plant under a Basic Engineering and Design Package last May, they will now deliver the PEM electrolyser solutions from 2027. Whilst this depends on a positive final investment decision (FID) on the plant, which is expected in Q2 2025, AGA plans to use the electrolysers to help produce approximately 2,700 tonnes of green hydrogen-based ammonia per day.

Additionally, a 4.5GW solar plant will be installed to power the Plug electrolysers. The green ammonia will likely be exported to AGA’s customers in Asia and Europe, in the agriculture, energy storage, transport and industrial sectors.

Alfred Benedict, Chairman and Managing Director of Australia’s AGA, underlined the scale of the project and recognised the challenges it could present.

Benedict said, “Taking on a project of this magnitude, deploying 3 GW of electrolysers, is no small feat. From the moment we decided to embark on this journey, we knew we were looking at a long-term commitment to our partners of 4 to 5 years.”

Andy Marsh, CEO of Plug Power, added, “Ammonia producers are recognising the substantial advantages of cost and carbon reduction through electrolysis-based hydrogen.”


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CORALVILLE, IA – January 15, 2025 – SunHydrogen, Inc. (OTCQB: HYSR), the developer of a breakthrough technology to produce renewable hydrogen using sunlight and water, today released a new video showcasing its green hydrogen panel demonstration at the 1m² scale. The video can be viewed on SunHydrogen’s website here.

SunHydrogen’s Chief Technology Officer Dr. Syed Mubeen, said :

On December 11, 2024, our team successfully demonstrated hydrogen production in subfreezing temperatures outside the SunHydrogen laboratory in Coralville, IA,

“This video memorializes our achievement.”

Green hydrogen is produced through electrolysis powered by renewable sources such as wind, solar or hydroelectric power. This process involves splitting water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen, with hydrogen being the resulting fuel. No greenhouse gases are emitted during green hydrogen production or consumption. However, a vast majority of today’s green hydrogen producers transport their product over long distances, so although the hydrogen itself is green, the delivery and transport infrastructure is carbon intensive and costly.

SunHydrogen’s CEO Tim Young, said :

Our solution will eliminate the need to transport hydrogen fuel over long distances,

“We plan to offer on-site solar hydrogen generation at or near the point of use: No more long distance transport resulting in high costs and hydrogen losses.”

Additionally, the Company’s technology is fully self-contained and is not reliant on grid power for operation.

Dr. Mubeen said,

With the completion of our commercially-relevant 1m² demonstration, we can now begin the site selection process for larger pilot demonstrations at the 25m² scale and beyond,

Last fall, the Company joined the Texas Hydrogen Alliance, a coalition of industry leaders dedicated to advancing the hydrogen economy in Texas. Representatives from SunHydrogen also recently visited potential pilot plant sites in Hawaii alongside members of the Honda R&D team.

I would once again like to thank the team at CTF Solar GmbH, Honda R&D Co., the University of Iowa, the University of Michigan, Niigata Co., Ltd, and our expert consultants Prof. Kazunari Domen, Dr. Hiroshi Nishiyama, and Dr. Taro Yamada for their support,

“We look forward to building on this progress in 2025 as we set our sights on even greater milestones.”


SunHydrogen Releases Video Showcasing 1m² Green Hydrogen Panel Demonstration - Hydrogen Central


SunHydrogen Releases Video Showcasing 1m² Green Hydrogen Panel Demonstration - Hydrogen Central

SunHydrogen Releases Video Showcasing 1m² Green Hydrogen Panel DemonstrationCORALVILLE, IA – January 15, 2025 – SunHydrogen



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Barony and Partners Will Focus on Producing 3D Printed Components for Green Hydrogen Electrolysers and Hydrogen Fuel Cells

CARSON CITY, NV, UNITED STATES -- Barony Power Corp.’s CEO, Caisey Harlingten announces the January 2025 commencement of an initial one year mechanical and materials science project with a University of Tasmania (Utas) and Deakin University collaboration. The year one objective is to manufacture novel BPC Green Electrolysers, and Hydrogen Fuel Cells while 3D printing the essential electrolysis components for both.

If successful, this Patent Pending Research, will herald a paradigm shift in the manufacturing mode of Green Hydrogen Electrolysers and Hydrogen Fuel Cell components. By extension, it will have a profound effect on the competitiveness of Green Hydrogen as both a transportation fuel and a power source for green electricity generation.

“Success in 3D printing Green Hydrogen Electrolyser and Hydrogen Fuel Cell components promises to greatly expand the world’s access to Green Hydrogen as a clean source of energy.” said Caisey. “This can be achieved by revolutionizing the mass production of these components using commonly available materials in conjunction with 3D printing methods.”

Simultaneously “the BPC Hydrogen Lab”, at the UTas School of Engineering, is embarking upon the stand-alone production of novel and competitive BPC Green Hydrogen Electrolysers and Hydrogen Fuel Cells. Regardless of its success in novel 3D component printing that Deakin University intends to achieve, BPC also intends to successfully demonstrate its own competitive and novel Green Hydrogen Electrolyser and Hydrogen Fuel Cell using only commercially available electrolysis components.



Simultaneously “the BPC Hydrogen Lab”, at the UTas School of Engineering, is embarking upon the stand-alone production of novel and competitive BPC Green Hydrogen Electrolysers and Hydrogen Fuel Cells. Regardless of its success in novel 3D component printing that Deakin University intends to achieve, BPC also intends to successfully demonstrate its own competitive and novel Green Hydrogen Electrolyser and Hydrogen Fuel Cell using only commercially available electrolysis components.

Although success with the Deakin 3D printing project promises to reduce the green hydrogen electrolyser and hydrogen fuel cell manufacturing costs and delivery times across the board, UTas delivered BPC Green Hydrogen Electrolysers and BPC Hydrogen Fuel Cells intend to be state of the art in their own right, proprietary and very competitive in a world with explosive power demands.

Green Hydrogen is an emerging power source that is generated using renewable energy sources such as wind, solar and/or hydro and applied to a process called electrolysis. In simple terms, this process involves splitting water molecules (H₂O) into hydrogen (H₂) and oxygen (O

This makes Green Hydrogen a clean and sustainable alternative to traditional fossil fuels and a potential game-changer in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It can be used in various sectors, including heating, electricity, transportation fuel and power and can replace most, if not all, forms of industrial power generation. ). When hydrogen is used in transportation, industry or any other use, the “exhaust” is pure, clean, drinkable water, making Green Hydrogen one of the cleanest power sources in the world.

“I am confident that we will be able to overcome the two biggest challenges in the 3D printing of electrolysis components; these two challenges being: 1. making common silica glass conductive for use as an electrolysis component feed stock and 2. being able to mass-produce these key components of electrolysis using a 3D printing technology that will replace all current fabrication methods.” said Dr. Vipul, Barony’s Head Research Scientist at Deakin University

A report by Deloitte estimates that the green hydrogen market could reach a value of $1.4 trillion per year by 2050, supporting around 2 million jobs globally per year between 2030 and 2050. The market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 41.6% from 2024 to 2032, reaching a value of $334.6 billion by 2032

About Barony Power Corp. (BPC)


BPC is a US Green Hydrogen Technology company working in conjunction with its founding equity partner the University of Tasmania and academic associate Deakin University.

BPC’s focus is on the development of high efficiency, low cost, durable, small and mass-produced Green Hydrogen electrolyser and hydrogen fuel cell components and systems.

Chief among the intended strategies BPC intends to employ for achieving the aforementioned will be the development of proprietary specialty materials conducive to and amenable to the mass production of hydrogen electrolysis components using 3D printing technology.

In addition to the specialty materials development / 3D printing project underway at Deakin University, BPC is doing parallel product development in the BPC Hydrogen Lab, University of Tasmania, School of Engineering.

This development aims to produce proprietary and highly competitive BPC Green Hydrogen Electrolysers and BPC Hydrogen Fuel Cells regardless of its Deakin University 3D printing effort.

A success at Deakin University with 3D electrode printing will significantly enhance the competitiveness of BPC Green Electrolysers and BPC Hydrogen Fuel Cells.

In a time of exploding energy demands BPC products stand to be, at a minimum, either competitive in their own right or overwhelmingly competitive with its anticipated 3D printing, mass manufacturing success.

All development is being done under University of Tasmania Patents Pending and licensed exclusively to BPC.

The University of Tasmania has sought and obtained BPC’s permission to engage with its industry contacts for potential licensing agreements of emerging BPC products.

BPC will offer Sub Licenses of the aforementioned technologies to the highest and most qualified bidders.

Barony Power's Green Hydrogen Electrolyzer/Fuel Cell Project


Barony Power's Green Hydrogen Electrolyzer/Fuel Cell Project - Fuelcellsworks

Barony Power, Utas, and Deakin University collaborate on 3D printed components for green hydrogen electrolyzers and fuel cells, aiming to revolutionize green hydrogen production.



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