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월간수소경제 = 박상우 기자 | 독일의 AEM(음이온교환막) 수전해 전문기업인 인앱터(Enapter)가 이탈리아에 있는 2개의 금속제조공장에 AEM 수전해를 공급한다.

인앱터는 23일(현지시간) 이탈리아 강철제조업체인 코뉴 악시알리 스페셜리(Cogne Acciali Speciali’s)에 1MW급 AEM 수전해 시스템을 공급한다고 밝혔다.

코뉴 악시알리 스페셜리는 이탈리아 북서부 아오스타 밸리(Aosta Valley)에 있는 금속제조공장에 인앱터의 AEM 수전해 시스템을 설치해 공정에 사용되는 열원에 사용될 수소를 공급할 예정이다. 

수전해 시스템이 사용할 전기는 인근 태양광발전과 수력발전을 통해 공급된다. 이를 통해 해당 공장에서는 스테인리스 스틸과 니켈합금제품을 생산한다.

인앱터는 또 미국의 흑연 전극 생산업체인 산그라프 인터내셔널(Sangraf International)에 1.5MW급 AEM 수전해 시스템을 공급한다.

산그라프 인터내셔널은 이탈리아 중부 나르니 밸리(Narni Valley)에 있는 공장에 AEM 수전해를 설치해 천연가스 사용량의 10%를 그린수소로 대체할 계획이다. 

수전해 가동에 필요한 전기는 인근 2.6MW급 태양광 발전을 통해 공급된다. 이를 통해 해당 공장에서는 철강, 철, 비철금속 등을 제련할 때 사용되는 흑연 전극을 제조한다. 

인앱터는 이번 수주를 포함해 이탈리아에서만 9MW의 AEM 수전해 시스템 주문을 받았다고 밝혔다.

인앱터, 이태리 금속제조공장 2곳에 AEM 수전해 공급 < 시장 < NEWS < 기사본문 - 월간수소경제 (h2news.kr)


인앱터, 이태리 금속제조공장 2곳에 AEM 수전해 공급

월간수소경제 = 박상우 기자 | 독일의 AEM(음이온교환막) 수전해 전문기업인 인앱터(Enapter)가 이탈리아에 있는 2개의 금속제조공장에 AEM 수전해를 공급한다.인앱터는 23일(현지시간) 이탈리아 강



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월간수소경제 = 성재경 기자 | 그린수소 생산을 위한 수전해는 크게 알칼라인, 고분자전해질막(PEM) 수전해로 나뉜다. PEM 수전해의 경우 재생에너지 간헐성에 대한 대응이 빠르고 전류밀도와 에너지효율이 높아 소형화가 가능하다는 이점이 있다.

수소전문기업 지필로스가 지난 6월 한국가스안전공사로부터 받은 KGS 수소용품 인증(KGS AH-271)을 기반으로 100kW급 PEM 수전해시스템 사업화에 속도를 내고 있다.

그동안 그린수소 실증을 위한 현장설치형 또는 초소형(0.015N㎥/h) 제품으로 인증을 받은 적은 있지만, 공장에서 제조한 상용급 100kW PEM 수전해(22.5N㎥/h)로 인증을 받은 것은 지필로스가 첫 사례라 할 수 있다. 

시간당 2kg, 하루 최대 48kg 수소 생산

지필로스의 100kW PEM 수전해시스템(모델명 Pured100k)은 전기히터와 같은 별도 열원 없이 자체 발열을 통해 운전이 되며 최대 10kW/S의 전력변동을 효과적으로 제어할 수 있다. 안전성과 고효율(시스템 48.06kWh/kg, 유틸리티 소비전력 제외)을 겸비한 것도 특징이다.

지필로스의 Pured100k는 한 시간에 최대 2kg의 수소를 생산할 수 있다. 이온성분이 제거된 초순수 DI 워터를 사용하며 수전해시스템, 냉각기, 정제시스템이 세트로 현장에 설치된다. 24시간 가동 시 하루 최대 48.53kg(540N㎥)의 수소를 생산할 수 있다.

지필로스의 100kW PEMEC는 올해 청주 대청취수장, 제주 용수파력시험소 등에 공급될 예정이다. 청주 대청취수장의 경우 태양광 전력으로 물을 전기분해해서 생산한 수소로 연료전지 발전에 활용하게 된다. 

제주의 사례도 눈여겨볼 만하다. 제주시 한경면 용수리 앞바다에는 500kW급 시험파력발전소가 있다. 파력발전은 파도의 움직임으로 전기를 생산하는 기술로, 이 전기를 활용해 100kW PEM 수전해 설비를 가동할 계획이다. 

수소법에 따라 수소용품(수전해설비, 수소추출설비, 고정·이동형 연료전지 등 4종)과 수소용품 제조자는 KGS로부터 제조시설에 대한 기술검토, 용품 성능 법정검사 기준을 통과해야만 제품을 판매할 수 있다.

지필로스는 지난해 수소용품 상용화를 위한 수전해 제조시설을 구축하고 P2G(Power to Gas) 통합시스템 기술고도화에 집중해왔다. 연내 알칼라인 수전해(100kW~1MW)도 수소용품 인증을 받는다는 목표를 세워두고 있다.

박가우 지필로스 대표는 “국내외 수전해 전문기업과의 파트너십을 통해 수전해 핵심기술인 전해조 기술과 제조 능력, 공급망 확대 등 수소사업 확장에 힘쓰고 있다”라며 “풍력, 태양광, 파력 등 재생에너지와 연계한 그린수소 생산을 통해 탄소중립 실현에 앞장서겠다”는 의지를 밝혔다. 
지필로스, ‘100kW PEM 수전해시스템’ 국내 첫 상용화 < 시장 < NEWS < 기사본문 - 월간수소경제 (h2news.kr)


지필로스, ‘100kW PEM 수전해시스템’ 국내 첫 상용화

월간수소경제 = 성재경 기자 | 그린수소 생산을 위한 수전해는 크게 알칼라인, 고분자전해질막(PEM) 수전해로 나뉜다. PEM 수전해의 경우 재생에너지 간헐성에 대한 대응이 빠르고 전류밀도와 에



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Aircraft maker says H2 is best used in the production of sustainable aviation fuels


Executives at US-based aircraft maker Boeing are doubtful about hydrogen as an aviation fuel on account of its safety and sustainability challenges.


Speaking at the prestigious Farnborough International Airshow in the UK this week, Boeing’s chief technology officer Todd Citron warned that the high flammability of hydrogen poses safety concerns that will take time to overcome, according to specialist aviation title Flight Global.


Citron flagged that hydrogen is significantly more flammable that Jet-A fuel typically used in aircraft.


“Is it safe and certifiable? That’s a really big question,” he told the event.


Citron was one of a trio of Boeing executives speaking at the show, with another, chief sustainability officer Brian Moran, issuing a second warning, this time on hydrogen’s environmental credentials, pointing out that “98% of hydrogen is not green”.


Most hydrogen produced today is made with unabated fossil gas, and with final investment decisions still delayed on green H2 projects and large production subsidy programmes in the US still awaiting firm regulatory guidelines, production of renewable hydrogen is not expected to ramp up at significant scale until early next decade.


Boeing has carried out six hydrogen propulsion-related demonstration projects since 2008, with the latest, in 2021 to develop a composite cryogenic fuel tank to store liquid H2.


But in a briefing note dated March 2024, the company highlighted that “the larger fuel volume and very cold temperatures required for storage of liquid hydrogen present significant innovation opportunities in aircraft design and systems integration.”


The company has also conducted a total of three programmes to demonstrate hydrogen fuel-cell propulsion in unmanned aircraft.


“Boeing’s position is that the first, best and primary use of hydrogen in aviation should be used to develop and scale SAF [sustainable aviation fuels],” a spokesperson for Boeing told Hydrogen Insight today. “SAF is enormously important to reaching the commercial aviation industry’s net zero by 2050 goals and Boeing is working to advance green hydrogen to support the industry’s need to scale SAF through collaborations with entities including Equatic, Masdar, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Zero Petroleum.”


Green hydrogen can be used to make synthetic kerosene, by mixing it with carbon. It can also be used in the Fischer-Tropsch process to make biomass-based aviation fuels.


Boeing’s rival Airbus, by contrast, has pledged to bring hydrogen-powered aircraft to the skies by 2035 as part of its Zero-E programme — and has promised to make a decision on whether these planes will be powered by fuel cells or H2 combustion this decade.

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Air Products and Chemicals – Shifting To Hydrogen Is Forward-Looking But Risky – Seeking Alpha.


Investment Thesis


Air Products (NYSE: NYSE:APD) is the global leader in providing industrial gases and process technologies to over 30 industries. APD products cover the production and supply of gases such as atmospheric and process gases (hydrogen, Helium, and Carbon monoxide). In recent years, APD is in the active process of shifting to clean hydrogen energy at scale while divesting its traditional energy, as indicated by its recent sales of the LNG business unit for $1.8 billion.


As discussed in my previous coverage on Plug Power (NASDAQ: PLUG), the hydrogen economy is growing at a high single-digit pace until 2030, primarily fueled by the demands for green and blue hydrogen under the global decarbonization agenda. hydrogen is essential for everything that cannot be electrified, acting as a “clean fuel”. As such, the pivot of APD is undeniably reasonable. However, the rapid shift to hydrogen, which now accounts for more than 70% of the backlog, is a risky move that adds more volatility to the company. As such, the rating to the company is a Hold. More analysis will be provided below.


APD’s position in the shift towards hydrogen energy


APD is ambitious about maintaining the lead in hydrogen production by developing world-scale hydrogen megaprojects in the US, Canada, and Saudi Arabia. Air Products has the technology and the expertise needed to provide cleaner energy for the future. Investing in hydrogen production is consistent with the primary motive of the company’s drive for sustainable growth as its core strategy for growth in clean energy alternatives. Air Products’ management is actively implementing its vision of a sustainable approach to driving the energy transition through hydrogen megaprojects.


The company wants investors to see itself as a committed leader:




APD has invested $15 billion in projects worldwide. APD is accelerating the hydrogen transition by providing hydrogen infrastructure. The president and Chief Executive Officer, Seifi Ghasemi reaffirmed to investors that “APD is firmly focused on reducing its costs and pricing despite the existing geopolitical challenges to execute the total energy transition to low and zero-carbon hydrogen projects in the world.”


Visionary role


APD, with 65 years of hydrogen experience, is at the very forefront of driving the global shift to hydrogen. This is exemplified by a partnership with NEOM Green hydrogen Company, which builds the world’s largest green hydrogen production facility located in NEOM’s Oxagon region at a value of $8.4 billion. APD works with NEOM as a contractor for engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) and system integrator for the entire facility is an intentional decision in facilitating the fast shift to hydrogen. NEOM City is “a vision of what the future looks like” – so as the company’s vision to drive transformation of the future of energy


More tractions in green energy business segments


  • After California adopted approaches towards achieving a 100% energy transition to zero-emission, APD is actively implementing a network of hydrogen refuelling stations that refuel over 2,000 light-duty vehicles and 2000 heavy-duty trucks.
  • The company has committed $15 billion to hydrogen production and supply in scale in its various locations. The focus is on offering a cheaper alternative to fossil fuels, such as heavy-duty transportation and manufacturing.
  • APD has contracted with Chengzhi Shareholding Co. Ltd, a high-tech Chinese state-owned industry group, to accelerate transport decarbonization in China’s Yangtze River Delta. The Joint Venture aims to start its commercial-scale hydrogen refuelling stations in Changshu, Jiangsu province, for city heavy-duty trucks and buses.


Decarbonizing Heavy Industries


APD signed an agreement with TotalEnergies for the delivery of Green hydrogen with the aim of supplying 70,000 tons of hydrogen annually beginning in 2030. The first long-term deal in this contract with TotalEnergies seeks to supply 500,000 tons per year of hydrogen to decarbonise TotalEnergies Refineries in Europe. This is an opportunity for an investor to get into the market and move with the imminent rise in the hydrogen energy business.


These strategic investments and collaborations accompany the heavy manufacturing of hydrogen-powered vehicles that demand efficient and affordable hydrogen energy. This presents an opportunity for opportunists to invest in the future of energy.


Valuation: Better prospect comes with higher risks


As a believer in the future of hydrogen, what Air Products is doing strategically presents an optimistic picture to me – standing at the forefront of energy transition and leading the industry peers by radically transformation.


This is reflected in the model below in which the revenue and total operating income of the company is forecast to grow between 8 – 10% every year until 2026. This is assumed that, while rapidly expanding, the hydrogen industry requires time to grow and mature before steady revenue comes in. On the other hand, profit margin will slightly expand following the higher operating expenses in the process of the pivot, reaching 41.5% EBITDA Margin.


In terms of valuation multiple, Air Products’ P/E ratio was affected by the company’s pivotal decision to develop in the hydrogen industry, which reflects investors’ initial concerns on the company. But as more partnerships being announced and backlog growing, the valuation multiple is enhanced gradually. This also reflects my view that as the uncertainties around hydrogen economy fade, the company can reach an even higher multiple closer to its closest peer Linde, which is at the 23 – 25x range.


All valuation metrics look good so far, except there is a problem – the risks of the company are higher since the company is developing and transitioning into a whole new sector which is still at a very early stage. Also, the company is reportedly reluctant to sign a traditional offtake agreement that secures a stable income.


Consequently, the higher risks and expected returns are reflected in the higher discount rate, which should be applied at around 12 – 15%, taking into account the higher risk free rate and the higher cost of debt for its around $10 billion long-term debt.


This gives us a price range from around $245 – $260. Therefore, it is a Hold to us as the company is more or less rightly priced at the moment.


Investment Risks


  • Regulatory Uncertainties: Governments are introducing friendly regulations such as funding programs and incentives in support of green hydrogen projects. For example, the US Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) includes the Clean hydrogen Production Tax Credit to drive the hydrogen economy. This is financial support for hydrogen production and hydrogen infrastructure that will scale hydrogen stocks, but as the industry matures, the cancellation of subsidies may negatively affect APD.
  • Technology risks: hydrogen is still in the early stages of adoption and will probably take 5-10 years to prove itself. The production of hydrogen includes complicated processes and types of technology, such as electrolysis or pyrolysis. Therefore, different paths and advancement of technologies may impact make APD’s products obsolete and less cost efficient
  • Intense competitions: Plug Power, which produces hydrogen fuel cells, is a serious competitor for battery-powered EVs as opposed to APD. Also there is Ballard Power Systems (NASDAQ: BLDP), a power fuel cell manufacturer for automobiles as a close competitor of APD. As the industry grows, the competition in technology and pricing may be more intense and affect the sales and margin of APD.




To conclude, Air Products is leading to capitalize on the growing hydrogen economy via its investments and strategic partnerships, as well as forward-looking divestment. However, the radical transition does not give investors confidence as hydrogen sector is still at its innings. As such, reflecting both the future potentials and the associated risks, the company is a Hold to us, until more certainties and stability show.


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Project has been awarded a $5.4m grant from the US Department of Energy


The US Department of Energy has awarded a $5.4m grant for the construction of a pilot clean-steel project that will demonstrate a novel system that will integrate zero-carbon turquoise hydrogen production with a direct-reduced iron furnace.


US Steel will provide the iron ore that will be reduced (ie, using hydrogen to both melt and remove oxygen from the ore) and “potentially” use produce clean steel from the iron in an electric arc furnace, with California-based start-up Molten Industries providing its methane-pyrolysis technology, and CPFD Software providing simulation technology that can speed up the design and time-to-market of the tech.


Molten Industries uses renewable electricity to power “white-hot chemical reactors” that crack natural gas or biomethane into hydrogen and graphite (a form of solid carbon), which can be used in lithium-ion batteries. Because there is no air inside the reactor, the carbon cannot react with oxygen to produce CO2, hence the process emits no greenhouse gases (except perhaps for upstream methane emissions outside Molten’s control).


In fact, if biomethane is used, the hydrogen produced could be considered “carbon-negative”.


“The project's main objective is to demonstrate the integration of methane-pyrolysis-driven hydrogen production with a pilot direct reduced iron (DRI) shaft furnace at Molten's facility [in Oakland, California],” says Molten.


“Anticipated outcomes include significant energy, carbon intensity, and cost reductions — a pivotal stride toward sustainable steel production.”


The start-up — which recently raised $25m in Series A funding, led by billionaire-backed Breakthrough Energy Ventures (see panel below) — explains on its website: “While clean methods of hydrogen production exist — like water electrolysis — they rely on large amounts of renewable wind and solar energy. Our solution uses five times less energy than water electrolysis and can use existing natural gas networks to produce clean hydrogen where it is consumed.


It adds: “Our methane is responsibly procured from certified low-emissions natural gas and waste streams such as dairy farms, waste-water treatment plants, and landfills. This leads to hydrogen and graphite that are carbon-neutral or carbon-negative.”


The start-up claims that it is the “only team in the world that has shown we can use methane to make a lithium-ion grade graphite that drops directly into the existing lithium-ion battery anode supply chain, fundamentally changing the cost structure and geographic constraints of the graphite supply chain”.


The sale of graphite represents an additional income stream that could offset some of the cost of the turquoise hydrogen production.


Molten CEO Kevin Bush said that the pilot project “is an exciting first step in Molten’s mission to decarbonize the world’s heavy industries… we are confident that our joint efforts will pave the way for a future where carbon-neutral steel production is not just a possibility but a reality”.


US Steel chief technology officer Christian Gianni added: “Achieving U. S. Steel’s 2050 net zero emissions goal requires the development and commercialization of various technologies, some of which have yet to be available on a broad scale.


“This collaboration, thanks to the DOE grant, is an investment in the future of sustainable American steel.

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