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최근에 올라온 글

Yanmar and Amogy have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to integrate Amogy’s advanced ammonia-cracking technology into Yanmar’s hydrogen internal combustion engine (H2ICE). This collaboration seeks to pioneer a solution for decarbonising marine power generation.

The partnership will focus on combining Amogy’s technology with Yanmar’s H2ICE to provide low-cost hydrogen fuel. Amogy’s ammonia-cracking technology uses catalyst materials to break down ammonia into hydrogen and nitrogen at lower reaction temperatures with high durability, minimising heating and maintenance requirements. This integration promises a comprehensive clean energy solution for decarbonising marine power generation.

Furthermore, building on this joint research, both companies will explore the potential for collaboration in developing maritime hydrogen fuel cell systems.

“We are excited to work with Amogy on this innovative project,” said Ken Kawabe, Group Leader at Yanmar Research and Development Centre. “Our commitment to a sustainable future aligns perfectly with this collaboration, and we believe that integrating Amogy’s ammonia-cracking technology with our H2ICE has immense potential for decarbonising marine power.”

“As pioneers in sustainable energy solutions, we are thrilled to collaborate with Yanmar in exploring the integration of our cutting-edge ammonia-cracking technology with their hydrogen internal combustion engines,” said Seonghoon Woo, CEO at Amogy. “Collaboration is critical to advancing clean energy solutions and, together, we can overcome challenges and expedite sustainable progress in the marine sector.”

The collaboration between Amogy and Yanmar began in 2023 when Yanmar Ventures, Yanmar's corporate venture capital arm, invested in Amogy. Since then, both companies have been exploring opportunities to integrate their technologies.

Posted by Morning lark
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PGM-free Electrodes for AEM and Alkaline Electrolysis - Catrode®

With Latent Drives' innovative electrochemical treatment process, they activate stainless steel electrodes to make Catrodes® which combine both catalyst and electrode as one homogeneous part, without additional ingredients.
Catrodes are PGM-free (Platinum Group Metal) robust high-performance products.
The production process is developed for high volume mass production at realistic costs – reducing the capital costs of Green Hydrogen.
The Catrode is a Ni-Fe catalyst. First, the electrochemical surface area is increased then chromium is removed, and nickel is migrated and exposed on the surface of the stainless steel felt to produce a nickel iron catalytic surface layer.
The catalyst layer is formed on stainless steel felt which acts as both the Catalyst, Electrode and Gas diffusion layer combined.
Catrodes are 0.6mm thick with an active area of 200 cm² as standard but different thickness and areas could be treated as a custom request.
PGM free Catrodes performance in OER is comparable with state-of-the-art precious metal catalysts such as platinum and iridium and significantly surpasses the performance of nickel electrodes at a much-reduced cost.
Catrodes exhibit a stable performance below 1.58V RHE at 0.2A/cm2 at 50°C for 22 hours run in an ElyFlow test cell with an active area of 10 cm² compared to the overpotential of a commercially available Catalysed Nickel foam which reached 1.69V RHE.
The PGM-free Electrodes are designed to be run wet i.e. with liquid electrolyte in contact with the Catrode and membrane. Not intended for use with Nafion membranes.
Key features

Suitable for AEM and Alkaline Electrolysis
PGM-free (Platinum Group Metal) robust high-performance products
Developed for high volume mass production at realistic costs
Catrode is a Ni-Fe catalyst
Available in different thickness and areas as a custom request
Comparable with metal catalysts such as platinum and iridium and significantly surpasses the performance of nickel electrodes at a much-reduced cost
PGM-free Electrodes for AEM and Alkaline Electrolysis - Catrode®_2

Application areas

For alkaline water electrolysis, with either AEM or Zero Gap designs.
For use with Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) electrolyte in concentrations from 01.M to 5M.
Catrodes were developed to be used as anodes but can also be used as cathodes in an alkaline electrolyser.
Catrodes may also have potential to be used in batteries and fuel cell technology but after mutual collabaration with Latent Drive.
Use cases

Catrodes are being used as the combined gas diffusion layer and catalyst in a European electrolyser startup.
Catrodes in the form of treated stainless steel sheet is also being developed for a customer.
Contact us

Latent Drive is at the forefront of fuel cell technology innovation for novel applications. Interested? Please contact the vendor by filling in the contact vendor form.

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図1 競合に対して約20倍のアンモニア生成速度を実現





図2 システムはPEM形水電解に似る

 この電解セルスタックは、水を電気分解するPEM(Proton Exchange Membrane)形水電解のセルスタックと、多くの部材や構造が共通する。PEM形水電解では、水をアノードで酸化してプロトン(H+)にした後、カソードで還元して水素を取り出す。



 この開発では大きく2つのブレークスルーがあった。1つは、常温常圧の下で窒素分子の3重結合を切るための触媒の開発だ。これは東京大学 大学院 工学系研究科 教授の西林仁昭氏の研究チームが開発したモリブデン(Mo)を基にした触媒(図3)である。空気中の窒素を固定する根粒菌が持つ酵素「ニトロゲナーゼ」についての研究が端緒になっている。

図3 Mo触媒の例
東京大学の西林研究室が開発したMo触媒の化学式の例。最近はさらに改良が進んでいるようだ。tBuは、tertiary Butyl(出所:東京大学 西林研究室)


出光などが「世界最高性能」、常温常圧で水素不要のアンモニア合成 | 日経クロステック(xTECH) (nikkei.com)






Posted by Morning lark
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 東京ガスは2024年7月、水を電気分解して水素を取り出す水電解装置に用いる、レアメタルのイリジウム(Ir)を用いた触媒層付き電解質膜(Catalyst Coated Membrane:CCM)で、世界トップクラスの省Ir化を達成していることを明らかにした。

 東京ガスは、燃料電池の量産製造技術を持つSCREENホールディングスと共同で、プロトン交換膜(Proton Exchange Membrane:PEM)形水電解装置に使われるCCMを開発している。新聞紙を刷る輪転機に似た、ロール・ツー・ロール(R2R)式で量産することを目指している(図1)。しかも、以前からCCMの大型化と、酸素発生極(アノード)で用いるIr触媒の省Ir化を並行して進めており、大型化については現時点では寸法が25cm×50cm(電極面積1200cm2超)のCCMを開発済み。2024年度中にも、これを70cm超角(5000cm2)に拡大する計画。既に、SCREENホールディングスは、PEM形水電解セルを製造する新工場を建設中だという。

図1 CCMの本格量産に向けCCMの大型化と省Ir化にまい進


Posted by Morning lark
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Game-changing electrolyser coating that could halve hydrogen stack capex cost to be tested at scale | Hydrogen Insight


Game-changing electrolyser coating that could halve hydrogen stack capex cost to be tested at scale | Hydrogen Insight

Game-changing electrolyser coating that could halve hydrogen stack capex cost to be tested at scale New demonstration plant will enable tests on parts big enough for commercially-sized systems Oxford NanoSystems coating demonstration plant.Photo: Oxford Na


New demonstration plant will enable tests on parts big enough for commercially-sized systems


A technology company that has developed a metallic alloy coating that could double hydrogen production from alkaline electrolysers and halve the stack capex cost for H2 projects has today (Thursday) commissioned a demonstration plant to scale-up testing to commercially-sized systems.

Oxford NanoSystems’ (ONS) so-called “nanoFlux” alloy coating encourages the formation of more, smaller bubbles on the electrodes within an electrolyser, which in turn allow more electrons to move throughout the system — enabling the use of higher electrical currents and more hydrogen production in any given time period.

Posted by Morning lark
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