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청정수소 발전시장 흥행 실패 후 재계 후폭풍 커져
SK, 수소인프라 부서 폐쇄 논의…사업 ‘경제성’ 의문
삼성, 사우디 블루수소 33만t ‘환율 리스크’ 우려도


청정수소 발전시장 흥행 실패에 따른 후폭풍이 거세다. SK이노베이션 E&S는 첫 입찰에서 탈락한 시점과 맞물려 수소 사업 조직에 메스를 댔다. 첫 청정수소 발전사업자가 된 남부발전 삼척 1호기의 연료 공급사인 삼성물산은 환율 리스크를 떠안을 수 있다는 우려가 나온다.

지난 9일 업계에 따르면 SK이노베이션 E&S는 지난주 임원인사와 조직개편을 단행하며 수소 사업 부문 산하 4개 본부 가운데 수소인프라본부, 수소글로벌본부 등 2개 본부의 폐쇄를 논의했다. 나머지 2개 본부는 SK이노베이션의 조직편제에 맞춰 실 단위 조직으로 신에너지사업본부에 넘길 예정이다. 신에너지사업본부는 수소, 에너지솔루션 등의 사업기획을 맡게 됐다.

이번 조직개편의 핵심은 사라진 수소인프라본부다. 인천 액화수소 사업과 충남 보령 블루수소 사업을 맡은 조직의 행방이 관건이다. SK이노베이션 E&S의 수소 사업은 4년째 지지부진한 상황이다. 올해 5월 연 3만t 규모의 액화수소 플랜트를 준공했지만, 가동률은 여전히 낮은 것으로 전해졌다. 보령 블루수소 사업은 당초 연 25만t 생산에서 올해 초 12.5만t으로 하향 조정됐다.

급기야 올해 청정수소 발전시장(CHPS) 첫 경쟁입찰에서는 상한선을 훌쩍 넘긴 입찰가격을 써내며 평가대상에서 일찌감치 제외됐다. 올해 경쟁입찰의 상한가격은 청정수소 발전량 기준 kWh당 500원 안팎으로 추정된다. SK이노베이션 E&S는 650원대에 응찰한 것으로 파악됐다.

당초 SK이노베이션 E&S는 광양 천연가스발전소를 문 닫는 대신 충남 보령에 LNG-수소 혼소 발전소를 지으려 했다. 하지만 SK이노베이션과 합병 후 리밸런싱(사업재편) 과정에서 보령 수소 사업의 타당성에 대한 의문이 커진 것으로 알려졌다. 지역별 가격제(LMP) 도입과 경쟁 민간 발전사의 수도권행도 일부 영향을 준 것으로 전해진다.

업계 관계자는 “SK이노베이션 E&S의 수소 사업을 총괄해 온 추형욱 대표가 유임된 점을 고려하면 내년 CHPS 입찰 때 재도전하는 그림도 충분히 그려볼 수 있다”며 “다만 보령 블루수소 사업 규모가 축소되며 경제성에 대한 고민이 내부에서 적잖을 것”이라고 말했다.

CHPS 첫 경쟁입찰 후 삼성물산의 고민도 커졌다. 삼성물산은 2028년부터 남부발전의 삼척그린파워 1호기에 블루암모니아를 공급하는데, 15년의 계약기간 동안 환율 리스크를 짊어질 수 있다는 분석도 있다.

삼성물산은 연 33만t의 블루암모니아를 사우디아라비아 아람코로부터 국내로 들여온다. 통상 LNG나 수소·암모니아 등 연료공급계약은 달러화를 기준으로 맺는다. 다만 삼척 1호기의 경우 사우디 아람코-삼성물산은 달러화 계약, 삼성물산-남부발전은 원화 계약을 각각 맺은 것으로 알려졌다. 이때 환율 변동에 따른 손실은 삼성물산의 부담이 될 가능성이 있다. 환헤징 계약 체결 여부는 확인되지 않았다. 발전사업자와 연료 공급사 간 리스크 배분 차원의 조치로 풀이된다.


남부발전은 이번 입찰에서 청정수소 발전량 기준 kWh당 470원대에 응찰가를 써낸 것으로 파악된다. 이를 두고 업계 관계자는 “남부발전은 3만t 규모의 암모니아 저장탱크 국비 지원 외에 연료 공급사와 리스크를 서로 나누며 입찰가를 낮게 써내는 데 성공한 것으로 보인다”며 “다만 15년의 장기간 동안 환헤징 계약이 가능하도록 정부 지원이 필요하다”고 말했다.

이를 두고 삼성물산 측은 “최종 결제통화에 따른 발전사업자와 연료 공급사 간 리스크 배분은 본계약 체결 시 확정될 예정”이라고 반박했다.

SK E&S 수소조직 확 줄이고, 삼성물산 수소발전 리스크 떠안고 < 수소 < 에너지Biz < 기사본문 - 전기신문


SK E&S 수소조직 확 줄이고, 삼성물산 수소발전 리스크 떠안고 - 전기신문

청정수소 발전시장 흥행 실패에 따른 후폭풍이 거세다. SK이노베이션 E&S는 첫 입찰에서 탈락한 시점과 맞물려 수소 사업 조직에 메스를 댔다. 첫 청정수소 발전사업자가 된 남부발전 삼척 1호기



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The India Hydrogen Alliance (IH2A) has unveiled a comprehensive plan to significantly reduce carbon emissions in India's heavy transport sector through the development of green fuel hubs. The alliance's latest report, "Low-Carbon e-fuels & Heavy Duty Transport Decarbonisation Report 2025-2030," identifies green methanol, ammonia, and sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) as key to this initiative.

Strategic Development of e-Fuels Hubs

The report outlines a vision for low-carbon e-fuels hubs along India’s east and west coasts, integrated with heavy-duty transport corridors. These hubs are expected to support the transition of maritime and aviation sectors by supplying large volumes of green methanol, green ammonia, and SAF. The strategic placement of these hubs aims to minimize infrastructure costs and streamline the supply chain for distributing these fuels.

Green Methanol and Ammonia as Maritime Fuels

In maritime applications, the IH2A report highlights the potential of green methanol and ammonia to power coastal shipping fleets. By 2030, these fuels could generate significant demand, with green methanol potentially reaching up to 194 million liters annually and green ammonia even higher, necessitating around 50,000 tonnes of hydrogen. These developments present not only domestic opportunities but also export potentials, particularly with nations like Singapore.

SAF for Aviation Decarbonization

For aviation, the report suggests that SAF blending mandates ranging from 1% to 3% for select domestic and international flights could drive substantial demand for the fuel. SAF is recognized for its ease of integration as it can be used with existing aircraft without the need for additional capital expenditures on new planes or refueling infrastructure.

Economic and Policy Considerations

Despite the promising outlook for e-fuels, the report also notes several challenges, particularly the high costs associated with the infrastructure needed for compressed or liquid hydrogen. To address these challenges, IH2A calls for capex support for transport fleet owners to facilitate the adoption of low-carbon vehicles and the development of necessary refueling infrastructure.

International Collaborations to Boost e-Fuel Adoption

IH2A advocates for strategic low-carbon e-fuel partnerships with countries like Singapore and European nations to accelerate the adoption of these technologies. Such collaborations could be crucial in fostering the global transition to greener fuel alternatives.

Summary of IH2A’s Recommendations

  • SAF blending is the most straightforward short-term strategy for decarbonizing aviation.
  • Coastal shipping can drive significant demand for green methanol and ammonia, aiding substantial transport decarbonization.
  • Fleet and refueling infrastructure capex are essential for adopting green methanol, green ammonia, and hydrogen.
  • Policy coordination and incentives are necessary to ensure the successful deployment of low-carbon e-fuels in heavy transport sectors.

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India's Green Fuel Hubs: Decarbonizing Heavy Transport


India's Green Fuel Hubs: Decarbonizing Heavy Transport - Fuelcellsworks

The India Hydrogen Alliance plans to develop green fuel hubs to reduce carbon emissions in the heavy transport sector. Key fuels include green methanol, ammonia, and sustainable aviation fuels, which will be produced in hubs along India's coasts. The repor



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Beijing, China -- Hygreen Energy, a global electrolyzer manufacturer and hydrogen technology developer, announces the successful delivery of a 25-Megawatt electrolyzer system to Huadian Weifang Power Generation Co., Ltd.  As the largest hydrogen production initiative in the region to date, this electrolyzer delivery milestone marks a significant step in the adoption of electrolyzers for larger-scale hydrogen production projects.

The electrolyzer system from Hygreen Energy is designed to produce 3.6 tons of hydrogen per day with 99.999% purity, integrated alongside robust storage solutions and advanced distribution systems. Each of the five electrolyzer stacks from Hygreen Energy are 5 Megawatts in size, with balance-of-plant systems also designed and manufactured by Hygreen Energy.


Located in Weifang, China, the hydrogen production project is integrated into Huadian Weifang’s existing power plant, and serves to reduce renewable energy wastage, enhancing grid resilience, and fostering cost-effective hydrogen adoption in Shandong.  The hydrogen produced at this facility will be used for a hydrogen refueling station on-site, as well as mixing with natural gas through pipelines for use by enterprises and residents. Installation and commissioning began as of November 2024, and are set to complete in Q1 of 2025.


The project is the first large-scale hydrogen energy storage demonstration under China’s “Hydrogen Into Ten Thousand Homes” initiative. Huadian Weifang Power Generation is part of China Huadian Corporation, one of the largest power generation enterprises in China.

Benny Wang, CEO at Hygreen Energy, highlighted that this project is a significant development in the region’s renewable energy transition and implementation of larger electrolyzer systems: “With its 25-megawatt scale, our successful delivery is an important validation to role of electrolyzers in larger-scale hydrogen projects, and showcase Hygreen Energy’s proven technology for other projects worldwide.”


Hygreen Energy continues to expand its footprint in the hydrogen sector, including a recent contract to supply a 40-megawatt electrolyzer system for another major project in China.

About Hygreen Energy


Hygreen Energy is a world leading electrolyzer manufacturer that offers comprehensive solutions to green hydrogen production. Specializing in Alkaline, PEM, and AEM technologies, Hygreen electrolyzers are rigorously tested, robustly built, and extensively proven with in-field usage by customers worldwide. Backed by over 17 years of experience and over 300 electrolyzer projects delivered, Hygreen Energy’s engineers are some of the world’s most experienced professionals when supporting EPCs and hydrogen project developers.  By transforming the electrolyzer industry with unparalleled efficiency, safety, cost, and durability, Hygreen Energy is enabling the world’s clean energy transition by supporting the growth of green hydrogen across many industries. Say hello to a greener future with Hygreen Energy, and visit us at www.hygreenenergy.com.


25MW Electrolyzer for Shandong's Hydrogen Project - Fuelcellsworks

Hygreen Energy delivers a 25-MW electrolyzer system to power China's largest hydrogen production project, marking a milestone in large-scale hydrogen production.



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SINGAPORE, December 4, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — Horizon Fuel Cell Group has hit another milestone, with the launch of its 5MW AEM electrolyser system designed to drive down the cost of green hydrogen.

Delivering both capital cost reduction and higher efficiency, while retaining the operating flexibility relative to PEM electrolysers, these new electrolysers improve the viability of large-scale green hydrogen demand cases, such as green steel, green ammonia, eSAF and green methanol in the decarbonisation of energy, heavy transport and industrial processes.

To support global decarbonisation on a genuinely competitive basis with fossil fuel alternatives, the cost of green hydrogen must be significantly reduced. Horizon’s new 5MW AEM building blocks combine just 10 electrolyser stacks to convert low-cost renewable energy into green hydrogen at scale, with a dramatically simpler architecture than some other AEM solutions, yielding long term operational benefits.

Key Features of Horizon’s 5MW AEM System:
• Strong dynamic response capability: nimble in responding to renewable energy power sources with input range of 5-120% of rated power
• DC power consumption of 3.6 to 4.3 kWh/Nm³ with Hydrogen purity of 99.999%
• Hydrogen production flexibility: can automatically adjust operation based on hydrogen flow requirements
• Well suited to large green hydrogen projects: the 5MW modular units are cost-effective building blocks
• Rapid path to scale: takes advantage of existing capabilities to offer high-throughput production

AEM (Anion Exchange Membrane) technology is widely recognized as highly promising for green hydrogen production. The anion exchange membrane is a critical component influencing the performance, lifespan, efficiency and cost of AEM electrolysers, and is currently the main technological limitation for large-scale commercialisation of AEM based solutions. Following Horizon’s track record of innovation in materials and electrochemistry, several breakthrough advancements have been made in membranes, catalysts, electrodes, and electrolyser stacks, which contribute to strong potential for the mass deployment of next generation AEM electrolysis solutions, which also leverages Horizon’s substantial operations experience.

Horizon is exploring numerous partnership opportunities around the world for assembly of these crucial elements of the green hydrogen supply chain, and has already announced the first such collaboration, targeting the promising Indian market.

READ the latest news shaping the hydrogen market at Hydrogen Central

Horizon announces world’s first 5MW AEM Electrolyser Targeting Large Green Hydrogen Projects, source


Horizon announces world’s first 5MW AEM Electrolyser Targeting Large Green Hydrogen Projects

Horizon Fuel Cell Group has hit another milestone, with the launch of its 5MW AEM electrolyser system designed to drive down the cost of green hydrogen.



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