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최근에 올라온 글

New Office in Korean Tech Hub, Pangyo, Positions Clean Tech Innovator for Growth

NEW YORK & PANGYO, South Korea --Amogy, a provider of mature, scalable, and efficient ammonia-to-power solutions, today announced the expansion of its operations into South Korea with the opening of an office in the Pangyo Techno Valley. By establishing this formal presence in a key market, Amogy will be in close proximity to established investors and partners, including SK Innovation, Samsung Heavy Industries, HD Hyundai, Hanwha, SV Investment, Korea Zinc, and more. It also brings the company closer to key maritime and hydrogen technology supply chains, positioning it for growth and commercialization following the latest successful demonstration of its technology in a maritime vessel.

“Under the significant regulatory support for its hydrogen economy, South Korea’s network of world-class organizations in manufacturing, maritime, and hydrogen and ammonia technologies has already been instrumental in accelerating Amogy’s growth,” said Seonghoon Woo, CEO and co-founder of Amogy. “This expansion lays the foundation for even stronger roots in a region that will continue to be critical for Amogy as we bring our solutions to the market. Together with our partners and investors in the region, we are dedicated to advancing South Korea’s vision of carbon-free power and heavy industry decarbonization, driving its economic growth and leadership throughout the energy transition."

Korea’s status as an early adopter in ammonia and hydrogen fuel technologies, along with robust national policies that support the clean tech economy, was a major driver in Amogy’s decision to establish a local presence. In 2024, South Korea held the world’s first auction for electricity generation using hydrogen and ammonia under the Clean Hydrogen Production Standard (CHPS). The country is also advancing grid stability through the recently enacted Distributed Energy Act (DEA), which promotes distributed generation to meet growing power demands.

Additionally, home to three of the world’s leading shipyards, South Korea stands at the forefront of maritime innovation and the development of hydrogen technologies. As the largest market for fuel cell solutions in terms of total power output deployed and with a goal to commercialize ammonia-fueled power generation by 2030, South Korea is a key market for Amogy’s ammonia-based energy solutions.

Amogy’s new office in Pangyo will be led by Dr. Stone Zhang, Managing Director in Asia. Dr. Zhang will oversee key local partners and business development for the Asia Pacific region. Prior to Amogy, Dr. Zhang was with DNV where he gained over a decade of regional and global executive experience working across the maritime and energy value chains. Dr. Zhang has a Ph.D. in Marine and Offshore Engineering from Harbin Engineering University and an Executive M.B.A. from Rice University.

“Our entry into the South Korean market comes at a pivotal moment,” said Zhang. “With the help of transformative legislation like CHPS and DEA, Korea is projected to generate 2% of its electricity from hydrogen and ammonia by 2030, increasing to 7% by 2035. Building on this momentum, Amogy is partnering with leading innovators such as SK Innovation, HD Hyundai Infracore, Samsung Heavy Industries, and Hanwha to develop ammonia-fueled solutions for distributed power generation and maritime applications. This new office will enable closer collaborations across the local value chain with industry players who are just as invested as us in the decarbonization journey.”

In September 2024, Amogy completed the latest successful demonstration of its technology, sailing the world’s first carbon-free, ammonia-powered maritime vessel. Bolstered by a recently announced investment of $56 million in venture financing, the company is now advancing towards commercializing its solutions to achieve its mission of decarbonizing hard-to-abate sectors such as global shipping and power generation.

To learn more about Amogy and its technology, please visit www.amogy.co.

About Amogy

Amogy provides carbon-free energy solutions to decarbonize hard-to-abate sectors like maritime shipping, as well as stationary power generation applications. Proven in real-world applications, its patented ammonia cracking technology is mature, scalable and a highly efficient method for splitting liquid ammonia, generating electrical power in combination with hydrogen fuel cells.

Amogy is headquartered in Brooklyn, New York, with additional locations including Houston, Texas, Norway, and Singapore. Amogy is backed by investors including Amazon’s Climate Pledge Fund, Temasek, SK Innovation, Aramco Ventures, Mitsubishi Corporation, Samsung Heavy Industries, BHP Ventures, and AP Ventures.


Amogy Expands to South Korea, Strengthens Regional Presence


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メタノールで走る次世代型自動車を開発する「醇氫科技(Chunqing technology)」が2024年12月、追加のプレシリーズAで資金を調達したと発表した。同社は中国自動車大手・浙江吉利控股集団(Zhejiang Geely Holding Group)傘下で商用車を手がける「遠程新能源商用車(Farizon new energy commercial vehicle)」が設立した。出資には多くの戦略的投資家が参加し、調達額は1億3500万ドル(約210億円)、評価額は15億ドル(約2300億円)以上になった。 調達した資金は主に市場開拓とメタノール水素のエコシステム開発に活用する。 醇氫科技は2022年11月に設立され、メタノール水素電気システムを中心に、次世代のメタノール水素電気自動車の開発、製造、販売を手がけるほか、新しいグリーンメタノール製造技術の開発、実用化を進めている。 メタノール水素電気自動車はレンジエクステンダー付きの電気自動車(EV)で、メタノールを燃料とするエンジンとバッテリー技術を組み合わせたものだ。メタノールを液体水素として使い、従来の水素燃料電池システムに代わって直接発電と電力供給ができるため、ピュアEVに比べ経済的で充電時間も短い。 醇氫科技は、内モンゴル自治区の阿拉善(アルシャー)で年産50万トンのグリーンメタノール製造拠点の建設に参加し、2024年10月に年産10万トンの第1期モデルプロジェクトが正式にスタートした。 水電気分解による50万トン級の水素製造プロジェクトと、産業排ガスから回収した二酸化炭素をグリーンメタノールに合成するプロジェクトを合わせた中国初の取り組みだ。大規模なグリーン電力消費と二酸化炭素の排出削減が期待でき、プロジェクトが50万トンの生産目標に達すれば、年間75万トンの温室効果ガスの排出削減が見込まれる。 中国は世界最大のメタノール生産国で、世界のメタノール生産能力の60%を占めている。 中国石油・化学工業連合会(CPCIF)のアルコール・エーテル燃料・クリーン自動車専門委員会の統計によると、中国におけるメタノール燃料自動車の販売台数は2022年に13万7000台に達し、保有台数は合計50万5000台に上っている。 メタノール車の技術は一定の進歩を遂げたとはいえ、技術的なボトルネックはまだ残っている。 また、市場におけるメタノール車の認知度はまだ低く、受け入れは進んでいない。 インフラ建設の面では、国や地方政府が積極的に推進しているものの、ガソリンスタンドやEV充電スタンドに比べるとメタノールステーションの数やカバー範囲はまだ限定的だ。 このため、メタノール車の普及や利用はなかなか進んでいない。 しかし、メタノール車には大きな発展の見込みがあると考えられている。 特にタクシーやバスなどの運行車両では、低コストで環境性能に優れているメタノール車がさらに市場を拡大するポテンシャルを秘めている。メタノール水素電気自動車は中国北部の極寒地域に特に適しており、通常のEVのように冬季にバッテリー性能が大幅に低下することがない点は特筆に値する。 昨年5月、中国東北地方の遼寧省瀋陽市政府は遠程新能源商用車と戦略協力協定に署名し、メタノール水素エコシステムを中核として、新エネ車とメタノール水素電気自動車の推進における長期的な戦略的パートナーシップを締結した。 現在、遠程新能源商用車はメタノール水素電気大型トラック、小型トラック、バスなどの製品を発売しており、1月5日には第9回アジア冬季競技大会の公式パートナーとして、大会中にメタノール水素電気自動車を使った移動サービスを提供すると発表した。 これに先立ち、吉利汽車は2025年中に世界初の次世代型メタノール・電気ハイブリッド技術を搭載した新製品として、セダンタイプとスポーツタイプ多目的車(SUV)を1台ずつ発表すると明らかにしていた。

「メタノール水素EV」の実用化を加速。吉利汽車系スタートアップ、200億円超調達(36Kr Japan) - Yahoo!ニュース


「メタノール水素EV」の実用化を加速。吉利汽車系スタートアップ、200億円超調達(36Kr Japan) -

メタノールで走る次世代型自動車を開発する「醇氫科技(Chunqing technology)」が2024年12月、追加のプレシリーズAで資金を調達したと発表した。同社は中国自動車大手・浙江吉利控股集



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  • European Electrolyser manufacturers urge the EU to expand support for the green hydrogen sector to ensure the industry can meet ambitious 2030 climate targets.
  • The Electrolyser Partnership calls for simplified regulations, enhanced funding, and increased demand for hydrogen to activate idle production capacities.

EU's Green Hydrogen Sector Requires Immediate Action to Avoid Stagnation


The European Union’s ambitious targets for green hydrogen are at risk of being unmet unless significant support is extended to electrolyser manufacturers, warns the Electrolyser Partnership. Despite existing investments in the construction of electrolyser gigafactories, many remain unused due to a stark lack of demand and supportive policies.

The Electrolyser Partnership, established under the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance in 2022, has voiced concerns in a detailed position paper for the upcoming Clean Industrial Deal. The paper highlights the critical gaps between current policies and what is needed to ensure the EU meets its climate and energy targets through robust industrial strategies.

Key Issues and Recommendations

The primary challenges identified by the Partnership include regulatory ambiguities, delays in target implementations at the national level, high electricity costs, slow development of hydrogen infrastructure, and an uneven international playing field. These issues collectively hinder the operational readiness and economic viability of electrolyser factories across Europe.

To address these challenges, the Electrolyser Partnership has laid out several key actions for EU policymakers:

  1. Increase Demand for Hydrogen: Encourage the development of markets for green products like steel, fertilizers, and e-fuels that incorporate hydrogen in their processes.
  2. Regulatory Simplification: Streamline hydrogen-specific legislation to foster a more coherent and enforceable framework.
  3. Strengthen Industry Resilience: Establish a fair and competitive marketplace for European electrolysers by ensuring reciprocal international trade conditions and protecting domestic supply chains.
  4. Enhanced Financial Support: Clarify and expand existing EU funding mechanisms to de-risk the hydrogen sector and stimulate further investment.

Industry Response and Future Steps

The urgency for these measures is underscored by the Electrolyser Partnership’s call for action, which stresses that without immediate and effective intervention, Europe risks falling behind in its global leadership in green technology.

Jorgo Chatzimarkakis, CEO of Hydrogen Europe, highlighted the sector's potential, stating, "The electrolyser industry must ramp up its manufacturing capacity tenfold within the next five years to meet the EU's goal of 20 million tons of renewably produced hydrogen by 2030."

As part of its efforts to catalyze industry progress, the Electrolyser Partnership is set to convene its first meeting in September, following a call for interest among Clean Hydrogen Alliance members. This meeting aims to forge stronger collaborations between manufacturers, suppliers, and policymakers to advance the EU’s industrial leadership in renewable hydrogen production.


EU's Green Hydrogen Sector Requires Immediate Action


EU's Green Hydrogen Sector Requires Immediate Action - Fuelcellsworks

European Electrolyser manufacturers urge the EU to expand support for the green hydrogen sector to ensure the industry can meet ambitious 2030 climate targets.



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AEM 수전해 셀의 성능과 안전성 높여

수전해 셀은 물을 전기화학적으로 분해해 수소를 생산하는 기술이다. 탄소 중립 시대를 위한 필수 에너지 변환 기술인데 문제는 수소를 생산하는데 큰 비용이 들어간다는 점이다. 고가의 백금 사용량이 크게 요구되는 한계가 있었다.

국내 연구팀이 백금 사용량을 10분의 1로 줄여 수전해 셀의 경제성을 높이는 데 성공했다. 이번 연구에서 측정한 수전해 셀 성능은 미국 에너지부(Department of Energy, DOE)가 제시한 수전해 셀 성능과 귀금속 사용량의 2026년 목표치를 유일하게 충족시켰다고 평가받았다.

한국과학기술원(KAIST, 총장 이광형)은 생명화학공학과 이진우 교수 연구팀이 화학과 김형준 교수 연구팀과 공동연구를 통해 음이온 교환막 기반 수전해 셀의 성능과 안정성을 획기적으로 높이는 고성능 고안정성 귀금속 단일 원자 촉매를 개발했다고 31일 발표했다.

연구팀은 귀금속 촉매의 열화 메커니즘을 역이용하는 ‘자가조립원조 귀금속 동적배치’ 전략을 개발했다. 이 방법은 1000℃ 이상의 고온에서 귀금속이 자발적이고 선택적으로 탄화물 지지체에 단일원자로 분해돼 안정적으로 충분히 담기는 합성 기술이다. 상용 백금 촉매와 비교했을 때 10분의 1 수준의 백금 사용량으로도 더 높은 성능과 안정성을 구현했다.

단일 원자 촉매는 금속 원자가 지지체 표면에 고립된 형태로 담겨 높은 귀금속당 촉매 효율을 나타내는데 기존 저온 환원법에서는 촉매 성능과 안정성 확보에 한계가 있었다.

연구팀은 귀금속 전구체와 고분자 사이의 분자적 상호작용과 귀금속-지지체 사이의 상호작용을 응용해 자가조립원조 귀금속 동적배치라는 새로운 단일 원자 촉매합성 메커니즘을 제시했다.

연구팀은 이 합성 기술을 통해 백금뿐 아니라 이리듐, 팔라듐, 로듐 등 다양한 귀금속 단일 원자 촉매에도 적용 가능성을 입증했다.

개발된 백금 단일 원자 촉매의 경우, 염기 조건 수소 생성반응에서 높은 안정성을 가지며 높은 밀도의 귀금속 활성점을 통해 우수한 수소 생산 성능을 보였다. 이 결과 상용 백금 촉매 대비 5배 높은 귀금속당 수소 생산 성능을 구현할 수 있었다.

연구팀은 개발 촉매의 상용성 평가를 위해 음이온 교환막 기반 수전해 셀에 적용했다. 개발된 백금 단일 원자 촉매는 상용 백금 촉매보다 10분의 1 백금 사용량에도 불구하고 그를 능가하는 3.38A/㎠(@ 1.8 V)의 높은 성능을 기록했다.

1A/㎠의 산업용 전류밀도에서도 우수한 안정성을 나타냈다. 이 성능은 미국 에너지부가 제시한 수전해 셀 성능과 귀금속 사용량의 2026년 목표치를 충족시키는 유일한 음이온 교환막 기반 수전해 셀 성능으로 평가받는다.

제1 저자인 김성빈 연구교수는 “이번 기술은 수전해 셀의 원가를 크게 절감시키는 기술”이라며 “이번 연구에서 제시된 자가조립원조 귀금속 동적배치 전략은 수전해 셀뿐만 아니라 다양한 귀금속 기반 촉매 공정에도 응용할 수 있어 산업적 파급력이 클 것으로 보인다”고 말했다.

KAIST 생명화학공학과 김성빈 연구교수가 주도하고, 울산과학기술원(UNIST) 에너지화학공학과 신승재 교수, 한국과학기술연구원(KIST) 수소연료전지센터 김호영 박사가 공동 제1 저자로 참여한 이번 연구(논문명 : Self-assembly-assisted dynamic placement of noble metals selectively on multifunctional carbide supports for alkaline hydrogen electrocatalysis)는 국제 학술지 ‘에너지 인바이론멘탈 사이언스 (Energy & Environmental Science)’ 1월 18권에 출판됐다. 후면 표지논문(inside back cover)으로 선정됐다.

카이스트, 백금 사용량 1/10로 줄이는 단일 원자 촉매 개발


카이스트, 백금 사용량 1/10로 줄이는 단일 원자 촉매 개발 - 가스신문

[가스신문 = 양인범 기자] 수전해 셀은 물을 전기화학적으로 분해해 수소를 생산하는 기술이다. 탄소 중립 시대를 위한 필수 에너지 변환 기술인데 문제는 수소를 생산하는데 큰 비용이 들어간



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