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アマゾンは新興EVメーカーに 10万台を発注  米国カリフォルニア州は6月末、「2045年に州内で走行するトラック、バンをすべてゼロ・エミッション(ZEV)、つまり電気自動車(EV)や水素(燃料電池車、FCV)など排気ガスを出さない車両に変更する」方針を打ち出した。 【この記事の画像を見る】  条例としては2024年から施行され、まずデリバリーバンや大型トラックなどの商用車が対象となる。現在でもカリフォルニア州大気資源局(CARB)はメーカーに対しライト・デューティ・セグメントと呼ばれる中型バンなどにEV、水素を使用するモデルを追加するよう求めている。それが徐々に強制となり、最終的には州内の道路が走行できなくなる。  企業側の努力はすでに始まっている。アマゾンは新興EVメーカー、リビアンに10万台のEVデリバリーバンを発注している。納車されれば世界最大級のEV流通ネットワークが構築される展開になる。テスラはセミという中型トラックのEVを発表しているが、この他にもニコラ・モーターズなどEVバン、ピックアップトラックに特化した企業が次々に生まれている。こうした企業と既存の自動車メーカーのEVバンが、競い合う図式になる。

 条例発表について、カリフォルニア州のニューサム知事は「カリフォルニアは化石燃料の追放という面で全米をリードする州となる。州内では有色人種の子どもたちが最も汚染された空気にさらされており、今回の決定は州内の子どもたちに明るい未来をもたらす」と語った。 ● 最終目標は2045年に州内で ガソリン、ディーゼル車の販売を禁止  米国はカリフォルニア州に限らず、住んでいる地域によって治安その他に大きな差がある。トラックが走るフリーウェイ沿いの騒音や大気汚染が激しい地域には貧しい人々が住むが、その割合は圧倒的に黒人やヒスパニックなどが多い。今回のニューサム知事の発言は、アメリカ中を揺るがせた人種差別への抗議デモにも触れたもので、毎日吸う空気からも差別をなくそう、という意味合いがある。  カリフォルニア州のEV化の展開は、2024年に中型トラック(車両総重量8500~1万4000ポンド、3855~6350kg)の販売台数の5%、大型トラック(車両総重量1万4001ポンド以上、6350kg以上)は9%、大型牽引車(車両総重量2万6001ポンド以上、1万1793kg)は5%をZEVにする。  そして2035年までに中型トラックは55%、大型トラックは75%、大型牽引車は40%をZEVにする。その他、デリバリー用のトラック、バンなどの75%もZEVにする。そして政府が使用する商用車、ラストマイルデリバリーと呼ばれる住宅地などを走るトラックは35年に100%がZEVにする。  最終目標は2045年に州内でガソリン、ディーゼル車の販売を禁止がすることだ。  トラクター・トレーラーなどのヘビー・デューティから規制を始めるのは、こうした大型トラックと中型トラックがクルマによる大気汚染全体の実に80%を占める、といわれるためだ。カリフォルニアにはロサンゼルス港というアジア貿易の中心地があり、そこからコンテナ車などで物資が州内、そして米国内全体に運ばれる。その大型トラックをEVや水素にすれば、かなり大気汚染が防げる。

ZEV化の推進に対し、業界団体からの反発は強い。長距離走行、バッテリーの重量などを考えると、大型トラックのEV化というのは技術的に難しい面がある。水素(FCV)に関してはトヨタが協力するプロトタイプがロサンゼルス港で試験的に導入されているが、水素ステーションの国内展開などを考えると急速に普及するとは思えない。 ● カリフォルニア州の方針が EV化に追い風に  EVやFCVは既存の内燃機関モデル比で割高になり、輸送会社のコスト負担が大きくなる点が問題だ。トラックの価格が上がれば、輸送費用に反映され、物価全体が高くなるかもしれない。一方で州がZEV化の条例を定めた効果として、インフラ整備やメーカーのEV開発の活発化と、価格競争にによる販売価格の低下が期待できる。  カリフォルニアが導入する大気汚染防止策は北東部の州にすぐに広がり、同様の条例が生まれて政府や自動車メーカーとの訴訟になる、というのがこれまでの流れだ。しかし今回は新型コロナウイルス、人種差別撤廃、という要素が絡み、反対しづらい状況が生まれているのも確かだ。カリフォルニア州の方針が、EV化に追い風になることは間違いない。  (報告/土方細秩子、まとめ/CAR and DRIVER編集部)



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Ballard Power Systems (NASDAQ: BLDP; TSX: BLDP), the company with the technology adopted by Anglo American Platinum at the Khomanani mine in South Africa, announced that its materials have powered fuel cell electric vehicles in commercial heavy- and medium-duty applications for more than 50 million kilometres on roads around the globe.

In a press release, Ballard said that the figure represents an increase of over five times since 2017. Approximately 70% of the more than 50 million kilometres have been achieved in FCEVs deployed in China, with the remaining vehicles deployed in Europe and North America.

According to the company, its proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell technology has been integrated into some 2,200 commercial trucks.

In the case of Anglo American Platinum, the system was incorporated into locomotives at Khomanani with the goal of having a more environmentally friendly and safer means of underground transportation, as well as greater energy efficiency than traditional rail transport.

The miner also plans to rebuild more than 400 mine-haul trucks to use hydrogen fuel, with a pilot project starting next year at its open-pit Mogalakwena mine, also in South Africa. A 3.5-megawatt electrolyzer will produce hydrogen on-site.

Since Ballard’s PEMFC stacks contain platinum as a catalyst, introducing the technology into Amplats’ operations has been described as a win-win decision.

“At Anglo American, we believe that with platinum at its heart, a South African fuel cell industry would support the country’s drive for jobs and help to meet its energy challenges,” Cynthia Carroll, Amplats’ chairperson, said last year.

On the other hand, Randy MacEwen, Ballard’s president and CEO, highlighted the fact that decarbonizing heavy commercial vehicles has become a priority in many countries.

“[These vehicles] disproportionately contribute to transport emissions and have been difficult to abate – until now. The total addressable market for engines in these vehicles exceeds $130 billion annually,” he said.

(Image courtesy of Anglo American Platinum).




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Scottsdale, Arizona, Aug. 10, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- RONN Motor Group, today announced the anticipated 2022 release of its new Hydrogen Fuel Cell SUV the “Myst”, named for the fact the only emission from a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle is water vapor. Taking its design cues from the “Scorpion”, RONN’s globally recognized hydrogen enhanced supercar, the “Myst” will keep the sporty look, and stylistic features as well as a complete package of engineering firsts:

  • Engineered in the United States by a team of automotive industry experts to exceed all global safety requirements
  • Represents the first modular BEV and Hydrogen Fuel Cell flexible platform that maximizes the wheelbase for best-in-class interior space with a distinct modern appearance
  • Unique designs for the SUV, CUV, MPV and delivery vehicles that have a common bill of process with high levels of commonality for engineering and operations efficiencies
  • Extensive use of the latest engineering modeling and simulation tools to deliver multi-material, design and manufacturing optimizations for weight and performance that deliver a best in class driving experience
  • RONN’s Proprietary fuel cell technologies, including graphene plates, co-packaged with an OE tier one fuel cell provider.

RONN Ford, company CEO, said “ we are as a company extremely excited to announce our new fully engineered all-electric/fuel cell multi vehicle platform, as the hydrogen/electric vehicle market is having many breakout moments in the capital markets. Our vehicle is fully engineered, computer tested for certifications in both China and the US, the US and European supply chains have been developed and our body design teams are earnestly working on the final design for release to the public.

As our company growth, engineering and manufacturing development have come into alignment, both in the US and China, we have been approached by several public SPAC’s in the last several weeks and are currently in discussions. Jerry Lavine, our new executive in charge of product development, and former Ford executive added “the Myst” SUV will define the global benchmark for product features and performance that are only achievable with the RONN Motor Group’s all-new dedicated hydrogen fuel cell platform.”



RONN Motor Group, Inc Information:

  • RMG has grown into a multinational company with about 80 executives and engineers in both US and China
  • It plans to launch to the market its first mid-duty Class 3-6 fuel cell logistic truck in late2021. This truck will be produced in one of its JV in China.
  • It has also completed engineering and supplier certification of a pre-production SUV/Sedan platform and plans to launch all electric/fuel cell electric SUV/Sportscar in 2022.
  • RMG has formed two JVs in China.
    • Formed a JV with a Chinese truck manufactures in one of its existing truck plants, which is 2 hours away from Shanghai. Owns the manufacturing facilities with an estimated asset value of over $100 million with over 2,000,000 square feet of manufacturing space.
    • The JV partner - Kawei group is a well-established Auto maker in China with annual production value of $500M and fixed assets of $3B. It has more than 2000 employees. RMG plans to produce the logic truck in this JV leveraging Kawei’s truck planform, experience, and expertise, as well as licenses, etc.
  • RMG formed another JV with Chinese Taixing municipal government, also 2 hours away from Shanghai. The JV partner committed $20 million and has already invested $2.2 million into the JV. It has also provided RMG a new 3-floor office building rent free as China HQ in prestigious Hongqiao district of Shanghai.
  • Chinese Qingdao municipal government has issued pre-orders for vehicles that could equal $200 million in sales, the initial focus will be fuel cell logistic trucks.
    • Strategic Partnership in place to build an additional automobile manufacturing facility
    • Ronn Ford named New Hydrogen Ambassador
  • Company has partners and suppliers similar to Nikola and others (Bosch Power Train, Matlabs Software, Roush Engineering, ElringKlinger all major OE global suppliers.


Email: Evelyn.C@ronnmotorgroup.com



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Beijing SinoHytec Co Ltd began trading on the Shanghai Stock Exchange STAR Market on Monday at a public offering price of 76.65 yuan (US$11) per share.

The share price of the first Chinese hydrogen fuel cell engine company to list on the board surged 144.12 percent and SinoHytec closed at 187.12 yuan, with an intraday high of 261.11 yuan.

Fuel-cell vehicles use a fuel cell instead of a battery. Automotive fuel cells generate electricity to power a motor, generally using oxygen and compressed hydrogen.

China is actively promoting the development of the hydrogen fuel cell industry. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said that hydrogen cars are an important technological route which will coexist with the development of electric vehicles.

Compared with traditional gasoline vehicles, fuel-cell vehicles are said to have short refueling times, a long cruising range and are pollution-free.

In April this year, four ministries and commissions issued a notice to promote the development of new-energy vehicles. It said that China will strive to establish a hydrogen and fuel cell vehicle industry chain in around four years. The country will make breakthroughs in key core technologies and form a good industry layout and coordinated development, it said.

SinoHytec cautioned investors about the risks of the hydrogen fuel cell sector in an announcement. It said that the penetration rate of fuel-cell vehicles is currently relatively low in China. The sector is in the early stages of industrialization, with the high cost of fuel cell stations and the immaturity of key technologies.

In 2019, sales of fuel-cell vehicles in the Chinese market totalled 2,737 units, a relatively small figure compared with the 1.2 million new-energy vehicles sold across the country.

Founded in 2012, SinoHytec is a high-tech enterprise focusing on research and development as well as manufacturing of hydrogen fuel cell engines and related products such as fuel cell stacks, hydrogen systems and test platforms.

The company's products are mainly used in commercial vehicles such as passenger cars and logistics vehicles. Its fuel cell products are used in vehicles from automakers such as Zhengzhou Yutong Group Co, Shanghai Shenlong Bus Co and Foton Motor.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange STAR Market, which was launched in July last year, is seen as a foundation for deepened reforms in China's A-share market, as well as an attractive market for high-profile Chinese tech companies to list at home.



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