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H-TEC SYSTEMS will supply a 1-MW PEM electrolyzer for a green hydrogen project on the Spanish island of Fuerteventura. Led by IR Maxoinversiones, the project aims to decarbonize mobility on the island, using wind and solar energy from the company’s photovoltaic plant to produce 100% renewable, emission-free hydrogen.


IR Maxoinversiones, active since 2007 in the transport and distribution of fuels in the Canary Islands, is promoting renewable energy with a focus on green hydrogen. The company distributes biofuels and green hydrogen for mobility through a network of public hydrogen refueling stations (HRS) across Fuerteventura.

Staring in summer 2025, IR Maxoinversiones plans to start producing green hydrogen with the H-TEC SYSTEMS ME450 electrolyzer in Puerto del Rosario. The 1-MW electrolyzer has the capacity to produce 450 kilograms of highly pure (grade 5.0) hydrogen per day, which can be directly used in fuel cell vehicles or for power-to-X applications. Green hydrogen will be sold at IR Maxoinversiones’ public HRS. The company also owns ‘H2GO RENT’, a car rental service with electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, has its own fleet of hydrogen-powered trucks, and offers advisory services on energy transformation.


“At IR Maxoinversiones, we are convinced that green hydrogen will play a fundamental role in the future of the Canary Islands,” said Ismael Ruiz, CEO of IR Maxoinversiones. “Our commitment is to lead the development of this technology and contribute to a more sustainable future for the islands. We have chosen the PEM electrolyzer by H-TEC SYSTEMS because it is a proven product, with high efficiency and availability.”


“We are proud that our technology will contribute to the energy self-sufficiency and the climate protection at the island of Fuerteventura in IR Maxoinversiones’ pioneering project,” said Alexander Detke, Team Lead Sales at H-TEC SYSTEMS. “The Canaries is a region with high potential for renewable energies from solar and wind. This region is importing fossil fuels for mobility and there is a great opportunity to decarbonize with green hydrogen. The PEM electrolysis technology is particularly well suited for balancing the fluctuant nature of wind and solar energy. In addition, the high quality of the hydrogen produced by the ME450, makes it a perfect choice for this project.”


Source: Hydrogentechworld

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Hygreen Energy has launched its first Anion Exchange Membrane (AEM) electrolyzer system. Customizable to generate up to 100 Nm³/h (500 kW) of hydrogen and operating across a load range of 10% to 120%, the AEM system is designed for easy installation and operation as a fully integrated plug-and-play package.


It ensures reliable performance with advanced safety features, while its ability to adapt to varying loads makes it highly flexible and efficient across a wide range of applications, according to the company.


Hygreen Energy has also announced that it has secured its first customer for the AEM system, as part of China’s ‘Hydrogen into Ten Thousand Homes’ demonstration project. This project promotes the comprehensive utilization of hydrogen energy and demonstrates hydrogen applications in industrial parks, community buildings, and transportation. The company’s 10 kW AEM system is scheduled for delivery in September 2024, with commissioning expected in October 2024. The customer will use the system for technology demonstration and research, with plans to expand its use by adding more AEM electrolyzers over time.


Benny Wang, CEO of Hygreen Energy, commented: “Hygreen Energy’s new AEM electrolyzer system represents a significant leap forward in hydrogen production technology by combining safety, operational flexibility and a turkey approach. Our AEM system is designed to be competitive across a wide range of applications, and we are excited to see its impact on the future of the hydrogen sector alongside our highly successful Alkaline and PEM electrolyzers.”


Source: Hydrogentechworld

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Amogy has announced a strategic partnership with HD Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering (HD KSOE), POSCO Holdings Inc. (POSCO Holdings), Seoul National University (SNU), and the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS).

The consortium will jointly explore the technological feasibility of an innovative offshore ammonia cracking solution aimed at delivering low-cost, accessible clean hydrogen fuel.

This collaboration will focus on developing an offshore ammonia cracking solution technology. Under this partnership, HD KSOE will design the ammonia supply system and integrate it into the overall system, Amogy will provide its ammonia-cracking technology, SNU will contribute expertise in process design and simulation, POSCO Holdings intends to harness its proprietary cracking process design technology to optimise the systems needed for ship application, and ABS will oversee certification of the design as the class society.

South Korea is actively working to establish a robust ammonia market and advance ammonia-based technologies as a key component of its strategy to reduce carbon emissions. Ammonia, a hydrogen carrier, offers a more cost-effective and convenient alternative to liquefied hydrogen due to its established storage and transport infrastructure. Additionally, with energy density 2.7 times greater than hydrogen, ammonia is emerging as an optimal carbon-free fuel for the maritime industry.

Amogy’s ammonia-cracking technology unlocks the potential of ammonia as a hydrogen carrier by leveraging catalyst materials to crack ammonia into hydrogen and nitrogen at lower reaction temperatures with high durability, reducing heating and maintenance requirements.

“With the increasing emphasis on obtaining affordable clean hydrogen from international sources for diverse domestic industries, we are highly optimistic about the results of this joint research focused on offshore ammonia cracking solutions. We are committed to collaborating with our partners to establish the most efficient and effective clean hydrogen supply chain,” stated Kwang-pil Chang, Chief Technology Officer of HD KSOE.

“We are excited to join forces with this esteemed consortium to develop an innovative offshore ammonia cracking solution,” said Seonghoon Woo, CEO of Amogy. “This partnership marks a pivotal advancement in leveraging ammonia to achieve net-zero emissions. Together, we are paving the way for cleaner marine fuel solutions and supporting South Korea’s ambitious decarbonisation objectives.”

"We strongly believe this collaboration will contribute to diversifying the supply of clean hydrogen required for decarbonisation in various industries, in addition to its application in shipping," stated Ju Woung Yoon, a Head of Clean Hydrogen Research Center at POSCO Holdings.

“Cracking ammonia offshore to produce hydrogen for industrial applications is a solution that has the potential to accelerate the energy transition in heavy industry. At ABS, we are proud to support this coalition with our deep technical expertise and safety focus to navigate the regulatory and class elements of the design,” said Patrick Ryan, ABS Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer.


Amogy, HD KSOE, POSCO Holdings, SNU, and ABS team up to pioneer offshore ammonia cracking solution | Global Hydrogen Review


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월간수소경제 = 이상현 기자 | 미코파워는 산업통상자원부에서 주관하는 '100kWe 이상급 고온 수전해 시스템 모듈 기술개발' 국책과제를 수행함으로써 그린수소 생산을 위한 고효율 SOEC 시스템 개발에 착수한다고 10일 밝혔다. 

산업의 공정 폐열과 원전 연계 등 외부 열원 활용과 타 수전해기술 대비 낮은 소비전력으로 수소 생산단가 저감이 가능한 차세대 고온수전해 기술을 개발하는 게 이번 과제의 핵심이다. 이 기술은 시스템 구조가 상대적으로 간단해 모듈화를 통한 규모 확장이 용이하고, 고온 연계를 통한 생산 효율이 높아 수소 생산경제성을 크게 향상시킬 수 있으나 아직은 상용화되지 않았다. 기술 난이도가 높아 소수의 기업을 중심으로 실증 단계에 진입하고 있는 단계다. 

과제 목표는 MW급 SOEC 시스템으로 확장할 수 있는 핵심기술인 단위 시스템 모듈(100kWe급)을 개발하는 것으로, 미코파워가 주관한다. 한국동서발전, 현대건설, 에너진, 세방전기, 한국과학기술연구원(KIST), 한국에너지기술연구원(KIER), 한국에너지공과대학교(KENTECH), 미래기술연구소(MERI), 한국가스안전공사(KGS)가 공동 개발기관으로 참여한다. 

참여 기업·기관은 개발결과를 기반으로 수십 MW급 SOEC의 대규모 실증, 국내 공급망 확보를 통한 해외 청정수소 생산거점 마련을 위한 기술 수출 등 긴밀한 협력을 통해 최고 기술개발 및 상용화 달성을 위한 의지를 표명했다.

미코파워는 SOEC 시스템 개발을 통해 분산 상용발전과 글로벌 SOEC 사업 로드맵을 더욱 구체화할 수 있게 될 전망이다. 또한 SOEC 기술의 국산화, SOEC 기술의 경쟁력과 경제성 확보, 국내 공급망 구축, 수소산업 생태계 강화, 그린수소 생산 확대를 통한 수소 인프라 안정성 향상 등을 도모할 수 있다. 재생에너지가 풍부한 해외 SOEC시장 선점의 기회도 잡을 수 있다고 설명한다. 

하태형 미코파워 대표는 “국내 유일 SOC(고체산화물) 전주기 원천기술을 보유한 우리 제품은 글로벌 청정에너지 시대를 선도할 수 있는 경쟁력을 가지고 있다”라며 "SOFC와 SOEC는 상호호완성(가역반응성)이 매우높아 SOFC 기술의 상용화를 주도해 온 미코파워가 또 한번 SOEC의 최초 상용화를 달성해 청정수소 산업을 견인할 것”이라고 말했다. 

한편, 미코파워는 고체산화물, 셀, 스택, 연료전지 시스템(SOFC), 수전해 시스템(SOEC)까지 순수 독자 양산기술 및 생산라인을 국내에서 유일하게 확보하고 있다. 최근에는 SOFC 시스템의 높은 효율, 우수한 내구성 및 경제성 확보를 기반으로 청정수소 발전시장에 참여 중이다. 올 12월에는 평택시에 스택 생산기준 연간 50MW 규모의 양산공장을 착공할 계획이다. 자동화 양산라인과 생산성 확대로 평택공장의 생산 능력을 수백MW까지 확장해 시장 수요에 탄력적으로 대응할 예정이다.  
미코파워, 고효율 SOEC 시스템 개발 시동 < 기술 < NEWS < 기사본문 - 월간수소경제 (h2news.kr)


미코파워, 고효율 SOEC 시스템 개발 시동

월간수소경제 = 이상현 기자 | 미코파워는 산업통상자원부에서 주관하는 '100kWe 이상급 고온 수전해 시스템 모듈 기술개발' 국책과제를 수행함으로써 그린수소 생산을 위한 고효율 SOEC 시스템 개



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