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최근에 올라온 글

In 2019, Toyota and the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) announced plans for a hydrogen fuel-cell lunar rover, to launch later in the decade. Now the vehicle has a name—Toyota Lunar Cruiser.

The name is a reference to the Toyota Land Cruiser SUV, which has built up a reputation over several decades for off-road prowess. The Lunar Cruiser's grille also looks influenced by the classic FJ-Series Land Cruiser. But this lunar rover is designed to boldly go where no Land Cruiser has gone before.

While the current Land Cruiser can seat up to seven people, the Lunar Cruiser will only have room for two astronauts. They will get a more comfortable ride than their predecessors, however. Unlike the rovers used during the Apollo lunar missions, the Lunar Cruiser will have an enclosed, pressurized, cabin, so astronauts can drive it without space suits.

When the project was first announced in March 2019, Toyota said the rover would be able to operate on the moon for up to six weeks, with a range of 1,000 kilometers (about 621 miles) per tank of hydrogen. Solar panels will provide supplementary electricity.

Toyota previously said a fuel-cell powertrain was the right choice because it would be one fifth the mass and about 20% smaller in volume than a comparable battery-electric powertrain—an important consideration when everything needs to be launched to the moon via rocket. As an added benefit, water produced by the fuel cells can be used for cooling equipment or drinking, Toyota has said.

In its 2019 proposal, Toyota said hydrogen and oxygen for the fuel cells would initially be brought to the moon from Earth. Later, water found on the moon could be used to produce hydrogen through electrolysis, with solar panels providing the electricity, the automaker said.

Toyota Lunar Rover concept

The Lunar Cruiser is an extreme example of how automakers are looking to expand use of fuel cells beyond passenger cars.

Hyundai has been looking at ways it can take its fuel-cell technology beyond vehicles, as it looks at a bigger-picture hydrogen economy.

Toyota has experimented with fuel-cell trucks and buses, and its next Mirai remains on the way—although little has been said about the model in nearly a year.

Meanwhile Hyperion, which is hoping to deploy fuel-cell tech across various modes, showed the XP-1 supercar last month.

Hydrogen could have promise as a future aircraft fuel—perhaps with a complete redesign of passenger and cargo planes around the limitations of hydrogen storage.

Just don't expect this project to piggyback anything from Tesla or SpaceX. Elon Musk has said that hydrogen might be worthwhile for the first stage of rockets, but nothing more.




Toyota Lunar Cruiser could take hydrogen fuel-cell tech to the moon

The Lunar Cruiser is powered by hydrogen fuel cells and is designed to boldly go where no Land Cruiser has gone before.



Posted by Morning lark
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The first heavy trucks powered by zero-emissions hydrogen fuel cells are set to be hauling freight on New Zealand highways as soon as early next year.

In a key step toward establishing a hydrogen transport infrastructure, Hiringa Energy and US-based Hyzon Motors have announced a heads of agreement that secures access for Hiringa and its fleet partners to the supply of zero-emission heavy goods vehicles powered by hydrogen fuel cells.

Fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) combine hydrogen (stored onboard the vehicle) and oxygen (from the atmosphere) to generate electricity that powers the vehicle. The only tailpipe emission is water vapour.

Hyzon and Hiringa Energy have teamed up to bring hydrogen-powered heavy trucks to New Zealand


FCEV trucks have the benefit of being an electric vehicle, but with comparable weight and power to diesel-powered trucks, and have a similar refuelling time of around 15-20 minutes

Hyzon Motors, based in New York, is developing a range of heavy and medium trucks along with buses and coaches powered by PEM (proton-exchange membrane) fuel cells.

The global launch for the first production vehicles is expected in late-2020 and work is also continuing on both light truck and van models, as well as a 140-tonne road train application for use in parts of Australia.

New Plymouth-based Hiringa Energy and its partners plan to roll out over 1500 FCEVs by 2026. The trucks will come in a variety of right-hand-drive configurations with a gross combined mass (GCM) of over 50-tonne including 8x4 and 6x4 rigid and prime movers with driving distances of up to 500km.

“This is an exciting milestone for Hiringa Energy and our partners,’’ said Dan Khan, Hiringa’s chief technology officer.



Fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) combine hydrogen (stored onboard the vehicle) and oxygen (from the atmosphere) to generate electricity that powers the vehicle. The only tailpipe emission is water vapour.


“It comes on the back of over three years of detailed planning and analysis working together with heavy fleet operators, government and leading technology vendors such as HYZON Motors.

“The FCEV truck market is growing rapidly, with enormous demand coming out of the US and Europe.

“So, for New Zealand to be able to secure this agreement with Hyzon demonstrates New Zealand’s leadership in how we are approaching the hydrogen FCEV opportunity.

“We look forward to getting these trucks on our roads early next year and putting them through their paces prior to widespread rollout for the New Zealand trucking industry in 2022.’’

The initial phase comprises 20 trucks in 2021. The trucks will be fuelled by Hiringa’s nationwide hydrogen refuelling network located at partner sites such as Waitomo Group’s existing fuel stops.

The network will expand to eight stations across the North and South Islands by 2022 as part of a phase 1 network plan. It’s estimated the network will be able to service 100 per cent of North Island and 82 per cent of South Island heavy freight routes.

Phase 2 will expand the network to at least 24 stations by 2025, providing coverage for 95 per cent of New Zealand’s heavy vehicle routes.

“The Hiringa hydrogen infrastructure deployment will position New Zealand to become a global leader in the adoption of zero-emission heavy vehicle technology, and we are pleased to be playing a majorpart in this transition,’’ said Craig Knight, co-founder of Hyzon Motors.

part in this transition,’’ said Craig Knight, co-founder of Hyzon Motors.


An artist’s impression of hydrogen fuel cell heavy trucks on Kiwi roads.


“We see NZ as an early adopter, and almost unique in being able to establish a minimum viable network on hydrogen filling right off the bat.

“Hiringa has strong support from trucking companies, government and commercial partners to get working on decarbonisation of commercial transport at a far quicker pace than most believe possible.”

He said Hyzon’s heavy-duty fuel cells were “best in class” in terms of durability and power output.

“This heads of agreement with Hiringa closely follows the signing of an agreement for Hyzon to supply hydrogen fuel cell-powered coaches to Western Australian iron ore miner Fortescue Metals Group’s Christmas Creek operations. We are excited to be rapidly growing our presence in Australia and New Zealand and look forward to playing our part in the global decarbonisation story,” Knight said.

Establishing hydrogen as a viable heavy transport fuel requires investment in the refuelling network, suitable vehicles and partners willing to operate them.

New Zealand is set to be one of the first countries in the world to be able to offer a zero-emission national supply chain,’’ said Andrew Clennett, CEO of Hiringa.“This agreement helps bring a major piece of the puzzle together for zero-emission supply chains, delivering an exciting solution for the high utilisation heavy trucking sector, and complements the partnerships we have been growing with trucking industry leaders such as TIL Group and TR Group,’’

The New Zealand government has recently confirmed provisional support of $20 million towards the establishment of Hiringa’s nationwide refuelling network




Zero-emission hydrogen heavy trucks to hit Kiwi roads

The first heavy trucks powered by zero-emissions hydrogen fuel cells are set to be hauling freight on New Zealand highways as soon as early next year.



Posted by Morning lark
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トヨタ自動車とホンダは2020年8月31日、可搬型の外部給電機やバッテリーと、燃料電池(FC)バスの給電機能を組み合わせた移動式発電・給電システム「Moving e」を構築し、実証実験を開始すると発表した。実証実験は2020年9月からスタートする。対象地域は商用車向けの水素ステーションがある関東地域となりそうだ。  トヨタ自動車はMoving eの取り組みに合わせて従来型のFCバスから水素タンクの容量を大幅に増やし、発電量454kWh、最高出力18kWに性能を高めた。水素ステーションから片道100km圏内の避難所などに3日間給電し、また水素ステーションに戻るような使い方を想定している。FCVへの水素充填(じゅうてん)は、電気自動車(EV)の充電と比べて短時間で完了するため、電源が必要とされる地域で活動し、水素ステーションで水素を充填した後に短い時間で現地に戻ることも可能だ。  従来の電動車では供給できない大容量の電力を供給できるFCバスと、持ち運べるさまざまなタイプの給電機やバッテリーを組み合わせて大規模な“電気のバケツリレー”を行い、V2L(Vehicle to Load)のニーズや課題を検証する。運んだ電気は、非常時のスマートフォンやPCなどの充電の他、停電中に自宅での生活を継続したり、避難所を運営したりするための電源として分け合う。非常時だけでなく、イベントや屋外での活動などで平時にも使ってもらうことを目指す。 新開発の燃料電池バスは「発電所レベル」  トヨタ自動車は2018年3月に燃料電池バス「SORA」を発売、路線バスとして導入が進められている。Moving e向けに開発した燃料電池バス「CHARGING STATION」は、SORAをベースに高圧水素タンクの本数を増やした。SORAで使用する高圧水素タンク10本に加えて、新開発のタンク9本を床下に追加した。水素貯蔵量はSORAの24kgからほぼ倍増の47kgとなる。新開発の高圧水素タンクは従来よりも小型になったが体積効率が改善している。FCスタックはSORAと共通だ。  高圧水素タンクの追加により、乗車定員は27人で路線バスとしてはかなり少なくなるが、旅客輸送でも使用できるという。また、非常時に車内で仮眠をとるなどの使い方も想定している。  Moving eの取り組みでは、ホンダが持つ大中小の可搬型電源を使用するが、まずは車両からの電力を家庭用電源に変換する外部給電機「Power Exporter 9000」をつなげる。Power Exporter 9000は定格出力が9kVA(9000VA)で、エアコンなどの家電にも電気を供給できる。CHARGING STATIONは移動式の発電機としての用途を重視するため外部給電口は2つに増やしており、Power Exporter 9000も2つ接続できる。そのため、車両としての出力も18kVAだ。  本来は規制で10kVAを超える出力を持つものは発電所扱いとなるが、「トヨタのおかげで例外的に認められた」(本田技術研究所 先進パワーユニット・エネルギー研究所 エグゼクティブチーフエンジニアの岩田和之氏)という。既存の乗用車でも外部給電に対応したモデルが複数あるが、電力供給の大本に発電量の大きな電動車を使用することでV2Lの新たな可能性やニーズを探る。  Power Exporter 9000は、小型のポータブル蓄電機「LiB-AID E500」や、交換式バッテリー「モバイルパワーパック」の充電と給電を行う試作機「Mobile Power Pack Charge & Supply Concept」に電力を供給する。  充電したLiB-AID E500やMobile Power Pack Charge & Supply Conceptは必要な場所に持ち運んで電源として利用する。 電源を屋内に持ち込めることを重視  Moving e全体では、FCバスのCHARGING STATIONが1台、Power Exporter 9000が2台、LiB-AID E500が20台、モバイルパワーパックとMobile Power Pack Charge & Supply Conceptは36セットを使用する。ホンダはガソリンやカセットボンベで作動する発電機をラインアップに持つが、これらは一酸化炭素が多く発生するため屋内では使用できない。屋内に持ち込める蓄電機や給電機の活用を進めることもMoving eの狙いとなる。  ホンダのモバイルパワーパックは、バッテリーを稼働率の低い製品に専用で使うのは“もったいない”という考えの下、汎用(はんよう)性を持たせたバッテリーだ。電動バイクから外したモバイルパワーパックを住宅に持ち込むなど、さまざまな用途で共用する前提で開発した。また、電動バイク本体とバッテリーを分けて販売してユーザーが所有するのは電動バイクの本体のみとし、バッテリーはその都度利用する形にすることで、所有コストを下げる効果もある。  モバイルパワーパックを駆動用バッテリーに使用する電動バイクは既に国内外で市場に出ている。東南アジアではモバイルパワーパックを充電するステーションの実証実験も実施。バッテリーの電力の残量が少なくなったときに、充電済みのバッテリーと使用済みのものを充電ステーションで交換しながら使用するという試みだ。実証実験を実施。充電の待ち時間がない手軽さが好評だとしている。  モバイルパワーパックの充電ステーションは、2020年9月にスタートする大阪府内の実証実験でも導入する。充電ステーションは定置用蓄電池としても機能するため、設置するコンビニエンスストアでは停電時にレジの稼働などを継続する上で役立つとして好意的だという。  Moving eの取り組みは、電動車活用社会推進協議会で トヨタ自動車 FC事業領域 統括部長の濱村芳彦氏と本田技術研究所の岩田氏が意気投合したことで始まった。台風や豪雨、地震など災害で起きる停電が長期化する例が多いことや、働き方の多様化が進む中で、オフィスだけの災害対応では社員を守れなくなることを踏まえ、協業を決めた。



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A breakthrough by University of Copenhagen researchers means they last much longer.

Hydrogen vehicle fuel cells have been based on a platinum catalyst, which is expensive and have been among the challenges holding back the technology from most of the world’s roads.

Platinum is a precious metal and each catalyst requires a large amount of about 50 grams per car.

The 50 grams of platinum needed for the catalysts is substantially higher than what the average non-H2 powered cars currently need, only 5 grams. These limitations to the hydrogen vehicle fuel cells help to explain why very few of the world’s billion cars and trucks are powered by H2. Every year, approximately 100 tons of platinum are mined, primarily out of mines in South Africa.

However, researchers from the University of Copenhagen have developed a new type of catalyst that requires a far smaller amount of the precious metal.

“We have developed a catalyst which, in the laboratory, only needs a fraction of the amount of platinum that current hydrogen fuel cells for cars do. We are approaching the same amount of platinum as needed for a conventional vehicle. At the same time, the new catalyst is much more stable than the catalysts deployed in today’s hydrogen powered vehicles,” said University of Copenhagen Department of Chemistry Professor Matthias Arenz.

The smaller requirement for platinum makes hydrogen vehicle fuel cells cheaper but also more sustainable.

As available as the H2 itself may be, and as much as cars powered by this renewable energy source may seem green due to their lack of carbon and pollutant emissions, FCV materials must also be taken into consideration. When rare materials are required in order to make them run, their sustainability plummets and scalability becomes restricted at the same time. The current limitation due to the high requirement for platinum makes it difficult for the world to rapidly adopt cars and trucks that run on H2. However, a new technology that changes that barrier may change that.


“The new catalyst can make it possible to roll out hydrogen vehicles on a vastly greater scale than could have ever been achieved in the past,” explained the UCPH Department of Chemistry’s center leader of the Center for High Entropy Alloy Catalysis, Professor Jn Rossmeisl. The new hydrogen vehicle fuel cells catalyst design significantly improves the technology and makes it possible to generate greater horsepower per gram of the precious metal. As a result, these cars and trucks become immediately more sustainable.




Hydrogen vehicle fuel cells are getting cheaper and more sustainable

A breakthrough by University of Copenhagen researchers means they last much longer. Hydrogen vehicle fuel cells have been based on a platinum catalyst, which i


Posted by Morning lark
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 三菱日立パワーシステムズ(MHPS、横浜市)などは26日、ビール工場排水由来のバイオメタンガスを利用した燃料電池による発電の実証事業を、アサヒビール茨城工場で始めると発表した。長崎市のMHPS長崎工場で製造した固体酸化物形燃料電池「MEGAMIE」(メガミー)を導入。10月に本格稼働する予定。  実証事業はアサヒグループホールディングス株式会社(東京)の独立研究子会社アサヒクオリティーアンドイノベーションズ(茨城県守谷市)が実施主体。三井住友ファイナンス&リース(SMFL)がリースで資金提供し、環境省の補助金も活用する。  MHPSによると、発電出力は200キロワット。年間発電量は約160万キロワット時で一般世帯約350戸分の電力を供給できる。通常発電と比べ、年間千トン程度の二酸化炭素(CO2)排出量削減を見込む。  アサヒは、ビール生産の排水処理過程で発生するバイオガスを高純度に精製する仕組みを開発。小規模の燃料電池で発電する試験に成功している。今回は世界最高クラスの発電効率のメガミーで、実用化に向けた最終試験を行う。  メガミーは2017年発売。MHPS長崎工場で製造され、納入実績は3社3基目となる。通常は都市ガスを燃料に電力と熱(蒸気)を供給するが、バイオガス精製設備と組み合わせて大幅にCO2排出を抑える。  今後、アサヒは幅広い業界に今回の技術を普及させるために特許を取得せず、情報公開に努める。MHPSはさまざまな未利用エネルギー源を活用できる発電システムへの展開を図る。




ビール工場排水 発電に利用 長崎製の燃料電池を納入(長崎新聞) - Yahoo!ニュース




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