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VANCOUVER, BC, Jan. 12, 2021 /PRNewswire/ - Ballard Power Systems (NASDAQ: BLDP) (TSX: BLDP) today announced a purchase order from Arcola Energy ("Arcola"; www.arcolaenergy.com), a U.K.-based leader in hydrogen and fuel cell integration specializing in zero-emission solutions for heavy-duty vehicles and transport applications, for Ballard FCmoveTM-HD fuel cell modules to power a passenger train planned for demonstration during COP26, to be hosted by Glasgow City in November 2021. This project will contribute to Scotland's goal for net zero emissions by 2035.  

Class 314 car passenger train (CNW Group/Ballard Power Systems Inc.)

Scottish Enterprise, Transport Scotland and the Hydrogen Accelerator, based at the University of St. Andrews, have appointed Arcola and a consortium of industry leaders in hydrogen fuel cell integration, rail engineering and functional safety to deliver Scotland's first hydrogen-powered train. The consortium will convert a Class 314 car passenger train, made available by ScotRail, into a deployment-ready and certified platform for hydrogen-powered train development. The Bo'ness and Kinneil Railway will provide engineering facilities and support for testing and public demonstrations. 

Dr. Ben Todd, CEO of Arcola Energy said, "Hydrogen traction power offers a safe, reliable and zero-carbon alternative for Scotland's rail network. The hydrogen train project is an excellent opportunity for industry leaders in hydrogen, rail engineering and safety to collaborate with Scottish and other technology providers to develop a deployment ready solution."

Rob Campbell, Ballard Chief Commercial Officer noted, "Ballard is delighted to work with Arcolaand other consortium members on the development of Scotland's first fuel cell-powered train. This project is an example of the growing global interest in fuel cells for the Medium- and Heavy-Duty Motive market, including rail applications, where heavy payload, long range and rapid refueling are key customer requirements." 

About Ballard Power SystemsBallard Power Systems' (NASDAQ: BLDP; TSX: BLDP) vision is to deliver fuel cell power for a sustainable planet. Ballard zero-emission PEM fuel cells are enabling electrification of mobility, including buses, commercial trucks, trains, marine vessels, passenger cars and forklift trucks. To learn more about Ballard, please visit www.ballard.com.

This release contains forward-looking statements concerning anticipated market adoption of fuel cell products. These forward-looking statements reflect Ballard's current expectations as contemplated under section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Any such forward-looking statements are based on Ballard's assumptions relating to its financial forecasts and expectations regarding its product development efforts, manufacturing capacity, and market demand. 

These statements involve risks and uncertainties that may cause Ballard's actual results to be materially different, including general economic and regulatory changes, detrimental reliance on third parties, successfully achieving our business plans and achieving and sustaining profitability. For a detailed discussion of these and other risk factors that could affect Ballard's future performance, please refer to Ballard's most recent Annual Information Form. Readers should not place undue reliance on Ballard's forward-looking statements and Ballard assumes no obligation to update or release any revisions to these forward-looking statements, other than as required under applicable legislation.

SOURCE Ballard Power Systems Inc.

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気候変動(地球温暖化)に対応するため、人間の活動による温室効果ガス(主にCO2)の排出量を減らそうと世界的なコンセンサスが生まれたのがパリ協定。それによって自動車業界的には電気自動車(BEV)や燃料電池車(FCV)といったZEV(ゼロエミッションビークル)へのシフトが待ったなしというムードになっています。そのトレンドは、新型コロナウイルスの大流行によって加速したという印象さえあります。 【写真】スポーツカーメーカーが本気で作った電気自動車!  その理由はさまざまですが、新型コロナウイルスによって停滞した経済活動へのカンフル剤としてCO2削減に関するイノベーションへの投資を呼び込もうという各国政府の思惑もあるでしょう。イノベーション次第では競争力を大きく伸ばすこともできます。また、国や企業によってはそうしたゲームチェンジを歓迎しているという思いもあるでしょう。  とはいえ、クルマをすべてエンジン車からBEVに変えれば大幅にCO2排出量が減るというほど単純な話ではありません。たしかにBEVは走行中には排ガスを出しません。当然、CO2排出量もゼロとなります。しかし、発電時にはCO2が発生しています。なにより、製造時のCO2排出量についてはエンジン車に比べてBEVは倍近いCO2排出量になるという試算があります。  たとえば、マツダの研究者などが関わった論文のデータによると、製造時のCO2排出量はガソリンエンジン車に対して、BEVは2倍~2.5倍になるという試算があります。走行時のCO2排出量はガソリンエンジン車のほうが倍近くなるのですが、生産時の排出量を加味するとトータルではさほど変わらないという結果が出ています。むしろ発電のエネルギーミックス(どんな方法で発電しているのかを示す言葉)次第では、BEVのほうがトータルでのCO2排出量が多くなってしまうこともあるといいます。  同様の数字はフォルクスワーゲンも発表しています。こちらも製造段階でのCO2排出量はBEVのほうが倍近く、エネルギーミックスによってはエンジン車よりBEVのほうがCO2排出量は多くなってしまうと結論づけています。  もちろん、そうした事実は隠されているわけではなく、だれもが認識しているものです。では、CO2排出量を減らすためにBEVにシフトすべきといっている理由はあるのでしょうか。

BEVの製造時CO2排出量の半分以上はバッテリー製造によるもので、それは電力消費によるものが多くを占めています。つまり現状のエネルギーミックスで計算するとCO2排出量が多いとしても、再生可能エネルギーなどCO2排出量をゼロとカウントできる発電による電力を使えば、生産時のCO2排出量は激減させることができます。  生産時のCO2排出量減についてはエンジン車も、その恩恵を受けることができるのですが、走行中のCO2排出量になるとエネルギーミックスの変化はエンジン車にはほぼ無関係となります。非現実的ですが、すべての電力を再生可能エネルギーなどゼロでカウントできる発電方法に変えたとすると、BEVのCO2排出量は生産時から運用時まで含めて大幅に減らすことができます。  しかし、エンジン車は走行中のCO2排出があります。エネルギーミックス次第ではBEVのほうがCO2排出量削減効果において圧倒的に有利になってくるわけです。どんなにエンジン車の燃費をよくしても走行時のCO2排出量をゼロにはできませんが、再生可能エネルギーを前提とすればBEVはCO2ゼロで運用可能なのです。実際、フォルクスワーゲンの試算では、運用時の電力に風力発電だけを使うとすると生産から含めたトータルのCO2排出量で、エンジン車の半分以下になるとされています。  自動車だけに限らず、社会的にカーボンニュートラル(脱炭素化)を実現するには再生可能エネルギーの有効活用は必須です。つまり、将来的にエネルギーミックスはCO2排出量を減らす方向に変わることは自明ですし、現在のエネルギーミックスでいくら計算しても無意味です。電力の安定供給を考えるとすべてを再生可能エネルギーの発電によるというのは現実的でないかもしれませんが、少なくとも再生可能エネルギーの増加が予想される将来のエネルギーミックスにおいてCO2排出量を大幅に減らせるポテンシャルがあるのはBEVといえます。だからこそ、世界がBEVに向かっているのです。

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Joint venture with Plug Power will try to break into energy markets in China, Vietnam

A hydrogen-powered tank trunk made by Plug Power 

The SK Group plans to invest 1.6 trillion won (US$1.47 billion) in Plug Power, a US-based hydrogen fuel cell firm. SK plans to set up a joint venture with Plug Power to break into the hydrogen energy markets in China, Vietnam and other Asian countries.SK and its affiliate SK E&S announced on Jan. 7 that they will acquire a 9.9% stake in Plug Power, a company with global hydrogen operations, making them the biggest shareholders in the company. SK and SK E&E will make a joint investment worth US$1.5 billion, with each company contributing around 800 billion won (US$734.4 million).Established in 1997, Plug Power has mastered a number of key technologies in the hydrogen value chain, including automobile fuel cells, electrolyzers (a key device in water electrolysis, or running electricity through water to produce hydrogen), liquid hydrogen plants, and technology for building hydrogen fueling stations. As of the end of 2020, Plug Power had a market cap of about 16 trillion won (US$14.68 billion).Plug Power has a proven track record in the hydrogen-based mobility industry, which includes forklifts and trucks that run on fuel cells. The company has basically cornered the market on fuel cell forklifts in the US, holding exclusive supply contracts with multinational distribution firms such as Amazon and Walmart.In recent years, Plug Power has leveraged a network of hydrogen fueling stations built across the US to enter the mid-size and large truck market. It also seeks to diversify hydrogen fuel cell applications into drones, aircraft, and power generation and to move into the European market.Through this investment, SK plans to exploit synergy between the two companies to pursue dominance in the Asian hydrogen market. SK’s strategy is to use Plug Power’s technical expertise to accelerate its construction of a hydrogen ecosystem in South Korea, and to seize new opportunities for business development using the SK Group’s network in China and Vietnam.SK also intends to fine-tune its business model by setting up a joint venture with Plug Power through which the two companies can move into the Asian hydrogen market.“At the moment, the two companies have only formed a partnership with the goal of setting up a joint venture. No decisions have been made yet about the additional funding that would be needed for the joint venture,” an SK spokesperson said.SK has set up a task force charged with promoting hydrogen-related projects. The task force is staffed with 20 experts from related affiliates, including SK Innovation, SK Engineering and Construction and SK E&S, a company that provides energy solutions.SK intends to focus on expanding its hydrogen operations into a major next-generation energy business. That will involve building the capacity to produce 280,000 tons of hydrogen a year by 2025, ramping up from 30,000 tons in 2023, and setting up a value chain that spans the production, distribution and supply of hydrogen.“By taking the lead in building an ecosystem for hydrogen, which is regarded as a next-generation source of eco-friendly energy, we will establish ourselves as a pioneer in environmental, social and corporate governance,” said SK in a statement.By Cho Kye-wan, staff reporter

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일본 에네팜

Fuel Cell / 2021. 1. 1. 22:16




[연료전지] 보급 확대를 위한 가정용 연료전지의 개발 동향 에네팜은 높은 에너지 절약성으로 환경에 기여하는 기기이다. 많은 가정에서 사용할 수 있도록 가격 절감을 실현하고, 보다 편리성이



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자료출처 에너지데일리

일 자 2020.12.29

국비 포함 총 160억 투입 포승산업단지 내 복합기지 건설

[에너지데일리 조남준 기자] 한국가스기술공사(사장 고영태)는 경기도 평택시, 경기평택항만공사와 함께 최근 ‘수소교통 복합기지’사업자로 선정됐다.

수소교통 복합기지 구축사업은 국토교통부(이하‘국토부’)에서 지원하는 사업으로 교통수요가 많은 교통거점에 대용량 수소충전소와 관련 부대시설을 함께 설치해 복합적인 기능을 갖춘 새로운 수소충전소 모델을 구축하는 사업이다.

이번 공모사업은 국토부에서 전국 지방자치단체를 대상으로 공고한 사업으로 지자체에서 제안한 사업에 대하여 지난 9월 18일부터 약 한 달간에 거쳐 전문가 평가위원회를 통해 서류평가, 현장평가의 과정을 가졌고, 사업 타당성, 충전소 입지 여건, 사업의 활용성 및 확장가능성 등을 종합적으로 평가해 총 6개소를 선정했다.

평택시와 컨소시엄을 구성하여 참여한 한국가스기술공사는 타 컨소시엄보다 우수한 성적으로 첫 번째 사업자로 선정됐으며, 타 컨소시엄은 '22년부터 순차적으로 사업을 추진하게 된다.

단계적으로 국비 포함 총 160억원 투입예정인 이번사업은 평택항 인근에 위치한 포승산업단지 내에 수소교통 복합기지를 구축할 예정이다. 수소충전소를 중심으로 주차장, 수소차량 경정비센터를 구축해 수소 모빌리티 보급계획에 따라 '22년부터 수소 승용차·버스·교통약자 지원차량·트럭 등 수소차 1000여대에 수소연료를 공급한다는 계획이다.

특히, 한국가스기술공사에서 구축 중인 생산규모 7톤/일 급 수소생산기지와 배관으로 연결하여 상대적으로 경제적인 수소를 고객에게 안전하고 안정적으로 제공될 것으로 기대된다.

아울러, 한국가스기술공사는 수소교통 복합기지 시범사업자로써 지난 수소충전인프라 구축 경험과 노하우를 바탕으로 수소차 이용자의 편의성 및 향후 평택시 수소인프라 확장성을 고려한 수소교통 복합기지를 구축하여 평택시 수소경제 전환 및 활성화에 기여할 예정이다.

한국가스기술공사 고영태 사장은 “이번 평택시 수소교통 복합기지 시범사업이 단편적인 수소충전소를 구축하는 사업이 아니라, 기존의 교통체계 및 수소인프라 활용해 시너지를 높이는 우리나라 수소충전소의 새로운 표준모델이 될 수 있도록 노력하겠다.”고 밝혔다.


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