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최근에 올라온 글

Enapter’s modular design

New Energy / 2024. 6. 27. 10:38

Did you know that only 2.4% of green hydrogen production stops if a stack failure is detected in our megawatt-scale electrolyser? ⬇️ We call this:

Built-in redundancy for maximum uptime.

But why is this so important?

We talk a lot about costs and efficiency, which are important for obvious reasons.

However, there is little public discussion about failures. But like with any other technical device, errors and failures can occur in electrolysers.

When green hydrogen production comes to a standstill, time is money.

For example, an H2 refuelling station operator can only provide a limited amount of stored green hydrogen, and a breakdown of the whole electrolyser lasting several weeks would mean massive economic losses.

Enapter's #AEM Nexus 1000 is a 1 MW containerised electrolyser featuring 42 AEM strings around a common balance of plant. Each string contains 10 AEM Stack modules, is able to produce 5 Nm3 of H2 per hour and can be controlled independently.

Instead of facing single points of failure, this modular design removes bottlenecks and provides a high degree of stack redundancy.

Only 2.4% of production stops if a stack failure is detected.

In other words: You can shut down one string and easily replace the affected stack module, while the rest of the electrolyser’s strings still produce green hydrogen.

Using modular and standardised #AEM Stacks comes with a lot of service advantages:

✅Easy to service: Standardisation reduces complexity significantly

✅Short lead times: No months of waiting for a replacement

✅Reduced weight: Small modules don’t require a crane

✅Economies of scale: Replace or repair at a fair cost

That’s why we call this: Built-in redundancy for maximum uptime.
Our customers value this resilience they can rely on.

And if you’re also looking for non-stop, reliable green hydrogen production?

Posted by Morning lark
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LATHAM, N.Y., June 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Plug Power Inc. (NASDAQ: PLUG), a global leader in comprehensive hydrogen solutions for the green hydrogen economy, has achieved a significant milestone reaching 7.5 gigawatts (GW) in global Basic Engineering and Design Package (BEDP) contracts since introducing the offer two years ago.

“The introduction of our BEDP has significantly propelled the growth of our electrolyzer business,” said Plug CEO Andy Marsh. “This milestone not only highlights the increasing demand for green hydrogen but also underscores Plug’s industry leading position in PEM electrolyzer technology and driving the green hydrogen revolution.”

A BEDP provides the engineering and plant integration details to allow a full plant front-end engineering design (FEED) study to proceed purposefully and efficiently and to understand, in detail, the capital and operating expenditures associated with running a potential plant.  

Following the project development work and completion of BEDP and FEED activities, customers select suppliers and look to secure a Final Investment Decision (FID). The maturity and track record of the technologies and suppliers involved contributes to any green hydrogen project reaching FID.

The general timeline for these projects to move from BEDP and FEED to FID is approximately 6-18 months. At that point, the BEDP funnel could translate into electrolyzer sales, with each GW representing up to $0.5B to $0.75B in potential revenue.

Most recently, Plug closed a 3 GW BEDP contract with Allied Green Ammonia for an electrolyzer project in Australia. The company has an additional 4.5 GW of BEDP contracts spanning the U.S. and Europe.

Plug's ability to scale its electrolyzer business demonstrates its expertise in Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) technology and liquid hydrogen plants, being the sole electrolyzer OEM supplier constructing green hydrogen plants.

For more information about Plug’s BEDP contracts, please see our detailed blog post on this subject: https://www.plugpower.com/plugs-7-5-gw-basic-engineering-and-design-package-contracts-bedp/

Posted by Morning lark
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[수소뉴스 = 한상원 기자]연료전지가 데이터센터와 같은 대규모 전력 소비 시설에 본격적으로 설치되고 있어 업계의 이목을 집중시키고 있다.

국내 연료전지 전문기업인 에스퓨얼셀은 경기도 내 데이터센터에 310kW 납품 완료했다고 밝혔다. 이로써 에스퓨얼셀은 지난 2022년 말부터 현재까지 데이터센터 6곳에 총 580kW의 연료전지 실적을 확보했다. 이 규모는 4인 가구 기준, 약 1,400 가구가 사용하는 전기사용량이다.

데이터센터는 서버와 네트워크 등 ICT 서비스 제공을 위한 장비를 24시간 365일연중무휴로 관리해주는 시설이다. 데이터센터는 IT Load와 서버와 네트워크에서 발생하는 열을 식히기 위한 냉방설비, 습도조절장치, 보안·관제시스템 등 각종전자장비가 상시 가동되어야 하는 시설인 만큼 대규모 전력 소비 시설로 분류된다. 클라우드 서비스, 인공지능(AI), IoT, 빅데이터 분석 등 다양한 IT 서비스의 수요증가로 데이터센터의 필요성이 부각 되고 있으나, 국내 전력공급 시장은 쉽지 않은 상황이다.

이에따라, 업계에서는 연료전지가 그 해답이 될 수 있다고 평가받고 있다. 연료전지는 기존의 발전 방식보다 배출가스와 소음이 현저히 낮으며, 낮은 에너지 손실과 높은 효율로 전기와 열을 동시에 생산할 수 있어 초기 투자비용을 최소화할 수 있고, 무엇보다 계통에 문제가 생기면 독립운전 모드로 안정적인 전력을 공급할 수 있다. 세계 곳곳에서 발생하고 있는 기후 재난의 주범인 온실가스 감축에 대한 전세계적인 노력이 가속화되고 있는 가운데, 연료전지와 같은 고효율 분산전원의 필요성은 더욱 커질 것으로 전망된다.

특히, 2050년 탄소중립 달성을 목표로 하는 국내 상황에서 2025년 제로에너지빌딩(ZEB) 인증 의무 취득, 신재생에너지를 활용한 전력공급까지도 고려해야 하는 상황에서 데이터센터에 설치되는 에스퓨얼셀의 연료전지는 PEMFC로, 타 연료전지 시스템과 달리 On/Off가 자유롭고 컴팩트한 사이즈로 발열량이 낮아 설치 제약성이 없는 특성을 가지고 있다.

에스퓨얼셀 관계자는 “데이터센터 수요에 대응하기 위해 기존 주력제품에서 용량을 5배 늘리고, 제조원가를 대폭 낮춘 25kW 제품 개발이 마무리 단계에 있으며, 연말까지 가스안전 인증과, KS인증을 완료하여 시장에 출시하는 계획을 가지고 있다”고 말하며, “또한 현재 연료전지는 데이터센터의 비상발전 목적의 설치가 주이나, 점차 주전원공급 목적으로 역할이 확대될 것으로 기대된다는 전망을 덧붙였다.

한편, 산업통상자원부가 지난해 3월 발표한 자료에 따르면, 한전이 파악한 2029년까지의 데이터센터 전력 수요는 49,397MW로 2022년 1,762MW 대비 2,703%가 급증하는 것으로 조사됐으며, 대기 중인 데이터센터 110개중 83개가 수도권에 집중돼 수도권 쏠림 현상을 가중화 시키고 있다. 또, 지난 14일 시행된 ‘분산에너지 활성화 특별법’은 기하급수적으로 증가하는 특정 지역 내 중앙 공급 전력수요에 대해 제동이 걸릴 것으로 예상된다.

에스퓨얼셀, 데이터센터 연료전지 설치로 해법 ‘제시’ < 실시간 기사 < 연료전지 < 뉴스 < 기사본문 - 수소뉴스 (h2news.co.kr)
출처 : 수소뉴스(http://www.h2news.co.kr)


에스퓨얼셀, 데이터센터 연료전지 설치로 해법 ‘제시’ - 수소뉴스

[수소뉴스 = 한상원 기자]연료전지가 데이터센터와 같은 대규모 전력 소비 시설에 본격적으로 설치되고 있어 업계의 이목을 집중시키고 있다.국내 연료전지 전문기업인 에스퓨얼셀은 경기도 내



Posted by Morning lark
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'Drastic cost reduction for green hydrogen' | Canadian start-up reports record-breaking efficiency for AEM electrolysers | Hydrogen Insight


'Drastic cost reduction for green hydrogen' | Canadian start-up reports record-breaking efficiency for AEM electrolysers | Hydro

'Drastic cost reduction for green hydrogen' | Canadian start-up reports record-breaking efficiency for AEM electrolysers Cipher Neutron says its machines only need 41.75kWh per kilo of H2 — which would make them among the most efficient of any electrolys



Temp 50 degree C (preheated and maintained), pressure 10 bar, stack size 10 kW (our standard product), 1.1 amps/cm2 current density. HHV value as comparison of 39.4kWh.

Our R&D team has achieved an unprecedented 94.36% efficiency with our Anion Exchange Membrane (AEM) electrolyser stack. This breakthrough drastically reduces the cost of green hydrogen, making it more viable and sustainable. Our AEM electrolysers now require only 41.754 kWh to produce 1 kg of hydrogen at stack level. These results were produced under thorough industry standard analysis and are repeatable, ensuring reliable performance.

Innovative Design and Technology:
🔄 Unique Flow Fields Design: Ensures optimal electrolyte flow and timely gas evacuation, reducing energy losses and enhancing efficiency.
🧪 Proprietary Ink Recipe and Coating Mechanism: Enhances electrochemical performance by ensuring deep catalyst penetration and even coating for high conductivity.
🔧 Advanced Cell Compression Techniques: Improves contact efficiency and reduces resistance for better energy efficiency.
🔬 Zero-Gap Cell Technology: Minimizes the distance between electrodes, leading to higher efficiency and reaction rates.

Key Benefits:
🔋 Lower Energy Consumption: Significant reduction in electricity needed, lowering operating costs.
⚙️ Operational Savings: Less wear and tear on equipment, reducing maintenance costs and extending operational life.
📈 Enhanced Productivity: More hydrogen produced per unit of energy consumed.
💰 Competitive Pricing: Reduced production costs make green hydrogen an attractive alternative to carbon intensive grey hydrogen and other fossil fuels.
🌍 Scalability and Investment: Increased efficiency makes large-scale hydrogen production more feasible, attracting more investments.

Large-Scale Benefits:
🏭 100 MW Plant Output: When extended to a 100 MW project, Cipher Neutron's AEM electrolyser will produce approximately 3,460 metric tons more hydrogen annually than traditional electrolyser stacks, assuming 100% operational capacity.
💼 Investment Attraction: Lower production costs and higher output make green hydrogen projects more attractive to investors.
🌱 Sustainability Goals: Increased efficiency and reduced costs align with global sustainability goals.

Bheepinder Dhillon, Chief Scientific Officer of Cipher Neutron, stated, "Our team's dedication to pushing the boundaries of technology has led to this significant breakthrough. We are excited about the potential impact this will have on the green hydrogen market and our continued commitment to sustainability and innovation."

Posted by Morning lark
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 大阪ガスは、水と二酸化炭素(CO2)を高温で電気分解してメタンを合成するメタネーション技術「SOEC(固体酸化物形電解セル、Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell)メタネーション」を開発し、ラボスケールでの試験を始めた*。合成時の排熱を利用してエネルギー変換効率を高め、再生可能エネルギー電力が大きな割合を占める合成メタン(e-メタン)の製造コストを抑えられるとする。





大阪ガスが変換効率高めたメタネーション技術、排熱利用でコスト減 | 日経クロステック(xTECH) (nikkei.com)



 大阪ガスは、水と二酸化炭素を高温で電気分解し、e-メタンを合成するメタネーション技術「SOEC(固体酸化物形電解セル、Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell)メタネーション」を開発し、ラボスケー



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