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Reasons for the increase or decrease of the voltage in the electrolytic cell chamber

During the operation of the electrolytic cell, the cell voltage is usually monitored manually or online in real time, because the cell voltage can directly reflect the internal conditions of the electrolytic cell. So, what situations will cause abnormal cell voltage?

1. Water replenishment is not timely or uniform, and the electrolyte concentration is unstable, which affects the ion migration during the electrolysis process and causes the chamber voltage to fluctuate.
2. There is alkali leakage in the system, which reduces the total amount of potassium hydroxide in the tank. After water replenishment, the concentration decreases, causing voltage fluctuations. This is because the alkali leakage is not discovered, such as dripping into the ditch.
3. Damage to the diaphragm will lead to direct contact between the electrodes on both sides, causing a short circuit, resulting in a decrease in the chamber voltage and a decrease in gas purity.
4. The diaphragm is contaminated or blocked by impurities, which causes ion transmission to be blocked and also causes the chamber voltage to fluctuate.
5. Metal impurities accumulate in the alkali solution pipeline or hydrogen and oxygen pipeline inside the electrolytic cell, causing the current to short-circuit inside the flow channel, which is also the reason for the voltage drop.
6. The alkali solution channel entering the small chamber is blocked, and the alkali solution circulation in the small chamber is not smooth, resulting in a reduction in alkali solution, exposing the electrodes and diaphragms. This will increase the current density and voltage. If it is a local blockage, this phenomenon will disappear after parking for a period of time and then driving again, but the voltage will increase again after running for a period of time.
7. The hydrogen / oxygen passage out of the small chamber is blocked, and the generated hydrogen and oxygen cannot be discharged in time, resulting in a reduction in the effective electrolysis area in the small chamber and an increase in the voltage in the small chamber.
8. The cooling system fails and cannot effectively control the temperature of the electrolytic cell. For example, uneven cooling water flow or abnormal coolant temperature may cause partial overheating or overcooling of the #electrolytic cell, resulting in fluctuations in the cell voltage. When the ambient temperature changes greatly, it will also affect the thermal balance of the electrolytic cell and thus affect the cell voltage.
9. The active substances on the electrode surface fall off or age, or the electrode is contaminated, which leads to the decline of the electrocatalytic performance of the electrode, affects the efficiency of electron transfer, and causes voltage fluctuations.
10.  the possibility that the instrument for measuring voltage is damaged

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Chevron Corporation's (CVX Quick QuoteCVX - Free Report) subsidiary, Chevron New Energies, announced its ambitious plan to develop a 5-megawatt hydrogen production project in California's Central Valley in a bold move toward sustainable energy production. This initiative aims to transform energy generation by leveraging solar energy, land resources and non-potable produced water from Chevron's existing assets at the Lost Hills Oil Field in Kern County.
Leveraging Renewable Resources for Lower Carbon Energy

Chevron's strategy is based on using its strength to safely deliver low-carbon energy solutions to meet the demands of a rapidly changing world. The project's focus on producing low carbon intensity (LCI) electrolytic hydrogen through electrolysis marks a milestone in CVX's commitment to environmental sustainability. By using electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen, the company aims to pioneer a cleaner, more sustainable energy future.
Driving Innovation With Large-Scale Hydrogen Solutions

The planned facility is designed to produce an impressive two tons of LCI hydrogen per day, with the overarching goal of supporting the expansion of hydrogen refueling networks. Austin Knight, vice president for Hydrogen at Chevron New Energies, emphasized the key role of hydrogen in transitioning toward a lower carbon future. He expressed his interest in the scalability of the project, highlighting CVX's dedication to delivering innovative solutions to address the challenges of climate change.
Meeting Growing Demand Using Modern Infrastructure

The realization of CVX's vision is dependent on a range of factors, including the development of supportive legislative and regulatory energy policies at both the state and federal levels. Furthermore, the project's successful implementation requires meticulous engineering design, timely permitting and the procurement of necessary materials. As such, the development timeline spans multiple years, with commercial operations contingent upon the seamless alignment of these critical elements.
Catalyzing Economic Growth and Technological Advancement

Richard Chapman, president and CEO of Kern Economic Development Corporation, highlighted the project's importance in driving economic growth and technological innovation. By catalyzing the development of key technical and commercial proof points, the initiative holds the potential to propel Chevron New Energies toward future scale-up opportunities in the realm of lower carbon intensity hydrogen production. Moreover, the strategic location of the anticipated production facility in the Central Valley positions it to meet the demands of customers along vital transportation corridors while catering to urban markets in California.
Navigating Toward a Sustainable Future

As the world is dealing with the urgent need to reduce the effects of climate change, Chevron's dedication to developing sustainable energy solutions is admirable. By spearheading the development of cutting-edge hydrogen production technologies, Chevron New Energies is paving the way for a greener, more resilient future. Chevron remains at the forefront of the transition toward a sustainable energy landscape through strategic partnerships, technological innovation and a steadfast dedication to environmental stewardship.

Chevron's announcement of the hydrogen production project in California's Central Valley represents a milestone in the journey toward a lower carbon future. By harnessing renewable resources and embracing innovative technologies, Chevron New Energies is poised to redefine the energy landscape and drive meaningful progress toward environmental sustainability. As the project progresses, it stands to serve as an example of hope and inspiration for industries worldwide, reaffirming the transformative power of collective action in addressing the challenges of climate change.

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Power to Hydrogen has raised over USD 18 million to scale and deploy anion exchange membrane (AEM) electrolysis technology. The Series A funding round brings together financial and industrial investors from around the globe to pair with U.S. and European government support in bringing the technology to market.


The Series A funding was led by venture studio Rev1 Ventures and strategic investor Worthington Enterprises. The round also includes support from global investors, including Finindus, JERA, Asahi Kasei, American Electric Power, EDP Ventures, E.ON, ESB, FH Capital, INP Capital, and others.


“We welcome an excellent mix of new investors, including the leading investor in the Midwest of the United States, two of the most successful hydrogen investors over the last decade, and strategic partners spanning Australia, Japan, North America, and Europe,” said Dr. Paul Matter, founder and CEO of Power to Hydrogen.


Power to Hydrogen is working closely with government and industry leaders to develop and implement its technology at scale. Its innovative AEM (anion exchange membrane) electrolysis enables high current density and high-pressure hydrogen production while meeting industry durability requirements. The technology is considered a potential breakthrough in electrolysis due to its high performance, low-cost materials, and ability to tie into renewable energy. Power to Hydrogen has proven these advantages in multiple paid pilots with leading global energy companies.


With the new funding, the company will grow its U.S.-based team in Columbus, Ohio, expand its manufacturing and supply chain, and launch new offices in Belgium as part of its international expansion. The company will also complete the development of its industrial-scale electrolysis stack and system, enabling it to install the largest AEM electrolysis stack in the world at the Port of Antwerp in the coming months.


“Coupling hydrogen production with renewable energy is not as easy as some people will lead you to believe – Power to Hydrogen has not only managed to bring AEM electrolysis to a new level in terms of durability, but they have also extensively demonstrated robust cycling behavior of their patented electrolyser design,” said Hans Maenhout, Investment Director at Finindus. “We are looking very much forward to welcoming the first of its industrial-size electrolysers to the Flanders region later this year.”


Source: Hydrogentechworld

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H-TEC SYSTEMS has announced that on 30 September, the company will rebrand as Quest One. This rebranding coincides with the opening of a new production facility in Hamburg, Germany, where the company is starting automated series production of electrolysis stacks.


With its rebranding, the company underscores its ambitious goal: by 2050, it aims to avoid 1% of global greenhouse gas emissions through the use of its electrolyzers, making a decisive contribution to climate protection.


Robin von Plettenberg, CEO of H-TEC SYSTEMS, stated: “With Quest One, we have found a name that gets to the heart of our work. We want to avoid one percent of global greenhouse gas emissions – which is why we are focusing on hydrogen, the first element in the periodic table. This mammoth task is a true quest and hugely motivating for us. We want to develop Quest One into one of the world’s largest manufacturers of electrolyzers and help shape the ramp-up of the hydrogen economy. With our new name, we are underlining this international ambition and putting climate protection at the center.”


Uwe Lauber, CEO of MAN Energy Solutions SE, added: “The rebranding of H-TEC SYSTEMS into Quest One marks the beginning of a new era. When we acquired H-TEC SYSTEMS in 2019, the company had a start-up character: around 40 employees produced top-quality electrolyzers in a manufacturing operation. Since then, the number of employees has increased more than tenfold and we are building the most modern stack production facility in Europe. Today, H-TEC SYSTEMS is a leading driver of the hydrogen transition, for which international business is also becoming increasingly important. This impressive development is reflected in the new name, Quest One.”


Another significant milestone is the opening of the new, state-of-the-art production and development site in Hamburg on 30 September. The new Gigahub will facilitate the automated series production of stacks, with a potential total electrolysis capacity of over 5 GW annually at full capacity. These stacks will be developed and produced at the new site in the Hanseatic city. Previously, many of these manufacturing steps have been performed manually. With the automation of production at the Gigahub, up to 75% of the current production time can be saved.


Around 200 employees will work at the Gigahub location in the areas of production, development, testing, and service. The finished stacks and electrolyzers will then be assembled at the company’s Augsburg site in southern Germany by a team of more than 350 employees, using the automotive assembly principle.


Source: Hydrogentechworld

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Vessel designed to seek ‘Goldilocks’ wind patterns to fill removable tanks with green hydrogen


UK-based start-up Drift Energy has secured £4.65m ($6m) in venture capital funding for the development of its first 60-metre long catamaran with an on-board 1MW electrolyser powered by underwater turbines.


The firm says that the vessel can produce up to four tonnes of hydrogen on one trip, which would then be shipped to shore for use on land.


The investment comes from UK-based Octopus Ventures and will help fund the development of the first vessel up to the point of laying the first steel at a shipyard, according to Drift co-founder Ben Medland.


Medland said the company will be searching for more funding to begin building the vessel in about a year to 18 months and has a plan to get the first demonstration on the water within three years.


“It will then be important to scale up,” he said. “We will need to build vessels quickly and cheaply and deploy them.”


Drift has designed the vessels along with a routing algorithm able to find locations with the best wind conditions. “We send them out fishing, we are looking for the Goldilocks wind speeds to generate electricity and hydrogen with.”


Medland likened the vessel’s purpose to that of an offshore fixed wind turbine, albeit with the ability to relocate to better wind conditions.


He said the North Atlantic trade winds were an optimal location for these vessels to be deployed but also suggested the Caribbean, where more frequent hurricanes could be harnessed by these ships before they have to flee the worst of the weather. On their return, the ships could help restore energy blackouts caused by the strong winds.


“These will outperform static land-based wind turbines by 40% and offshore turbines by 30%,” Medland said.


The idea, like other solid wing systems being developed for the shipping industry, stems from the America’s Cup sail developments which led to racing yachts being able to sail many times faster than the prevailing wind.


In the design, each catamaran will have four rigid sails to propel the vessel, and two underwater propeller turbines, one on each hull, to generate the electricity needed to produce the hydrogen through electrolysis.


The compressed hydrogen is then stored on-board in four “ISO” container tanks.


“Most ports can lift ISO containers,” Medland said. Each tank can store up to one tonne of hydrogen and Drift believes each vessel could generate up to 150 tonnes a year.


The company discarded a previous proposal to store the energy directly into batteries, as battery technology has insufficient energy density to make the scheme viable, Medland said.


However, Drift has not ruled out building larger vessels and installing the technology to be able to generate green methanol or ammonia at sea in the future.


This article originally appeared in Hydrogen Insight's sister publication, Tradewinds.


Source: Hydrogeninsight

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